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Re: Froderik and Reddit TTI Pixie!!!
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2012, 03:38:43 PM »
For those who won't click links

Meet Diablo, aka, Danny Bennison

By Mark – April 6, 2011

“Matty be careful I visit your hometowne [sic] with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.

Now I know you don’t want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.

Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your [sic] 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru [sic] this, well act like it.

This is Danny now has been since 1978….So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can’t spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible….Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of.

But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically [sic], remember you started this publically [sic] I spoke first in private, so don’t go running around acting like your [sic] innocent.

- Danny”

“I have 21 yrs. in A.A. It does work if you work it.Stay in touch - Danny “

The above quotes are from a guy named Danny Bennison, an AA with a spotted history, and a vicious mean streak. Currently, he writes for “McGowdoghouse,” a blog dedicated to this blog’s existence. His handle over there is “heretikreb,” but he is better known among those who peruse our comment section as “Diablo” (also “Cuggle,” and whatever other sockpuppet he may have slinked through our filter). Understanding the context of the quote requires a bit of background information, both of Diablo (Danny) and the recipient of the comment. It all started with Elan School.

Elan is a private school in Maine, dedicated to helping wayward teenagers. It employs a type of therapy known as “therapeutic community,” which makes the 12-steps look like walk through the park. Its most famous alumnus is Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, made famous for the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley – an act he committed prior to attending Elan. Like Michel Skakel, most of those housed there are from well-to-do families, with the current annual fees costing upwards of $50,000.

Diablo was at Elan, starting in the mid-seventies, for almost three and a half years. First as a student, and later as a resident staff member. He made quite the impression on the other students, with threads in internet forums dedicated specifically to him, by former students of the school who characterize him with terms such as “monster.” People now in their fifties, were so traumatized by him, that multiple internet sites and forums have been started to help his victims connect and cope.

One such student, Wayne Kernochan, was so traumatized by his experience at Elan School, that he wrote an online book about his and other students’ experiences there – with our resident troll, Diablo, as the central figure in the plot: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School. Among the many abuses chronicled in the book, was a time when Diablo tied a girl up and dragged her behind the back of his car. She was overweight, and this was Diablo’s method of convincing her to lose weight. As horrific as this sounds, it’s an incident to which Diablo fully admits, and for which he has no regrets. This is from an internet forum where Diablo engages his victims:

“…As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight [sic] like here [sic] just call me….”

What kind of sadistic ass-clown ties someone up and drags them around behind the back of a car? And with no remorse. This was written after he had written one of his “amends letters™” to those in this forum whom he had abused. Among the highlights in the amends letter™:

“Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.

 I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right [sic] rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.”

Notice his mention of those who he had been “unkind to and down right [sic] rude to.” He’s making reference to his numerous meltdowns and continued degradation toward those who he had abused years ago. Today, most of these have been deleted by forum moderators, but there are still fragments of conversations – responses containing quotes from now deleted posts – which give a fairly clear picture of Diablo’s emotional instability. A quick google search of “Danny Bennison Elan” will give you a treasure trove of sociopathic-like behavior, both from Diablo’s words, and from the accounts of his victims. For years, Diablo has been trolling the forums set up to discuss him. His comments teeter from belligerence to apologetic. From anger, to amends™, and back to anger again. It’s the same bi-polar M.O. he operated under here. Often in the same, slogan-ridden language of AA – using the standard catch words and aphorisms. It makes Bill Wilson’s personality look like the epitome of stability. Diablo is just flat-out crazy.

Every human has a few skeletons in their closet, and has people in their past they may have harmed and taken advantage of — but how many people have treated others so badly, they have forums dedicated to help their victims cope with the abuse that they’ve had imposed on them. Who has been so abusive in their life that someone from thirty years in their past decides to write a book about it? Who has friends in high school refer to them as a “monster”?  How can this possibly be rectified in an amends letter™?

We have debated whether or not to post about this, but we decided to do so for a few reasons. First, Diablo posted his name openly in our comment section, so the question of anonymity on his part was not a problem. We will not disclose anyone’s name publicly, even those with whom we disagree; and even someone as vicious as Diablo.

Secondly, a rumor has started among a couple of people who were vaguely aware of Diablo’s identity, that he was somehow involved in a murder, which is not remotely true. Diablo has done enough to make himself look bad, without any help from false accusations and innuendo. As big of a jerk as Diablo is, even the implication of his involvement in a murder is unconscionable. The truth is that Diablo claims to have been deposed as a witness in the Michael Skakel trial, which is entirely possible, because they were both at Elan School at the same time. There was a question as to whether Skakel had confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley while he was a student at Elan. Diablo’s involvement as a witness (if he actually did testify) was ancillary, and he had no involvement in the incident. It happened well before Skakel had entered the school, or met the other students (including Diablo).

