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Offline mandelduke

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Bush v Hitler
« on: April 13, 2006, 12:20:00 AM »
An American Hitler and his Gestapo

Jan 23, 2006, 09:15   Email this article
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The U.S. Department of Justice, led by Alberto ?The Constitution is an outdated document? Gonzales, wants to know if you?ve been looking at any racy material on the Internet.

Yahoo and MSN have already complied with subpoenas from Gonzales? storm troopers demanding records on who is using their search services to look at porno sites on the Internet.

Google, to their credit, said no and is now caught in a tough legal fight against the George Bush?s Gestapo.

Ohmigod! Did he say Gestapo?

Damn right I did. If you don?t think the rights-robbing, privacy-invading, Constitution ignoring administration of George W. Bush is anything less than a Hitler-style Gestapo then you?ve got your head stuffed so far up your ass that all that brown stuff is blinding you.

America, once hailed as the land of the free, has ? under the tyranny of King George ? become Amerika, reviled as a global thug that doesn?t give a damn about anyone?s rights, especially those of its own citizens.

Protest if you want. Spout the Republican Party line is you can without gagging. I don?t give a damn. If you believe George W. Bush is anything less than an American Hitler then you?re too damn dumb and stupid to argue with anyway.

Bush is an evil man, a power-grapping despot who believes in absolute rule, a madman so wrapped up in his perceived role as ?a wartime President? and ?Commander in Chief? that he believes no law applies to him or his rotting, corrupt, administration. The Constitution? Why it?s just ?a goddamned piece of paper? to this insane megalomaniac.

Legal scholars agree that Bush blatantly broke the law by ordering the National Security Agency to spy on Americans without warrants or court review. The only cretins who support this dictator are the brain-dead Republicans who put power above the law and party loyalty above their country.

Bush is a traitor to his country. As a traitor, he should be led from the White House in chains and tried as one. Since he insists he is a ?wartime President,? then let?s try the son-of-a-bitch as a wartime traitor, a Benedict Arnold who turned on his country and gave aid and comfort to its enemies.  Bush has done far more damage to the freedoms and security of American than Osama bin Laden. In fact, I?m starting to believe the traitorous asshole is in league with bin Laden and others who want this country destroyed.

No true American would treat the Constitution with the contempt that spills like toxic bile from the lips of George Bush. No true American would continue to support this maniac as he continues to dismantle what once was the greatest country in the world.

Bush is clearly guilty of high crimes against the Constitution of the United States. It?s time to give this
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Bush v Hitler
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2006, 04:34:00 AM »
Constitution? Domestic Spying? Freedoms? Warmongering?

Nah! lets look for something important to American voters - did he get a BJ from anyone?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Bush v Hitler
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2006, 04:44:00 AM »
I almost always meet Thompson nigh unto 3/4 of the way. No exception here.

On 2006-04-12 21:20:00, mandelduke wrote:

The only cretins who support this dictator are the brain-dead Republicans who put power above the law and party loyalty above their country.

This is factually incorrect. I have several well respected, close friends who support this dictator for another, very compelling reason. Same reason why most, but not all, Büsh critics blindly support whatever the Dempublicans shove under their noses. One word, FEAR!

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins; all of them imaginary."
H.L. Mencken, 1923

The only things more frightening to a Republican than the final surrender to Socialism that the left promises is the demoralizing aparent blindness and ignorance of just what that means among our friends and neighbors. Shit, at least w/ the Bombastic Büsh kid sitting in the high chair in that public housing unit on Penna Ave, everybody KNOWS we're in some deep shit! But the next contender from the left in there and everybody goes back to sleep! I feel that! Not enough to vote Republicrat, but I do understand the urge to.  

Look, if you want to understand what's going on now, you must take in some history! There is nothing new under this ol'e Sun. Do you have any idea who is educating your children? Have you ever taken a curious afternoon and looked into the model and history of our government education system? You should. It'll shock you, but it'll `splain a lot, too!

First, our public education system is modeled directly after half of the Prussian system, for the most part. The reason why people like Andrew Carnegie didn't bother w/ the realschkool (prep school or college bound) half of it is that they figured that America, being the most broadly literate country on the planet, would always have plenty of private schools, like the Groton School and the Quaker schools, for the 10% - 20% ruling class they thought we'd be needing.

Here's a nice quote out of John Taylor Gatto's book, The Underground History of American Education:

On July 4, 1919 {Happy mother fucking Independence day, Biatch!}, the London Times carried a long account reporting favorably on the propaganda hydra growing in the United States, without identifying the hand of Carnegie in its fashioning. According to the paper, men "trained in the arts of creating public good will and of swaying public opinion" were broadcasting an agenda which aimed first at mobilizing world public opinion and then controlling it. The end of all this effort was already determined, said the Times?world government. As the newspaper set down the specifics in 1919, propaganda was the fuel to drive societies away from their past:
Efficiently organized propaganda should mobilize the Press, the Church, the stage, and the cinema. Press into active service the whole educational systems of both countries...the homes, the universities, public and high schools, and primary schools...histories...should be revised. New books should be added, particularly to the primary schools.

The whole book is a real eye opener. In this country, a guy like Abe Lincoln moving up from dirt farming to the legal profession was just not all that unusual. It is now, of course. Just as it always has been in Europe. Imagine that! We become the dragon that we set out to slay.

Have you read the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers? Here, take a stab at it.

Little dry? Too complex? Tough read? No time today? Yeah, me too. But you can learn one thing just by that together with one other fact that we all know; IT WORKED! That means that the unmanagable, disperate, war weary, uncomfortable allegedly ignorant and unlettered settlers were able to READ, UNDERSTAND AND DISCUSS these complex concepts, language and issues well enough to reach enough consensus to pass the original Constitution and Bill of Rights within only 4 years in a (at most) 15 mi/hr world!

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. "
--Thomas Jefferson

"Men had better be without education than be educated by their rulers."
--Thomas Hodgskin

I propose a solution. Everybody who's so scared of one or the other branch of the Dempublican party find a partner, switch sides, do your research and have a debate. When yen'z start to realize you have nothing to argue about but marketing and branding issues, then we can get back to the business of keeping a balance of power under a strictly limited Federal government, with all powers not explicitly delegated therin being held by the people and the states respectively!

That's the only thing that will do it.

A vote against one multinational billionair party brand or the other comes to about the same sum. It's about as significant as the choice between Coke and Pepsi; or that between Coke and Ritalin, for that matter.

I'll vote just as I always do; whichever 3rd party, fictional character or reluctant hero I think will garner the most votes that translate to "None Of The Above". And I'll keep doing my part to piss off the Religious Reich, wake up the slumbering group-thinkers, learn some more history before it's all classified and keep my promise to Crazy Mack, every day to make someone think!

Fuckin' A Billy My Munchkin's Hungry!!!!!' target='_new'>Dragonfly

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline mandelduke

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Bush v Hitler
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2006, 09:36:00 AM »
Calling Bush "Hitler" Is A No No In Colorado High School, As Patriot Act Violations Mount Across Country
High School teacher suspended for anti-Bush comments as 150 students walk out of class in support of teacher's free speech rights. Patriot Act passes U.S. Senate 89-10 as violations of civil rights spread thoughout country like wildfire.
4 Mar 2006
By Greg Szymanski
As the Patriot Act flew threw the U.S. Senate Thursday by a lopsided vote of 89-10, the fascist screws of a militaristic, thought-controlled society were tightening down in a Colorado high school.
The story received high profile news coverage, as major networks told how an Aurora, Colorado, high school teacher was suspended by the local school district for telling geography students President Bush reminded him and was acting like the Nazi leader Adolph Hitler.
Attempts to contact teacher Overland High School social studies teacher Jay Bennish went unanswered, but his Denver attorney, David Lane, is expected today to file a federal law suit to protect the embattled teacher's first amendment rights.
The incident is another indication of the lock down of free thought taking place in America as even he slightest condemnation of President Bush and his policies is now getting severe retribution with Bennish getting suspended from teaching for supposedly violating school district policies.
Bennish, whose comments were recorded by a student, said he received threats after making the anti-Bush statements which led to him being placed on administrative leave Wednesday while Cherry Creek School District officials investigate, according to district spokeswoman Tustin Amole. The investigation is expected to continue into next week, according to school officials.
Besides being suspended, Lane, his attorney, said Bennish was not permitted to talk to the news media, but has told him privately he was attempting to get students "think critically ... don't just follow hook, line and sinker everything everybody tells you."
Lane also is known for representing the rights of University of Colorado at Boulder professor Ward Churchill.
As the Bennish case drew national attention, more than 150 students at Overland High School staged a walk-out Thursday in support of Bennish's right to criticize Bush, the students claiming free thought should not be stifled by administrative policies.
Bennish's comments in class the day after Bush's Jan. 31 State of the Union address have generated national attention and prompted a discussion of what's appropriate in the classroom.
Lane said Bennish has been devastated by the school district's handling of the case, but case law has shown high school teachers have much less freedom to express their opnions than do their counterparts at the university level.
In fact, a 1991federal court case ruled K-12th grade teachers do not have an express constitutional right to academic freedom, saying as agents of the school district officials have the right to decide and control the content of speech used in the classroom concerning controversial subjects.
The Bennish case adds another mark against free speech, as illustrated by these other documented cases of free speech abuses:
High School Class Discussion Leads to Terrorist Task Force Interrogation of
Two Teens.
Oakland High School teacher Larry Felson has bitter memories about a "dark
day" back in May 2003 when Terrorist Task Force agents barged into school and
interrogated two innocent high school students.
They had no warrant, no probable cause. But yet agents held students for
hours without legal counsel, without parents or teachers present. They held
students based on remarks the teens made criticizing President Bush in a classroom
discussion about the Iraq War.
The teacher in charge of the discussion thought the statements were a "direct
threat", calling the task force into action. But other teachers emphatically
said the teacher "rushed to judgment" over 911 paranoia.
They said what is even more disturbing is that a climate now exists were a
situation as "fundamental to free expression as a classroom discussion" can
result in such fascist-type actions.
"When one student asked agents if they had the right to remain silent, I
remember them responding: 'You don't have any legal rights, we own you,'" Felsen
Teacher Cassie Lopez, also stunned by the "Gestapo-like activity," said the
teachers union, parents and others who tried to get an official explanation
have been stonewalled, essentially given nothing more than a general response:
"necessary for national security concerns."
Terrorist Task Force Mistakes University of Buffalo Professor's Art Project
for Biological Weapons Laboratory
University of Buffalo art Professor Steven Kurtz also has bad memories about a "dark day" last May when terrorist task force agents barged into his home, confiscated his belongings and held him for two days without legal counsel.
The reasons turned out to be bizarre and frivolous, but not before subpoenas were issued to three friends and a grand jury probe initiated in June to see if the peaceable art professor violated Section 175 of the U.S. Biological Weapons Act.
Of course, the illegal search and seizure, as well as illegal detainment of the professor, was justified by overreaction prompted by 911 paranoia made possible by The Patriot Act. As it turned out, agents mistakenly thought the professor's art project was a bio-weapons lab, but even after realizing the mistake, continued the investigation under the guise of national security.
Simply put, Kurtz is an artist dedicated to education, peace and freedom of expression, everything the Bush Administration diametrically opposes despite its false public image.
Otherwise, how can any sense be made out of what happened to the professor on the morning of May 11, 2004, the day he called paramedics to revive his wife from a heart attack. His wife died the same morning and it was officially found unrelated to anything involving his art project and the terrorist task force.
And a story such as this reveals how things can spin totally out of control when confusing events mix with overly broad governmental powers.
Paramedics, who arrived to revive Mrs. Kurtz, noticed laboratory equipment used in his artwork. Upon suspicion, they called agents who, within hours, rifled through his house, seized his books, personal papers, computer and art work, which to date has not been returned.
Kurtz is well-known in his progressive art community and a member of the  Critical Art Ensemble, a group dedicated to exploring the intersections between art, technology, radical politics and critical theory.
His art, displayed nationwide, often involves blending biological and agricultural issues. For example, in 2002 one of his exhibits called "Molecular Invasion" portrayed an exhibit against genetically modified crops with a life-like display of small soy, corn and canola plants growing under large incubator lamps.
One of his other exhibits, trying to raise public awareness against plant and food contamination, allows viewers the chance to see bacteria growing in petri dishes.
"It's a complete fishing expedition,' said his Buffalo lawyer, Paul Cambria. "When they came to his house the FBI found equipment used for extracting and amplifying DNA and three types of bacteria, all used in his art work.
"He is obviously not somebody trying to make a weapon and the equipment seized by agents can be found in any university biology lab as standard equipment. Everything taken in the house has been already exhibited in public."
Two of the Kurt's artist friends served subpoenas, also members of the internationally-acclaimed Art Ensemble, could not explain why the government has pursued this case so strongly.
"It was shocking that the investigation was ever launched," said Beatriz da Costa, one of the artist's subpoenaed. "It just shows how vulnerable the Patriot Act has made freedom of speech in this country. Our art is intended for peace by raising awareness to possible environmental contaminants in our food."
Member of the Art Ensemble suggest the only possible reason for this type of government harassment is its hidden agenda to silence their message displayed through their artwork.
The equipment seized by the FBI consisted of Kurt's latest project, consisting of a mobile DNA extraction laboratory to test store-bought food for possible contamination by genetically modified grains and organisms.
University officials said this equipment is used in school labs, even found in some high school science departments.
The FBI this week was unavailable for comment.
Teen Webmaster Jailed for 1 Year Under Patriot Act Now Released.
A young Los Angeles webmaster made headlines two years ago when he was arrested for operating what the government called an anarchistic website called "Raise Your Fist."
Legal observers said Sherman Austin, 18, may have been entrapped by Terrorist Task Force agents in order to shut down his website. He was considered one of the first casualties of the Patriot Act, his residence raided and ransacked after issuance of a flimsy warrant filled with political accusations.
Sherman was tagged an enemy combatant for his website activities, which turned out to be nothing more than what the government thought to be a radical political agenda.
In this case, the government was able to use the overly broad Patriot Act to stop Austin's activities. Innocuous objects such as iced tea bottles and toy cars were described in legal proceedings by FBI agents as terrorist devices.
Added to the questionable charges was the fact that elementary bomb making information was posted on his server, although court documents show it was not posted by Sherman but by an Orange County teen who was not charged in the crime.
In order to get a stiff sentence, the Prosecution applied sentencing standards under the Terrorism Enhancement Clauses, meaning that Sherman was looking at  a mandatory 20 year sentence unless he pled down to a 1 year sentence with three years probation.
 Sherman is presently in Los Angeles on probation under terms forbidding him from using a cell phone, computer, or other digital devices. Needless to say, his website has been permanently removed from cyberspace.
Terms of his probation also forbid him from associating with any anarchist groups who the government maintains "advocate violence as a means of disrupting order and achieving social, economic and political change."
Critics said in light of the above travesty of justice the only thing that needs to be changed after reading Austin's case is the Patriot Act itself, not Austin's behavior.
 For more informative articles, go to
Greg Szymanski
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Bush v Hitler
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2006, 03:47:00 AM »
Hi Eudora

I agree with most of what you say, Thompson about 3/4 also.

One place I differ, though. While I would love to register my anger with Republicrats and Demipublicans by voting for a 3rd party candidate, or 'None of the Above', I came to the conclusion a long time ago, that I need to help get the lesser of two evils in office, and then bitch whenever I feel the need, at whoever wins. They all suck, but some suck in the worst way. I lived through Nixon /Agnew, and the lies and scandal of Reagan and Bush41. I will never vote for a Republican again, unless their party returns to some semblence of humanity instead of their wealthy, royal prickishness. They are the most selfish bastards this country has ever seen. The Dems are little better, but little better is still better, this only happens an inch at a time. And I always vote.

I feel that although Gore and Kerry were terrible candidates, the US and the world would be a better, safer place today if either had won their election - and they may have won them anyway, with all the voter fraud underway. If I vote for a 3rd party candidate, I help get assholes like Bush elected.

The Republicans are simply a criminal enterprise at this point.

I do not know how people who voted for this slime can live with themselves. I have noted that many of the Republicans I know are now screeching to "bring the troops home!" Where the hell were they when the war was gearing up, before Bush was even in the Oval Office.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Bush v Hitler
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2006, 10:38:00 AM »
On 2006-04-14 00:47:00, Anonymous wrote:

I need to help get the lesser of two evils in office,

That's what I thought back in 1993. I remember two conversations about it with my dad. The way he talked, there was just nothing in this world so evil as a Liberal with a little power and he had the same stock arguments as any other conservative. When Clinton won that election, I told my dad that yeah, of course, they'll raise taxes, expand government welfare and such, but at least they won't be making wars all over the place, throwing so many in prison and being all punative and authoritarian and stuff.

I had been most impressed w/ Clinton's implicit promise to be sane on the drug war.

But never mind what he said, look at what he DID. Under Clinton, our drug war budget doubled as did the populations of our prisons and jails. He put an extra 100k federally funded LEO on the street with absolutely nothing to do but to carry out Betty Sembler's Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Taskforce Training.

There were a lot of firsts, too. Clinton appointed the first ever military officer as his top national drug policy advisor. Remember General Barry "McCzar" McCaffrey? Check him out:

Barry McCaffrey - A War Criminal?

Journalist Seymour Hersh, writing in the New Yorker magazine [May 22, 2000], said that on three occasions, General McCaffrey or his men of the 24th infantry division either fired on enemy soldiers who had surrendered in an "unprovoked attack", or "went too far" in responding to a non-existent threat. [Text and photo: BBC 16 May, 2000]

After that, he was promoted to head of Southern Command (i.e. South American Military Operations)
He also signed into law Plan Columbia, which stepped up and formalized more military operations on the pretense of fighting the drug war in So America. And why not? What w/ Bolivia having been such a shining success that, these days, their elected leader is the leader and icon of the Cocalero party.

Remember the kosovo war? Remember Janet Rambo and Waco? Oaklahoma City?

There really are no good guys riding to the rescue. There is no lesser evil. It's like GM cornflakes packaged as competing brands for your amusement.

The only political cause I will support is putting people in political, academic and journalistic positions of influence who advocate for repealing laws, shutting down unconstitutional government programs (in other words, most of what our governments are doing w/ money and power that used to be ours) and restoring our Constitutional Republic.

Faith is believing something you know ain't true.
--Samuel Clemens "Mark Twain", American author and humorist

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes