I don't think the name matters really. I mean. I can see that it does in the big picture. However, individual views are shared, and I have yet to come accross one that was PRO str8 inc. Well, at least not amoungst the current 'regulars'. I think for the sake of us being to broke and too lazy to do anything about it, most of us are willing to just pretend we don't notice it.
It's not like it realllly means anything.
I can see what u mean about 'alumni' though.
It was a bit misleading when I saw it the first time. I almost felt like I was rejoining a cult, lol. But, really, I went to Widener University. And I am Alumni from Widener. Whether I graduated or not, or liked it or not, I still am Alumni.
Although -- Str8 wan't exactly a private university.
hmmm... so there are two sides to this...
I am just seeing the frienships getting tossed in the process. Personally I make the decision to be impartial. It doesn't matter. I can overlook it until an alternative can be 'reasonably' reached.
There are opportunity costs to doing both. And really, since I don't think it will happen one way or the other, why worry about it. Think of it as an accident that we have to deal with.
It isn't OUR decision anyway.
I for one don't have time to keep up with more than one site. And, I really don't wanna have to chase you around Christine, lol... I mean, what the hell, you can't really be leaving. Who will I 'relate' to...lol
Ughhh... what is this world coming to? Can't we all just get along...
Love ya (hope ya don't mind my 2 cents -- or was that more like 10?)
Kelly C.