Author Topic: DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths  (Read 5063 times)

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Offline Deborah

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Antigen

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2005, 06:15:00 PM »
Remember that juror in the Chuck Long trial who posted a few times after the trial? She emailed me a month or two ago saying she'd been interviewed for Dateline. I wonder if this is the segment?

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2005, 11:45:00 PM »
Chase was essentially "jumped" by 3 men and held on the ground for nearly 30 minutes.  By the time the sheriff arrived, called for EMT help, Chase was dead.  Traumatic asphyxiation.  He choked on his own vomit.  

Some of you might be interested in reading the entries in this guestbook from Chase's friends and family.

Chase was a great kid - very much loved and missed. Kudos to his dad (a lawyer who once represented Brown Schools) for seeking the truth and going public with his findings about restraint-related deaths.

"These people are liars.  These people need to be stopped".  - Charles Moody

God bless all the children.


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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2005, 12:01:00 AM »
Yes, that damned Excited Delirium Syndrome.
If these kids would just get it that when they are having their faces forced into the ground, or a pillow, or mat; and having the wind mashed out of them; that they stand a greater chance of surviving if they don't resist.

If that's the logic, might staff be required to read kids their 'Excited Delirium Rights'? To warn them that they risk death if they resist?

 ::deal:: You now have the right to remain silent and still while we restrain you. If you resist, you risk death. Your parents will have no recourse, because you will be held responsible for having caused your death.

I'm sure at least some of the kids would become immediately compliant.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Deborah

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2005, 12:15:00 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2005, 12:35:00 AM »
On 2005-07-31 21:01:00, Deborah wrote:


Yes, that damned Excited Delirium Syndrome.

If these kids would just get it that when they are having their faces forced into the ground, or a pillow, or mat; and having the wind mashed out of them; that they stand a greater chance of surviving if they don't resist.

If that's the logic, might staff be required to read kids their 'Excited Delirium Rights'? To warn them that they risk death if they resist?

 ::deal:: You now have the right to remain silent and still while we restrain you. If you resist, you risk death. Your parents will have no recourse, because you will be held responsible for having caused your death.

I'm sure at least some of the kids would become immediately compliant.


Yeah, can you believe it?  The excuses these programs come up with .... like in the death of Eddie Lee, where it was claimed a "prior" injury was the real cause of death (not the restraint hold).  

Dateline did a good job on this special report. Does anyone know who the producer of this segment was?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2005, 01:03:00 AM »
I'm glad Dateline did this story.  Especially considering how popular Brat Camp is with prime time viewers, it's good to see NBC is not hopping on the bandwagon, they are actually giving another perspective.   From reading the transcript however, it seems that the only way any big waves are going to be made about this issue is if the parents stop deciding to settle outside of court, and actually go through with it, and get a facility to admit wrongdoing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2005, 11:48:00 AM »
Seems Chase Moody's father made his point very clear about settling out of court--he took the Brown Schools for LOTS OF MONEY!! And his settlement appears to have been instrumental in the bankruptcy that closed this mess down. He knew if he kept fighting it would have been tied up in Appeals Court for YEARS! He is an attorney, and he beat them at their own game. And his answer to the question: "When will you know you WIN?" said it all.  He will NEVER WIN, because he will never have his son BACK!

Havin any school admitting accountability is not always to goal...having them NOT OPEN to continue thier abusive treatment of children IS THE GOAL.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2005, 12:33:00 PM »
And as my experience should make clear, restraining children also effects those of us who are not restrained but rather are forced to stand by and watch. The effect: Instill fear into kids so that they submit, comply, and so that they never show any disagreement with the "program" while in the "troubled teen facility"---The Message - just do whatever they say to get out of there! (which means kids learn little because their compliance is soley to avoid restraints, humiliation, or other consequences)

I emailed the following to Dateline immediately after watching the story on restraining "troubled youth." See below....

I felt compelled to write in response to the Danger 'troubled teens' facilities? story aired Sunday, July 31, 2005. Even though it was not easy for me to watch that story, I commend Dateline's accurate reporting on such an important issue.
About 20 years ago I was a troubled teen who was sent to a troubled teen facility, specifically, for treatment of my alleged "drug problem" (I had never used drugs before getting "treatment"). This facility, thankfully, has since closed down, from what I have heard, due to numerous civil lawsuits. It was called Straight Inc. I would not be the least bit surprised if many of those suits stemmed from kids who were physically restrained in the exact same manner the Brown Schools did in your story.
I was deeply disturbed to learn such inhumane and cruel restraint of children still continues years after I witnessed the same things in Straight. I was also outraged that these facilities still use the same excuses to justify "restraining," which shift the blame to the "trouble maker," the restrained child. Your story tonight highlighted a very old problem, not a new one.
I remember when I was in Straight watching in horror as others were restrained face down on the floor, sometimes all day. So I never "acted out" for fear of enduring the same punishment myself. The method used by Straight to restrain sounds identical to that used by Brown...In Straight, the actual restraining was done, at the staff's direction, by fellow kids in treatment. One person would sit on each limb, for a total of at least four people restraining a child face down on a hard, ceramic tile floor. The "staff" by the way, consisted primarily of kids that had "graduated" the program and decided to become a staff member.
By the way, restraining, in Straight anyway, was not only a method to control "misbehaviors" but was also a blatant attempt to instill fear in those of use that watched. Yes, good old fashion deterrence.
My story is different in that I was never restrained myself in Straight. However, you may be surprised to learn that other disturbing things go on with those places. For example, in my case, after I graduated from the program, 4 months into Straight's so-called after care program, and three weeks after I turned 18, I was abducted by my parents and three accomplices, with Straight's knowledge and encouragement, who were ready and waiting when I forcibly arrived back at Straight. The local police did become involved and wanted my cooperation in their effort to shut down Straight. I refused only because, in spite of what my parents, their accomplices and Straight did, I knew my cooperation could send my parents to jail.
I reveal this in hopes that the media will probe further into the abuses that occur in facilities to help troubled teens. There are plenty more that I have not mentioned. I question whether the general public and even many of those who work in the Juvenile Justice system, who routinely court order kids to similar treatment programs, have any clue how bad these places can be. Part of the problem, I believe, is that the people who know first hand what really goes on in youth treatment programs, are troubled teens admitted into such programs. And nobody is willing to believe or listen to kids who have been labeled "bad" or a "trouble maker." Of course, staff members are aware of it, but as your show pointed out, they are too busy shifting the blame to actually take any responsibility.
Your story, Danger 'troubled teens' facilities?, if the tip of the iceberg. What about the glamorization of similar troubled teen facilities on television such as ABC's "Brat Camp?" A similar movie glamorized Straight in the eighties. I find this trend horrifying and disturbing. I guarantee you that viewers are not shown the very real and ugly side of these programs. Also...what about the psychological/emotional damage caused to those of us that are subjected to such "programs"?
Ironically, my experience at Straight, as horrifying as it was to me then and now, played a large role in my decision to become a lawyer. In fact, I hope to someday be a juvenile court judge. But even though I am now a successful person and will soon be a lawyer, there are still times I confront the scars of my very painful past, of when I was in Straight. Despite my criticisms of youth treatment facilities, I can say that I did learn a couple very helpful things while in Straight, have long since forgiven my father, and I feel confident that such programs can help troubled teens IF the abuses stop. Many programs do attempt to teach some good things, BUT there is a lot that goes on in these places that must end, and therefore should be explored further and brought to the public's attention by the media. I urge Dateline to do more stories like Danger 'troubled teens' facilities? so that those troubled kids out there who need help, get the help that they deserve in a way that is safe and humane.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2005, 01:07:00 PM »
I am also a Drug War POW, as you so accurately put it....and was also a casualty of Straight 84-86. See my post below Titled "My Experience"

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2005, 08:37:00 AM »
Excellent Article on Alternatives to Restraint

"Children who are victims or witnesses to abuse experience significant changes in the way they regulate their emotions over time, creating all kinds of problems as they get older," Huckshorn says. And yet as these children escape violent, abusive surroundings, they are all too often subject to violence in a venue designed to protect them.

"I think we've confused what's therapeutic in terms of intervention," says Janice LeBel, Director of Program Management for the Child and Adolescent Division of Massachusetts's Department of Mental Health (DMH). "There was a tacit belief that containing children, setting harsh limits, and imposing a physical restraint or seclusion was somehow therapeutic. How we got the idea that meeting a child's history with violence was somehow going to be palliative and restorative, we don't know."

If a child's past is the powder keg that makes potential conflict so explosive, it's often the staff who provide the spark. "In reviewing restraint episodes involving children, we noticed a pattern," says Nan Stromberg, Director of Nursing and Licensing for Massachusetts DMH. "When kids were in trouble and in distress, the staff would set limits, and the kids would then become more agitated--a recipe for restraint."

"Research that looks at why restraint increases [stress] points to the phenomenon of counteraggression," says Paul Jones, Staff Development Coordinator at Home of the Innocents in Louisville, Kentucky. "When you feel like you're being attacked, there may be an [instinctive] reaction, and a staff member [may be contributing to that situation]. Counteraggression prevents people from being able to let those verbal assaults or other things go."

"Everyone [is vulnerable to counteraggression], whether they admit it or not," Jones warns, "but the extent to which it happens decreases with experience and training."

When Stromberg and LeBel decided to investigate the backgrounds of children involved in the most restraints, they found that more than 85% had significantly well-documented trauma histories.

"These kids weren't seeking out restraint, they were traumatized," Stromberg says, "and their needs were being expressed and being poorly met. Restraint was not only countertherapeutic, it was [repeating] the abuse they had already experienced. Once we understood that was a critical variable, we were forced to step back and do business in a different way."

At New York's Bellevue Hospital, where restraint is not used at all in the child unit, and only rarely in the adolescent unit, Stromberg and LeBel found a staff committed to doing whatever it took to see a child through a crisis by talking through the situation.

"In the adolescent unit, we saw a remarkable example where a girl was very out of control, pounding the wall," Stromberg says. "Instead of offering the usual 'You've got to lower your voice and get in control,' the nurse manager was validating her anger, saying, 'I know you're angry, and that makes sense--I'd be angry too.'" The staff were able to escort the other children from the room, and in that quieter setting, the situation was quickly diffused.

But to the DMH officials, it all seemed too simple. "We grilled the directors," LeBel says, "looking at numbers of staff and training and how much they paid their workers, figuring there had to be some big difference that allowed them to be restraint free, but there wasn't one. But there was crystal-clear, rock-solid leadership [committed to finding another way], and a group of people who understood they could negotiate any kind of crisis without resorting to restraint."

Entire Article at NoSpank:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Nihilanthic

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2005, 11:10:00 AM »
I think the restrainers need to some mat-time against submission grapplers so they know what its like to be on the receiving end of it  :roll:

Seriously. Drag in a college wrestler, a Judo black belt or a BJJ blue belt and see what happens.

It has ever been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues

--Abraham Lincoln

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Deborah

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2005, 02:07:00 PM »
The rest of the article goes into detail about how to curtail restraints. It outlines much of what you just described.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Nihilanthic

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DATELINE TONIGHT: Restraint Deaths
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2005, 02:18:00 PM »
The issue is that the whole restraint thing has become a mechanism by those children to assert whatever power they have left, to spite you (er, the staff), and test you(staff..). Its like kid vs adult sparring for them... they know they cant win but they dont want to feel totally inept and helpless, so to spite them they force you to do it.

Why do you think they get into them so damn much?

Restraint really needs to just be phased out as much as possible. I see people restrain kids for bullshit reasons all the time - including insults or acting out but not at a danger to anyone. Meh, this has jogged my memory and reminded me of my couple-month stint at some bullshit county-run miniprogram called "bridges" and its locking 'time out room' (with a spring so you have to hold the lock or it flies open because some kid died from smoke while locked in there during a fire) and illegal restraints on some of the more fucked up kids, inculding a basket restrained kid being sat on by a fat orderly while everyone laughed during a field trip.

I was out pretty soon because I wasnt "bipolar" or mentally messed up AT ALL. I had the most inept teacher I've ever even heard of, and she literally did nothing. My parents were in the principle's office daily becuase of the shit happening and her lack of ability to control the class room or keep the little bastards off me.

Hell, just heard this from my mom after telling her about it. One time after I had been shoved over on some stumps left from a bush being cut down to ground level in the playground (this was 5th grade) and my back bleeding, I showed the injury and my bloody shirt to the teacher, who was standing around with other teachers jabbering. She looked at me like "wtf do you expect me to do?" and I blew up. Later in the priciples office infront of everyone I chewed her out for letting so much appen to me and she cried and made a scene.

I got the boot and the fake 'diagnosis' becuase they couldnt do their job and shooed me off. The school work at bridges was so simplistic it was insulting.... ugh. I still remember how some 20-something bitch followed me around in classes all day and the teachers were intentionally told to let the kids start shit with me to see how I'd react, including someone writing "Fuck you Chris" on a table... and now that I remember it it was in an adults hand writing, and that bitch was just scribbling away~

:flame: Just incase people dont know me well who are reading this thread, the system made me what I am today. Its a broken system that feeds the wilderness camps, TBS programs, and after-care programs and the cults for the inept parents... and makes adults like me out of innocent children.

Religion is a byproduct of fear. For much of human history, it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?
--Arthur C. Clarke, author

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."