Finally, and most importantly, he has since we banned him, made contact with some of the readers of this blog, whose emails he acquired after contacting them as a member of the community forum. Our primary reason for getting rid of the forum, is because we could not prevent internet predators and trolls from gaining the trust, and potentially harming, other members. Not just with Diablo, but others, as well. If Diabo (or “heretikreb” or “cuggle” or any of his other aliases we are unaware of) has made contact with you, be aware of the type of person you are dealing with. Diablo, Danny Bennison, is a sick person, and he is aptly named.

Diablo has been an AA for over twenty years. He has sponsored people and worked his way through the AA social circle. No doubt those he sat next to in meetings, sponsored, gained trust from, and coached through the program; had no knowledge of his past, and most likely his present. A person who is inclined to drag a girl around on a rope with a car, has problems that stem well beyond drinking. Clearly, just judging from actions here on our blog, his manipulation and abuse never really ended. At least with us, it was simply head games on the internet, which makes him fairly harmless (unless any of you were foolish enough to share email or telephone information). In AA, it is different. This is a person you are told to trust, that his – not your – judgment is what matters. This is who you are asked to give yourself over to. This Diablo is team McGowdog’s, but there are tens of thousands of Diablos throughout AA. This is the guy sitting next to you at a meeting.

- MA

Elan School
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: Froderik and Reddit TTI Pixie!!!
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2012, 03:58:47 PM »
Quote from: "none-ya"
Froderik, if you're a moderator, maybe YOU could move or delete all the porn. At least Joel used to do that much. Ursus doesn't seem to want to bother with it. Why? I don't know.
Quote from: "Antigen"
What porn? I've been browsing recently updated threads and haven't found any yet.

Usually, we don't edit even that. Nor do we edit racist, threatening or even criminal content. Why? Cause it's not our job to approve or disapprove or to take responsibility for any content. We only try to keep spam, flooding and hacking under control. Your own minds are way beyond the scope of what we do. Ya'll can, however, edit your own posts if you later decide you want to. Also not my call.

Well... there was some porn posted a coupla days ago, and subsequently deleted later that very same day by the poster in question. And yet... here it is two days later, and folks are still nattering away about it.

In fact, the only recent porn I could find (outside of OFFA) was this post, by a different fornits user...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: Froderik and Reddit TTI Pixie!!!
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2012, 11:37:59 PM »
I am posting this to bring attention to the person who has been abusing me for over two years. He is a very sick man who has many puppets he talks with here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Froderik and Reddit TTI Pixie!!!
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2012, 12:33:47 AM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Tell us about the Third Nail Dan viewtopic.php?f=22&t=30665&hilit=third+nail

Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Hey here is a idea why don't you ask why I even went there at 12 yrs old, it wasn't necessarily for treatment.
Okay, I'll bite. Why were you there at age 12?


Btw, it was me who mentioned the Third Nail being in Roxbury or Jamaica Plain. That's 'cuz I came across references placing it in those spots. You countered that it was located in Brighton.

The source for putting it in Roxbury was potentially the most iffy, save that the guy specified the exact building: former police station. I found at least two references that mentioned a Jamaica Plain location and one of those was a pretty solid one.

Given that Roxbury and Jamaica Plain abut each other for a fair stretch, it's quite possible that someone might remember it as being in the other if the actual location was near the border. But Brighton abuts neither (although it's quite close).

It's my guess that the Third Nail may have moved at some point, or maintained at least two locations during some part of its existence. Any comments on that?

Because he sexually assaulted his sister. Why else would they use such extremes for a 12 year old?  :nods:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Froderik and Reddit TTI Pixie!!!
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2012, 12:34:29 AM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
From 26 Mar 2010, in Name that Abuser/Director:
"Anne this post will be one of my worst probably to date because I find you very disgusting down to your filthy avatar, which speaks volumes about you.
No I will not talk to you about anything to do with Mary O'Brian, nor do I really want to discuss anything else with you.
Your a douche bag, ya know the kind that provides a service and then when your done ya throw it away. Your time is over....bye. Only in your case the repulsive smell never goes away.
You don't give a shit about these kids, you care about your 15 mins. of attention. How you look on Fornits, you make me sick. Your a publicity whore. You and Felice.....
So please stay away from me...just fuck off.

Please repost this over and over and stick on your bedroom mirror.

K Lynn, Albert, Jerry aka Wayne K. cont. attacks.

by DannyB II » Yesterday, 00:27
K Lynn nothing more has to be printed because I will tell you exactly what I think of you right here in front of everybody. I truly believe you are a spiteful, angry lonely 50 year old woman who is over weight and considered by any body other then her family to be a unruly bitch. That's right I called you a bitch. You are a vindictive immature brat who has been trolling me for ever. All because I told you in a email (privately) that you were full of shit when you said you knew me.

DannyB II wrote:
I'm creeping you You spread your legs in the open and you have the mouth to go with it.

What the hell are you talking about? I get the potty mouth reference, but wtf is the spreading the legs deal? This is why people are seriously starting to wonder about your sanity.

Annie darling you have no concept of just how crazy I am....LOL. That is what most like so much about me is my insanity. Your avatar Anne spread it wider.

Danny Bennison said

When Michael finally came back to start his residency and was subjected to the abuse he went through at first I felt he deserved this (I know this is sick on so many levels) because I believed he knew who killed Martha (I still do)

March 28Danny Bennison
Yvette Portella
Just some inside information, Yvette and I had a thing while we were residents, while I was in re-entry and while I was staff. Which is one of the reasons why I left E-7 so abruptly. Yes we did hook up after she left, her brother almost killed me along with her cousins they did not like white guys in New Haven.
This is the truth, I loved her a great deal. I got my heart broken big time.
Hey I don't want to fight with you. I am asking for forgiveness for crimes I can't remember, honestly Wayne. I have had sleepless nights trying to remember you, I don't. I have a family and a business so I am very careful about things that would harm them. I know you can understand this.
Lets just lay the swords down and let this go for a while and work at shutting Elan down. Maybe in time we can see more of each others souls through our writings here. Many of the people that support your book are my friends some are not. But they asked me how I felt about them supporting your book, I said go for it this is between Wayne and I. Ya see Wayne no one else has wrote a book we could show people so they could read what went on in Elan. Not as explicit as yours. You know your not done writing there is so much more to tell. You are a great writer and Elanians need someone like you to tell their story, please collaborate with others get the real info and get it out there. I believe until Sharon, Jeff and Marty see their names written out their they won't shut down Elan.
Thanks for reading if you did,

Take care

Yvette was an underage resident in your care and you had the power to beat and torture her. She had no choice but to be "in a relationship" with you. That's called rape you fucking piece of shit.

Paul "I" am not in a tight spot because "I" am not in your world Paul. Why do I care at this point what Wayne says, if it is not factual then it is easily dealt with. Yes I was caught off gaurd as I'm sure anyone would have been but what doesn't kill you only makes ya stronger. I've have all my ducks in a roll now, so life moves on.

Paul realize I am not here for the social party so therefore I don't concern myself with my exchanges. example; You started it, you finsh it, I'm in a tight spot ect..... WTF.

I am just going to try to get this clear. You are not here for the "social party", and therefore you are not concerned with exchanges( those things you constantly participate in)

and your example is " you started it, you finish it" - a universal idea, that spreads far outside of forum exchanges.

Indeed, you are so against exchanges, by which I mean a conversation, and against finishing what you start, that the idea of it makes you exclaim "What the Fuck!", while rolling on the floor laughing.


I always seem to have trouble understanding you.......

If you folks want to run around crying about how a 17 year old kid/staff member abused you, by all means go for it. But ya see that is not what your doing, (lack of integrity) you know damn well I was no more a staff member for a treatment center then I President of the United States  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Froderik and Reddit TTI Pixie!!!
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2012, 12:35:22 AM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
These posts were made under your name Daniel Abuser Bennison, so shove this victim bullshit up your ass.

You told me if I delete my posts about you, you'd leave me alone, and when I did, you attacked me for that. Now, I'll never be done with you

BTW, A Life Gone Awry has sold 153 copies this week. Over 4,000 free downloads.

The world never gets tred of books that expose abusive pieces of shit like you, and I never get tired of selling them. I entered it into the New York Book festival awards for outstanding achievement. It's in the first 20 cut, and is bound to finish in the top 3. Maybe even win.

The last winner sold 500,000 books in the first year  :cheers:  :cheers:

You're a pig animal, and I will never cower like the rest of these sissies.

Or haven't you gotten that yet?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Froderik and Reddit TTI Pixie!!!
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2012, 07:22:08 AM »
DannyB II wrote:
I am in Florida right now just down the street from you. Know what I mean. Vacation in Tampa. Short hop, skip and jump from you. Name the place, love to talk with you and your daddy.
All my shit is done face to face you fucking coward bet Matty is sucking on your tit right now.
Please call 404-936-6141 be here till 6/21/10. Be looking fo ya

Danny threatens a woman
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »