Author Topic: Brat Camp Producers Out of Touch With Reality  (Read 11127 times)

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Brat Camp Producers Out of Touch With Reality
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2005, 02:08:00 PM »
We've been through this before- it just deteriorates into more name-calling and slamming the program and it's methods.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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Brat Camp Producers Out of Touch With Reality
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2005, 03:37:00 PM »
Your circular reasoning

My question, then, is why are you here?  What is your purpose of posting on this board if it is not to discuss the validity of treatment modalities?

I will be happy to discuss "your program" in an intelligent and respectful manner.  You seem not to want any real discussion.

Whether you understand it or not, this is typical program dogma.  

"You will listen to what I say because I SAID SO.  You will do as I say because I SAID SO.  I need not provide any rationale for my beliefs or behaviors, but you MUST FOLLOW MY DIRECTION WITHOUT QUESTION."

What kind of thought process is that?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline bandit1978

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Brat Camp Producers Out of Touch With Reality
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2005, 08:26:00 PM »
At least tell us about your program-  how does it work and for whom,+ provide some scientific and psychological rationale.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
egan Flynn
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Offline AtomicAnt

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Brat Camp Producers Out of Touch With Reality
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2005, 12:34:00 AM »
On 2005-08-12 09:35:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Any abuses in treatment are intolerable.  However, the position on this forum that ALL programs are terrible and abusive and ALL parents who send their kids to programs are bad parents who are giving up their kids for someone else to raise is ridiculous.  

Whenever someone tries to point our success stories from programs- whether it be a student or a parent- you just slam them, insult them, swear at them and accuse them of being brain-washed.

I think we can all agree that there have been abuses and that there have been bad programs- many of them out of the country. No parent would want their child in an abusive program.  There are kids who desperately need a program and need what you call behavioral modification.  There are plenty of adults who need behavioral modification!  Many of us have had to learn to modify some of our behaviors in order to keep jobs.  If we aren't mature enough to do so, we lose the job. Most teenagers who are having the substance, behavior and/or anger problems that lead to a program placement have not yet developed the maturity to understand what is going on inside of them and what the long term consequences of their actions can be.  They have stopped respecting and listening to parents and teachers- for various reasons.  The families have become dysfunctional and the parents are unable to help the teen.

There is no intent to send the kid off to be abused or raised by someone else.  The intent is to keep the teen safe while he or she gets therapeutic help, matures, and is ready to show respect for authority and society."

I don't like the slamming and insulting, either. But as for the brainwashing, hey, if the shoe fits... Read any article on cults and brainwashing and these programs fit the description too well to ignore.

Does it work? Maybe. Are there success stories? Okay, if you say so, I won't argue the point. The success ratio is questionable. But is it right to do this to an individual? No, definitely not. The means is just wrong, regardless of the outcome.

As for respect for authority and society, earn it! I have little respect for authority when I see the lying thugs that run the country and little respect for the hypocritical society in which we live.

I teach my kids to question authority and try to change society. If someone doesn't, we are all doomed.

Since I've managed to live over 40 years without ever being arrested and have worked for the same company for over 20 years, I can attest that respect for authority and society are not prerequisites for success.

As for modifying behavior to keep a job, that is your choice; and that is the whole point. Your employer is not permitted to lock you up and make you change.

In juvenile justice they use the term 'status offense' for acts that are not allowed for juveniles but would not be illegal for an adult; ie truancy or running away. We need a term for acts committed where, if the victim is an adult it is called a crime, but if the victim is a juvenile it is legal; ie forced abductions and false imprisonment. We also need to extend to the law to make these illegal acts when perpetrated against kids.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Brat Camp Producers Out of Touch With Reality
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2006, 09:02:00 AM »
Here in the UK nearly 4000 families applied for the new series to be aired next week on Channel 4.  Seven children, all girls were selected, of which one was my daughter.

None of the parents went into this lightly.  All of us looked very carefully at the pros and cons.  The biggest con being 'airing your laundry in public' plus the impact the programme would have on the child, siblings and extended family. This had absolutely nothing to do with being on TV and was all about the opportunity to help my daughter in a way that I could never afford or is available (we don't have Brat Camps in the UK).  Once I knew that my daughter was likely to be selected I spoke to the parents of the previous series, read all press coverage and checked out forum boards such as this one, in the UK and US. Plus checked out the camp's safety record, approach, staff qualifications etc., before giving my daughter the choice of whether she wanted to take part - it was very much her decision.

All the girls knew to a certain extent, what they were getting into, having seen the previous series.  My daughter thought she would be sitting in a stone circle eating porridge, for most of the time, yet gave up a family holiday to go to Utah.  Deep down, she knew she had a big problem and she wanted help.  All other avenues that we had tried had failed and we had nowhere else to turn.

Publicity for the show is everywhere, in the press, on radio, trailers (featuring amongst others, my daughter).  

My daughter has received nothing but support from her friends, school and family. She's handling more negative comments from people who don't know her, or her background with humour and we all know that this weeks news is tomorrow's fish n chip paper.  On the whole, the pubicity is vary positive.  She WAS a brat..... she isn't now.

The cost of sending my daughter to brat camp was around £30 - £40K and now it's quid pro quo time.  Given the same circumstances again, knowing what we know now, we would do it all again.  

My daughter did very well at brat camp and it was certainly a positive life changing experience for her.  Our family has benefited enormously from the teenager she has become as a result of it and she is happy and focussed on what she would like to achieve in her life.  And she's kept in touch with all the staff, as have all those that appeared in the programme.

Was it worth it?
Boy, was it worth it!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »