Author Topic: 4/1/11 Elan School - GAME OVER!!!  (Read 2655 times)

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Offline The Elan Reporter

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4/1/11 Elan School - GAME OVER!!!
« on: April 01, 2011, 09:03:48 PM »
Well it was a very sad day for the abusers who ran amuck for decades at the abusive boarding school known as Elan School. Marty Kruglik (TCK) "Tribal Chief Kruglik was seen packing up his tee-pees which were made from stolen under wear that he has collected over the decades to construct a huge tee-pee. TCK had several donkeys and his favorite buffalo for whom he practices oral sex with on a daily basis, stacking loin clothed bags filled with his personal belongings which include many dozens of dildos, nudity pictures of teens from over the decades, hi yuh yuh gear, and a copy of the elan philosophy which is basically a brain washing tool used by TCK and the other abusers who worked there. The Terry witch simply could no longer pay the bills and had no choice but to close the doors forever. TCK who got a $250 a week salary for the past 4 decades from Elan had this to say. "Hi yuh yuh, me-suh very sad that me-suh lost job. Me suh has no idea how to make white mans money now that school is out of business. Me suh will go back to me suh's tee pee and fuck me suh's pet pig all night long, while me suh tried to figure out how me suh will be able to make white mans money to survive. Hi yuh yuh yuh"
TCK who was one of Joe riccis first brain washed subjects, became humble toward Ricci back in the early 70's and learned the ways of the Mongoloid indian traditions which he self taught himself only to teach the way of the Kruglik later in life to teen victums which he enjoyed abusing most of his life. TCK became Joe's servant, and would aide Joe in raping female students while TCK watched on and learned about the vagina and breasts. But TCK had other desires, such as young little teen boys and became sexually addicted to lust for teen boyhood sex. Take by force was strictly TCK's policy, as sex for TCK was never consential. Joe on the other hand was the master of rapes. The staff trailer was the love nest for all Joe's sexaul desires. He even turned some students into whores, who later worked for Joe as prostitutes as Clare woodwhore would use the staff trailer for all her calls with the johns, raking in thousands of dollars a night for Joe. The Terry witch would turn her cheek and go on spending sprees, from shopping for expensive dresses, jewelery, to crooked politcians to help cover up the abuse and criminal activites that went on at Elan for decades. The staff that worked there were basically students at one time themselves, and after going through the program, they were brainwashed idiots and no one would give them a job so Joe saw to it that they would always have a job at Elan. Even though one was a hooker and the other a hard core drugg addict, Joe turned the other cheek and appointed unoccupied buildings around the campus to Marc Rosendope so he could shoot his dope in privacy. And Clare could continue to fufill her sexaul needs in the prostituion trade.

But for TCK, he was allowed full run of the woods, to set up his indian mongoloid reseveration, with tee-pee's made of stolen teenage underwear. With dug out poopy holes which TCK also used for cooking in the middle of the tee-pee's, TCK had a passion for having sex with different four legged animals. He even once fucked a buffalo to death according to his ex young under age wife Kickapoo. Kickapoo was only 12 when TCK< tied the knot with her and basically used her as a sheild to cover up his sexual ways. Kickapoo dressed in full hi yuh yuh gear and lived the way of the Kruglik life style. TCK later would establish the Bot programs, were he made Gott-botts, which were robots that resembled the likeness of the abusive staff. His endeaver failed not long after it was made public and went under. The Terry witch who funded the got-bot program mismanaged the monies she recieved from admissions and would spend alot of it on jewelry and the Joe Ricci estate.

So as the sun set this evening, there was a fina hi yuh yuh chant from TCK which also had a tear running down his eye, just like the indian from the 70's that were in those commericials we all remember as kids. TCK headed off into the woods, guiding his donkeys and buffalo which were carried his belongings. The buildings were silent for a first time, no more teens being abused, all of them were let go during the week and got their freedon back and are safely far far away from the staff that abused them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!

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Re: 4/1/11 Elan School - GAME OVER!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2011, 09:09:09 PM »
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 10:57:39 AM by Anonymous »

Offline The Elan Reporter

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Re: 4/1/11 Elan School - GAME OVER!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2011, 04:04:10 PM »
The hi yuh yuh mongoloid indian is unemployed. no more white mans money for the IMR hi yuh yuh chief Kruglik. And no more teens for him to abuse either.
All he has is his teepee's, rubber dicks, buffalo and a pig to fuck.

Hi yuh yuh yuh, hi yuh yuh yuh!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: 4/1/11 Elan School - GAME OVER!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 11:45:34 PM »

You know what I like besides just the fact that elan is closed due to the web and those serial child abusers Martin Kruglik and Jeffery Gottlieb  hopefully will never work with children ever again.

Is the fact that they know that I have been posting about elan since Dec 15 ,2001 on here (and before that it was letters to anyone who would listen) .....its the fact that those old boys know me by name and they know my posts are the truth and they know me by name,     because I always used my name  unless I got bumped off and then it would sign me in as a guest and then I would have to sign back in an post that the above post was mine. Elan Reporter......... for  me that is priceless, that those old boys know I am part of it. Priceless I tell you ,just freaking priceless.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline The Elan Reporter

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Re: 4/1/11 Elan School - GAME OVER!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2011, 08:22:38 PM »
Breaking news.

