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Messages - BGundlach

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This definitely seems to be a reincarnation.  Roselyn (one of the family reps on their site) was a girls team coach when I was at the CIA.  These people are scum.  They talked my mom out of nearly $50,000 for me to be there for 13 months. Where did that get me?
    Deported for one.  They get 3 month visas and never update them, cause Fiji doesn't have the resources to investigate.  On your way out of the country if they realize the discrepancy they deport you (and ban you from reentry for 1 year).  This seriously screws up the process to get a student or a work visa to any commonwealth country after that's in the records.
    Left to my own resources... again. The 50k was my college fund, now, I'm working two jobs taking night classes. It's a hell of an uphill battle from here.
    Despondent.  This program teaches you to internalize EVERYTHING.  Any honest communication that isn't in line with what they want to hear is not acceptable and will detract progress.  Besides the emotional abuse there was physical abuse as well.  In my dorm 4 boys were demoted (see the level system outlined on HEAL) on the whim of the administration because they felt they hadn't made appropriate progress (didn't respond passively enough to badgering).  In protest they refused to do anything and layed on the ground.  One was physically restrained for doing nothing.  the rest were dragged into the hot Fijian sun to blister.  One boy had 10+ boils from the experience.  I digress.  Just as a confirmation, these seem to be the same people. and they're bad people.

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