Author Topic: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell  (Read 8471 times)

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Offline Ursus

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Re: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2011, 10:20:53 PM »
From Riverview Academy's homepage; their list of offensive or suspect behaviors is quite long and comprehensive: :D

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RiverView Academy

RiverView Academy is a transitional boarding facility for struggling teens that are out of control. RiverView Academy programs empower teens to conquer behavior problems such as anger, drug abuse, disrespect, low self-esteem and depression. It gives them the structure to make good choices for personal growth and success.

Our Summer Adventure Experience provides teens with an unique opportunity to look at challenges as excitement rather than fear, which is then integrated into broader realistic perspective of their lives.

Today's youth face more serious and critical risks than any previous generation. Parents are convinced that their children face a major crisis. Teenagers who have trouble coping with the stresses of life are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, engage in criminal activity, and are sexually promiscuous. Many of these at-risk teens run away and eventually find themselves locked up in detention centers or living on the streets.

RiverView Academy is committed to serving teens and their families by providing quality personal and educational options through a long-term residential solution and a strong support system for the family.

RiverView Academy believes in the value of youth experiencing a community-based residential approach and adventure experience for positive long term behavior changes and improved relationships with their families.

Any four or more of the following behaviors may define your teen as "at-risk":

  • Suspended, expelled, truant, or grades dropping.
  • Verbally abusive.
  • Struggling with basic family rules and expectations.
  • Parent has difficulty getting the teen to do basic household chores and homework.
  • Teen has problems with the law.
  • Parent has to pick words carefully when speaking to the teen to avoid a verbal attack or even rage.
  • Teen is in danger of dropping out of high school.
  • sociation with a suspect peer group.
  • Losing interest in former productive activities, sports, hobbies, or childhood friends.
  • Seeming depressed or withdrawn.
  • Displaying violent behavior.
  • Sexual promiscuity.
  • Appearance or personal hygiene changed.
  • Deceitfulness and manipulation.
  • Caught stealing money or personal items from their family.
  • Severely lacking in motivation.
  • Lies regarding activities.
  • Outbursts of temper.
  • Lacks self-worth and self-esteem.
  • Defiance of established rules regardless of the consequences.
  • When trying to deal with the teen, parents feel powerless.
  • Teen has a problem with authority.
  • Parents suspect the teen is experimenting with drugs or alcohol.

Copyright ©RiverView Academy 2009
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline sandra361

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Re: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2011, 02:37:43 AM »
Can't believe WWASP is still up and running. This is gonna be ranty cause I haven't spoken about it in years but I just need somewhere to vent for a little while; I'm hoping this is the best place to do it.

I remember when I was 15 and I was Tranquility Bay (I was there from Jan 23 1998 - Jun 29 1999) and I would think "If I could only tell people what went on here, they would shut this place down and get this of this stupid program entirely." It never occurred to me that the same thing had happened before and there were already stories out there about Tranquility Bay and WWASP. Wish I had known then what I know now, I wouldn't have been so hopeful. I remember me and the other girls talking about how we were going to sue when we got back and there was no way we would lose...HA. Justice is a freaking joke.

That program did absolutely nothing for me except give me severe PTSD. When I got there at first I was able to lie my way through everything. I lied through Discovery, Focus, and Accountability. (Remember how they would have you set goals for the next seminar, and then at the next seminar you had to stand on a chair and tell everyone what your goals were and if you accomplished them all or not? I always made sure the school goals were good but the rest I lied about. I was able to get away with it because I was the only one from my family in the seminars I was in so no one was able to say I didn't do 100 push ups everyday. Ah, the good old days...) Anyways, so I'm about to go up for Level 4. I have half the signatures I needed. Then they fired my family rep because she got into with Jay Kay. So they dissolve my family and put me with a new one. My new rep decides that because of the drama of being reassigned families that I have to wait a minimum of one month before I can go up for level 4. One week later my family rep makes every single person in the room stand up and confess to any rules they have broken since the first day we came that no one has ever found out about. I tell her that I've told everything I've done except that when I first got there I lied that I didn't know the girl I came from Brightway with so they would assign us to the same room. She gave me a CAT 5 for it!!!! She said that since I was new I was subconsciously trying to make run plans!!!! I got sent to OP and dropped to level 1!!! Such BS!!!!!!

I still have nightmares about that place sometimes. I'm friends with some of the girls I was at TB with on facebook and one of them posted a picture of me from my 16th birthday. I started crying when I saw it because I remembered how I spent my 16th birthday: spending the entire day secretly crying in despair. I still never understood the whole concept: I'm supposed to become closer to my parents by being kidnapped and sent to a foreign country in a private prison and I can only write letters that are monitored by staff? How the $#@! are families supposed to become closer by being thousands of miles apart and cut off from all communication? And I don't want to hear about "That's what PC 1 and PC 2 are for!"

I got lucky, my dad had a heart attack and the doctors thought he was going to die, and his dying wish was to see me again. (He survived for another 10 years thankfully.) By that time I had been there 18 months and I was going up for level 4 again. This time though, I had been approved by everyone except Jay Kay because he was out of town for the weekend. I had already been acting like a junior staff anyway giving people consequences and watching other kids for staff members and stuff like that. So there was no question that I was "working the program" and doing what I supposed to. After hearing about my dad's heart attack, my mom rushed to the hospital. When they told her my dad was likely going to die and he wanted to see me, my mom called up TB immediately, who transferred her to Jay Kay immediately.

My mom originally wanted to know if there was a way if she could take me out of the school for one day to see my dad and then come back. They told her no way, that doing that was against policy. Once a student leaves, the only way they can come back is if they start all over again at level 1. My mom asked if she could pay for a staff member to escort me to Chicago to see my dad and escort me back to Tranquility Bay they told her no. My mom begged and pleaded with them if there was anything they could do. She really really really really wanted me to graduate the program. They told her that it was in the contract; the kid has to stay in the program until they graduate and seeing my dying father was definitely not part of the program. So my mom took me out.

I was so frightened when I first came back. I was afraid at night of the dark and quiet. I had to have a nightlight and some kind of noise (a fan, my computer, something) in order to fall asleep. I would have vivid nightmares and sometimes wake up sobbing. I contacted a lawyer, Alexia Parks, the first night I got home. She wanted me to file a lawsuit immediately and do press interviews and all this stuff...I was so scared if my mom found out I was speaking out against the program she would send me back. I sent Alexia an email that explained to her that I needed at least a few weeks, if not a few months, before I would be ready to do something like that. She seemed very very irritated by that and basically said I wasted her time. I was glad I said no, it made me realize that she was more interested in the fame and possible lawsuit money than she was with helping victims. I put a post on a discussion board all the things that had happened to me and the other girls at TB, hoping to get them out...well, as much as I could write anyways. I ended up writing for 3 hours straight and I finally got tired and figured it would be good enough. I said I would post part 2 but never did...writing part 1 was draining enough and plus it definitely gave a clear picture of TB and WWASP.

I know I'm rambling here but it's just that I have so many memories I've repressed for so long...It's crazy. I won't think about it all for a week, maybe even a month, then all of a sudden I have a nightmare again. The nightmares involve different people now, but it's always in that same awful school with that awful smell. It's weird.

Hope one day WWASP gets shut down permanently and every single person involved in from it from the Litchfields on down all burn in hell for eternity, although even that is better than they deserve

for WWASP  --  :moon:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2011, 05:28:44 AM »
I know that it would cost a lot of strength but another NGO has a blog here where you can post your experiences.

The only way WWASP and similar programs will shut down is when people learn about the ordeal children had been put through.

There can not be enough of blogs where the now grown adults speak about how such program influenced them.

Information is a killer for these programs. Many has already been shut down, but we need more to follow.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2011, 11:14:02 AM »
Hello Sandra. I'm so glad you found this forum.  You'll find a lot of validation here- among a few other things, I might add.  I just wanted to ask if your aware of the Turley Law sute against WWASP?  Go to http:// look to the left and open the link for WWASP students. Also, you can open the Recent news and filings to read the complaint.  

Thank you for taking the time to write out your statement. It is a valuable resource for documenting the reality and history of these programs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline sandra361

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Re: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2011, 01:31:14 PM »
I've actually been part of that lawsuit since 2003 or so I think...It's all tied up in the courts. I did however receive a Christmas card from their law firm along with a letter saying something about how the case is a low priority now but not to give up fighting or something...I just glanced at it and threw it out. With the amount of money that WWASP has donated to politcians I highly doubt the case will ever get settled.

Thank you for the suggestion though, I appreciate it. And thanks for listening to me ramble too :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2011, 03:09:34 PM »
I don't recall anything about the case being low priority - and I am sure I would remember something like that. I suspect that in glancing over it you mistook something. These things do move along at a snail's pace tho. Make sure the law firm has your current email as a lot of important correspondence comes through email. Sometimes there is a need to respond to something related to various challenges from the defendant and often-times there is a dead-line for responding.  Your right about the payola to politicians, but I think many are now understanding better that this could burn them and they are distancing themselves from WWASP related persons. I'm thinking of Rommney, for example.  I also wish the case could be heard outside of Utah - but maybe this will turn out to be an advantage. Anyway - try not to get discouraged that there will be some success with this - I honestly believe that eventually this case will succeed in hold then accountable and providing a significant consequence for their many non-working choices.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline sandra361

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Re: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2011, 01:20:25 AM »
While I don't have the original letter I do remember the gist of it. The letter said that if we wanted to we could opt out and get another lawyer and try to refile the suit with that lawyer or something. I wish I had kept it now. But I do remember it clearly stating something to the effect that court is a long uphill battle and that it will probably take years and there's many obstacles to overcome like jurisdiction and all that and if we wished we could release Turley and get a new lawyer(s). I check my email daily and I've had the same phone number and address for 8 years so there's no way I could have missed something if they sent it. (Unless they sent it snail mail and the mailman was secretly hoarding mail...I suppose that would be a valid excuse.) I think the letter also said that at this time they aren't planning on filing any amendments to the complaint; if something happens in court they'll file an amendment then but they aren't planning on doing anything on their own any time soon. Someone I talked to a couple months ago who tried to get in on the lawsuit was told basically the same thing; that they will add her name to the list and she will be added the next time they file an amendment but they couldn't say for sure if they would file and even if they did it would be a while before an amendment is filed.

The US court system is ridiculous. When the defendant in a major court case is very rich and politically connected they are pretty much guaranteed that the likelihood of someone winning a lawsuit against that person/company becomes almost nil. Even if someone does manage to win a lawsuit by the time it's done with the appeals process if the lawsuit hasn't been thrown out by the appellate/supreme court the actual damages that the defendant has to pay becomes laughable. See Exxon Valdez oil spill for a real life example of how this works: ... 9329.shtml

I'm sure the lawyers at Turley are very nice people but they aren't going to work for free. At this point they've put in a ton of work and gotten absolutely nothing in return for it. If things are ever going to change it's going to take a law being by Congress and even then it will only work if the law(s) are enforced. I understand Turley's viewpoint; there is only so much you can do.

I don't want to end things on such a depressing note, so here is an adorable picture of kittens to lighten the mood: :)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 01:37:53 AM by sandra361 »

Offline BuzzKill

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Re: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2011, 11:09:52 AM »
I sure wish you had kept your letter. . . I've not seen one with that kind of language in it.  Oh well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline sandra361

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Re: RiverView Academy: Mickey Manning & Lorne Riddell
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2011, 12:12:59 AM »
I just sent them an email asking for a letter about the status of the case and if they are going to be filing any more paperwork in the future. I'll let you know what they say when I hear back from them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Tranquility Bay aside...
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2011, 07:33:28 PM »
Thanks for sharing your story, Sandra! And thank goodness your parents were ultimately more in touch with those things which really matter in life, as opposed to the artificial parameters of "success" meted out by a program.

There are actually quite a few threads here that deal with Tranquility Bay specifically, in case you wanna pursue your memories a bit more. Here's a search for all posts which mention the term: Tranquility Bay. And here is an especially sad thread:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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