TCK has been moving all of his Krug-bot's, Gott-bot's, Clare-bot's, Rowe-bot's, Terry witch-bot's and Rosendope-Bot's into the elan 3 house. He is also busy with making teen-bot's and hopes to produce about 45 of them in the next 2 months so that he can have a functioning house. TCK has started transforming the house dorms into his new place of residence and will call house dorms home. He has been hanging up feathers, buffalo scrotom sacs and mounted buffalo dicks on the walls of the CO office. TCK has complete control over the former elan 3 house and hopes that his bot's will interact with the new teen-bot's and make them wear signs, take away their pants and laces, and force them to box in a bot-ring. TCK also made a sign and placed it where the old elan school sign stood that reads "TCK's bot reform house". He has built a Leroy-bot which he made head of security and will not let anyone pass unless you know the secret security code which is "Hi yuh yuh yuh".

TCK also has plans of converting the former elan 7 house and surrounding land into a bufallo race track, where people can bet on the buffalo races. It will be named "Krugborougho Downs". TCK plans to follow in the foot steps of the late Joe Ricci which was also is former mentor, and master as TCK was employed as a servant to Joe for most of his pathetic life. TCK wants to see the legacy of Joe live on through the way of the Kruglik, and run  the former elan school in the way of a traditional Indian Mongoloid traditionist. TCK's first bot which is nearly finished, will be a DEE-Bot, which will have tampons that were soaked in ketchup hanging from it's head. TCK has placed blow up dolls and made them resemble teens in the elan 8 house and frequently goes into the old elan 8 house several times a day and yells out "Hi yuh yuh yuh, General Meeting, hi yuh yuh yuh". TCK also has placed some blow up dolls on the second floor and has them sitting in chairs in one room in a circle performing an encounter group with a precorded cassette tape that plays explicit languauge complete with elan-speak. In the other second story rooms, TCK has 4 blow up dolls sitting in a row of chairs which is the verbal repremind room, which also has a prerecorded tape player playing elan-speak, giving out V/R's to whom ever  enters the room. TCK has also revised the V/R's with a new policy, and that policy is whom ever has to knock on a door for a V/R has to knock 3 times, and when asked who's out there, they must respond "Hi yuh yuh yuh (Name here) Hi yuh yuh yuh". Then upon entering the room after being told to come in, the knocker must immediately drop his pants and underwear so that TCK can fixate his eye's on the groin area and maintain eye contact while giving a V/R. It's all in the way of the Kruglik TCK insists. He wants to keep Joes dream alive and running, but combine it with the way of the Kruglik. TCK wishes to bring back former abusers like warshitsky, McCann, Flyn and Bennison. He will offer them a company buffalo and first come first serve, choice of any IMR tee-pee. TCK also changed the electric sauce to buffalo sauce and is in the process of writing the bot reform philosophy which all bots will read before bed time.

TCK also discussed changing one of the remote old buildings into a boxing house, where bots will be forced to box other bots, and TCK will run a betting ring as well. TCK also hopes that in the future he can abuct runaways and bring them back to the bot reform school and make them go through his program which is 5-7 years. Me suh would love to abduct the white mans teen and teach them the ways of the Kruglik, hi yuh yuh yuh, and hopefully make them IMR residents, hi yuh yuh yuh. Replied TCK in a phone conversation. Me suh's plans for the buffalo race track will also have betting, but in IMR trading goods only, hi yuh yuh yuh. Upon the first buffalo to cross the line at end of the race, me suh will run out onto track dressed in full IMR head dress and have sex with the buffalo , hi yuh yuh yuh. Me suh will run the entire complex and this time hold me suh's head up straight (no longer looking at the ground when walking) because me suh will be surrounded by me suh's bot's and me suh's inferiority complex is non existent when not around the white man, hi yuh yuh yuh. Me suh developed inferiority complex when me suh first came to elan and Joe scarred me suh straight. Me suh's hands became permantly swollen from me suh's pan days and me suh's face resembles a frying pan from me suh getting hit in the face with frying pan which Joe did back in the 70's to reform me suh, hi yuh yuh yuh. Me suh is very proud of me suh's swollen hands and fry pan face, and me suh always use swollen hands when speaking by swishing them in the air. Mostly because me suh gets nervous around the white man, and me suh got used to placing hands in front of face so fry pan would not hit face, hi yuh yuh yuh.

TCK also has tried to get all the teachers to come back to the former elan school for employment, but each teacher turned down TCK because TCK was only going to pay them with IMR trading goods. TCK who worked for a $250 a weel salary in white mans monies for the last 30 some years admits he does not have the US funds to pay any staff or teacher. TCK also spent most of his little salary on dildos and other sex toys throughout the years, but luckily had no rent to pay because he lived in a tee-pee made out of stolen under wear which he stole from the dorms of each house through out his 30 year employment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!