Author Topic: THE SAFE PROTEST  (Read 2481 times)

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Offline GregFL

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« on: July 13, 2002, 02:07:00 AM »
It is 1:20 am and I just rolled in from the protest of SAFE in Orlando FLa.
First, a little background for those of you that don't know. SAFE is a direct descendent of straight- rehab program operating on OBT in Orlando. Safe uses substantially the same methods as the Seed and Straight did with a few tweaks.
Several years ago WAMI did a segment on SAFE that was highly critical of the methods. Around the same time we became aware of a kid named Weaver in the program that had broken ties with his mom whom was distraught, and another kid named Jeff whom had suffered severe abuse at the hands of SAFE. We got together and had our first ever straight survivors protest.
Tonight was the second protest. We arrived at the staging area around 4:00 pm and about 20 straight and seed survivors were there with a Safe survivor and our friend Jeff, whom has now grown into quite a young man.We then proceeded to SAFE and set up our protest on the edge of the parking lot. Loretta Parrish, the director of Safe, recently resigned and rumours were floating around that there were some "financial improprieties" involved, but we were unable to confirm. The person left in charge was a parent of former SAFE members named Brian Seeber. Brian is an attorney from Marylnad and a quiet type of fellow. There is a whole group of kids from Maryland there.
 I told him that we intended to have a peacefull demonstration, that we wanted our side of the story told and he agreed and shook my hand. for Several hours we spoke to parents coming into open meeeting, spoke to local residents and merchants, and "bullhorned" the group so the kids could hear our support. Sammy did an excellent job of letting them hear that we thought certain things they were experiencing were abusive. We told parents that they were involved in a cult, that if there kids had a real drug problem they should bring them home and find a better way. Our reception was of course mixed by the parents.
During the course of the meeting, Weaver drove up and parked by us! I introduced myself and had a great talk with him. He is off the program, in touch with his mom (yeah) and seems to be critically thinking about what he went thru. Big event for those of us that have been pulling for his mom and him to reconcile. Jeff was having a good time confronting his tormentors and was feeling confident and looking and feeling good. (Double yeah).
Around 8:30, Jodi and I decided to ask if we could observe the open meeting. We were met at the front door and told to leave or the police would be called. I asked if we could observe open meeting, was told no, and we left. Several minutes later the police showed up and told us SAFE wanted us arrested for tresspassing, but refused. They also told us it was against the law to bullhorn without a permit. Jodi challenged that assertion and asked for the statute. After not being able to produce it, we were allowed to resume. The police left and told us to stay off their property and we agreed.

Around 10:00 they started driving around the back and taking the newcomers out in a way they wouldn't see us. Some of us decided to go around that way and let the kids know we supported them. While back behind the Safe on the adjacent property, Sammy and Carrie witnessed a kid come out of the safe, try to run and be physically thrown into a car, restrained. They started yelling for someone to call the police and several of us, including Doc and I, ran back there to see what was going on. The ladies stood in the way of the vehicle that had the restrained kid in it, and Jodi walked over to intervene. This is when all hell broke loose. The SAFE parents came out spewing program hatred, one of them got in Jodi's face and in a typical program confrontation, yelled in her face and told her he would piss on her leg if she didn't leave and unzipped his zipper. His veins were bulging and hate was spewing. I yelled at him to get out of her face. Things started happening fast. I got into a verbal exchange with Seeber, Parents started yelling and confronting the girls to move, someone thru a football block at Doc, I yelled at him and he dissapeared back into the SAFE crowd. Ex SAFE staff members had a camera rolling and agreed to show it to the police and said they saw the whole thing. we continued to block the car and called the police. They put the car in reverse and started leaving just as the police arrived. and I requested that they review the video and arrest the person whom assaulted Doc. Unfortunately, the video, shot at dark wasn't clear. Jodi was issued a tresspassing warning. We demanded a report be taken to investigate the abuse of the child we saw. SAFE claimed it was a kid clowning around and produced a kid claiming it was him. Sammy filled out a report because someone had pushed her in the breast and did something to her foot.Seeber and I exchanged words and I encouraged him to drop the modality and admonished him for the cult like behavior of his parents and followers. He was "talked to" right up and until the time he got in his car and left.
Sometime around 11:00, we broke up and went our seperate ways. Several of the women were understandably upset at witnessing the restraint and at our inability to get the police to do anything.
This was, to date, the most awesome, effective protest we have had yet. And it won't be the last, SAFE. Mr. Seeber, if you are reading this, and I am reasonably sure you will, take note. We are here, we know what goes on in there, and we intend on letting the world know. The story being told about us confusing the Straight and SAFE is erroneous. We know where all the steps come from, the yelling "im coming home", the motivating, the chairs, the open meeting, the confessions,mic talk, the bathroom priveledges, the earned affection of your family, the moral inventories.We KNOW what goes on in SAFE and we know where it came from. Many of us suffered under the same modality years and years ago.  Change the modality of SAFE or be prepared to deal with us, the truth brokers.
Final thought:  I truly believe that SAFE is on its last legs. The group size is small, the support fractured, and they are embroiled in a lawsuit that alleges, among other things, abuse and violations of the RICO act.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline infanalyst

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« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2002, 03:17:00 AM »
Hey Greg,

Sorry I missed it! I am moving and was unable to make it for this. I am very happy it went so well! Let's hope the pressure will be really hot now since you claim the size is now very small.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Brent Lewis
American "War on Drugs" P.O.W.
Straight - DC (Springfield)

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2002, 10:14:00 AM »
I just got off the phone with Chris and then Wes. Chris is back in Orlando and ready to do whatever, within the limits of the law, to protect that kid who tried to bolt.

That's my biggest concern right now. I'm glad that your presence down there gave the kid enough heart to make a break for it. But, despite all efforts to get the police or CPS to intervene, so far they're unfazed and unwilling to do anything direct and immediate.

Here's what Wes sent me this morning.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wes Fager"
Subject: Orlando cnty sheriff's office

First of all, let me say that was a great picket tonight.  I am truly sorry I could not have been there.

The police responders to SAFE were from the Orange Cnty Sheriff Dept at 407-737-2400 Records: 407-836-3760 Detectives: 407-836-4020

Two reports were filed.  One by D. S. Brewster, case# 02069491  and one earlier by Officer Weisner #02-069473. I believe the Brewster complaint mentions trespassing by two individuals, an alleged assault,  and mentions a report of a kid being forced into a car.   I don't know yet what the  Weiser report says.

I spoke with Brewster who was not very cooperative but did give me his supervisor's name-Corporal S. Spall.  I called Spall and she called me back.  After I explained why we were there and our concerns,  that you were 20 kids who had been thru SAFE's parent program 20 years ago.  That you had been abused, that we had heard complaints of abuse from some current SAFE parents,  that you were now adults and would not tolerate SAFE or anybody else abusing kids the way they had done you.  I told her about the sexual abuse at GT.

We went around and around on whether a kid had been kidnapped.  I explained that the scam is that they don't have paid counselors, that they make kids be counselors, that they make kids restrain kids,  that as a cop she had to be  trained in restraints,  that you just can't restrain somebody without training,  etc.

I told her we would report the incident on the internet and that we would follow thru with a complaint to the sates attorneys office. I will probably call the states attorneys office,  but they may want further reporting from any eyewitnesses.  I told her what would happen to a Straight kid who tried to escape and that we are now all very concerned  about the fate of the kid who tried to run from SAFE tonight.  About how in Straight he could get marathoned for two days straight and what that entails.

I think  she sees our concerns.  She says I can get a copy of both reports from records on Mon or Tues and that I can speak with detectives by Tuesday--so they are not going to let this drop.

Now,  let me continue with my data gathering from them.  It probably won't hurt for a couple of more to call them to express concern.  But whether we flood them with everybody calling that might be a great idea,  and it mite be a bad idea.  That's open for discussion.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline FaceKhan

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« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2002, 03:12:00 PM »
That RICO suit is bad news for them to say the least. I think only one person, a congressman named Trafficant, has ever been aquited under the RICO laws.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2010, 12:31:26 AM »
Cross-posting of the OP and some additional commentary in this thread in the Straight, Inc. forum:

    SAFE PROTEST · viewtopic.php?f=7&t=550[/list]
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    « Reply #5 on: August 13, 2010, 09:21:02 PM »
    Quote from: "Enash"
    I would only caution you to make sure you are 100% right.

    If you are not 100% right and this place actually helps even 1 kid, then you are f'ing up.
    Hmm. Let's say it actually helps one kid, or say ... actually helps five. But it fucks everyone ELSE up big time. So... ya think the place should still continue doing as they've been doing, and that what they do is okay?

    Perhaps I'm just not understanding your post correctly... <scratches head>
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline wdtony

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    « Reply #6 on: August 17, 2010, 05:58:10 AM »
    Quote from: "Enash"
    I'm saying you'd better be pretty good at math-that and the ability to judge each case from afar and correctly discern which were helped and which were hurt.

    Then after you knew it all and ran the numbers you'd know for sure whether more kids were hurt or helped and then could universally decide on behalf of everyone if you should attack the place or just let it be.

    Ya falla?

    Submit the results of the double blind, unbiased party, long term study and get back to us with the results. Then we can examine the facts and discuss.

    Would you like to share your positive experiences at SAFE here? Opinions are always welcome at Fornits.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
    Pathway Family Center Truth =

    Offline Antigen

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    « Reply #7 on: August 18, 2010, 11:56:52 AM »
    Enash, SAFE was shut down a long time ago. The people who kicked off the effort were a group of 6 parents who had been hurt and who's children had been hurt by their involvement in Loretta's little cult. We were only there to support them.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
    "Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
    ~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes