Author Topic: AN INQUEST INTO THE INQUEST  (Read 2056 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« on: August 02, 2009, 02:52:03 AM »
there are very few people here that have any sense. and honestly, only about 3-4 trouble makers. they are seed supporters that tried to rally together and attack the jones' because the jones' told it like it was.

fuck you about too many posts. because they all have different subjects, and many respond to your completely fabricated allegations, not backed by anything factual.

so, if you want the bullshit to stop.

shut the fuck up, move on and make a REAL topic.

afterall, its YOU who made this board all things stack.


libby stole their clothes.
the dead debby del bueno cut their hair and tortured both of those little girls all they could. yeah, they ain't little now, but they were then.
its nice to see debbt had the mocking death of drug suicide, when she was entirely full of shit and transparent at the seed.
i would have liked to have injected her myself. and the entire lot of you as well. save a few.

when i come here, it's like the sunday paper.

i look for pertinent articles, like wd tony, which not one of you ever respond to. so, don't say it's about the real issues. you are full of shit, vampires that suck on the assholes of each other.

and then i go to the sports page, the assholes that make threats, and falsify claims of credibility and go as far to say criminal acts are being done here. am i right or am i extreme right you fucking cunts. allegations of hiding from criminal prosecution, internet wives, etc. that shit is only funny, and ME - STACK JONES -- i enjoy the sport of it, in fact, i am light enough to attack my own self in the process. and ye have no responses to that. how do you handle a guy that mocks himself? you fucking hippies posing as limbaugh fanatics.

then there are the comic pages.

you assholes make me laugh a lot.

erica, sally geepers, a million guests, that are maybe 3 people, libby the liar and her hardy har har husband -- they all go by the name greg duhfl, sally geepers, justonemore, erica the closet queen and a few others.

you are suffering the stockholm syndrome. you are lost losers.

and i am a pedophile, a gay femboy, and anything else that you perceive as a society outcast.

nothing can be substantiated.

why not a past felon? surely, you cunts looked up my criminal history, and didn't find anything. because it doesn't exist.

you are the ghosts. you are the old gray ghosts with no past, and no present and no future. just an old gray ghost! insignificant and blend in mutely at any event you attend. the most lost of the lost.

and clearly living uneventful and mundane. so. fl. lives. er... if you call that living.

you assholes wanted a tirade with a "tyrant." you got it.

you got it.

my attacks were on the ma barker clan and her hillbilly offspring.

but, you attempted to turn it on me.

how the fuck do you even know if someone signing in as stack jones is really the stack jones you demonize?

did you ever think you may be harming someone that is not affiliated with this board at all? no, because you are dumb cunts.

PLEADING with antigen and psy to kick the pedophile off the board.

paranoid, paranoid.

truth be told.

yea are racists - isn't that right just one more, homophobic -- isn't that right erica, you are VERY afraid of the real facts being disclosed. would you like to read my post from andy panic -- because you use the same contact name when contacting him.

you started saying i wear pink panties, and am a gay femboy.

you closet queen. you pine daily to be touched, or even receive one glance from the beautiful woman in my life. but, it ain't comin' your way. you will remain unloved, and living in the past -- regretting.

i spoke the facts, and knew who you were from the first post.

tired of your bullshit. i reveal the real you.

you stole boss' old managers wife's under garments and were caught wearing them.

you can deny or ignore this all you want.

and the 2-3 others that are on your "side" will believe you are just a normal guy.

but, as you read these words, you and i both know you are the pink panties little queer. and worst of all, a closet queer at that. someone that refuses to recognize their own true self - and thereby making yourself worthless.

i'll ask andy to post here, and spill the beans, but we all know you're just going to say -- its just the jones'.

you little queer.

that's why you attack women and animals. a real man will beat the teeth out of your mouth.

and eric... you also know one thing about me --- you know that i will, and have and do back my words, with fist and fury.



 and now for something completely different.

and the final chapter -- if you choose.

ye are losers who still reside in the land of the lost -- so. fl.

fuck i can't imagine none of you have not already shot yourselves in the face yet.

so. fl. is loserville. entirely!


as for this susan girl -- look her up, she's easy to find too.

odd - or not so odd, afterall, because you can't keep up with the jones'.

she has an amazing house in the best part of miami.

and the taxes alone are more than your annual income.

strange -- or not so strange, that when ye were challenged. not one of you responded.

not one.

just like when a true pertinent issue is posted here - not one of you respond.

you low ends, couldn't afford to park your 1989 toyota corolla in susan's neighborhood!

ye are on the outside looking in.

so, keep your comicbook attacks coming people.

those zombies who are somehow defined as alive, but yet not really living.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2009, 09:53:38 PM »
Hey stack, libby stole your underwear so now you post about raping children, dismembering people  and anal sex with men.

 :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:

Nothing you will ever say will make it right.  No one will ever want anything to do with you here again.

Get the fuck out and go back to the pervert chat rooms from where you came. No one likes you here except [email protected] and that is only as long as you keep paying for it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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(No subject)
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2009, 10:52:02 PM »
Quote from: "GregFL"
Hey stack, libby stole your underwear so now you post about raping children, dismembering people  and anal sex with men.

 :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:

Nothing you will ever say will make it right.  No one will ever want anything to do with you here again.

Get the fuck out and go back to the pervert chat rooms from where you came. No one likes you here except [email protected] and that is only as long as you keep paying for it.

u keep trying 2 talk 4 every1 here greg

but u dont
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2009, 11:22:16 PM »
Yea I for one Greg do not agree with you, but do not let door hit you in the face, you know the one you sit on.....sigh..... :moon:  :moon:  :moon:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2009, 12:37:39 AM »
This guest with the breathing problem showed up exactly when stack pedophile posts Jones did. "...Sigh..."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2009, 01:02:32 AM »
stack is no freak.

what seed did to kids, IS a freak.

let the man vent.

you had your time. leave the man his.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2009, 01:17:58 AM »
'Got no problem with that if/when he starts acting like a man and quits posting about raping women and children.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »