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Messages - sateriel

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Elan School / 1994
« on: August 30, 2007, 04:24:49 PM »
That's when I got out. I'm so sick of hearing about what a "great" place Elan was. If you were there, you know. If you've worked there, you're a monster. If you're the parent of a kid you sent there, you're delusional or a bastard. If you are some damn alumni that had a 'great experience' at that place, please turn yourself in immediately to the proper authorities because you're obviously clinically insane. I hate what happened to us there, and I feel for all my good friends who went through the same thing I did.

Shout outs to all my friends. I was gonna write your names, but I don't know if you wanna be associated with this bullshit place. God knows if I could change it, I would.

 :evil:  BETH  :flame:

Elan history / Beth!!!
« on: September 09, 2004, 11:47:00 AM »
Hey Syn my man, all is well. My kiddo's birthday was on Saturday and man oh man, what a big production that was! We held it at the local bowling alley, hosted about 20 kids plus all applicable family members and I made one of those doll cakes. So I have been completely swamped with prep and execution but all is slowly returning to normal at this point.

How are you doing, hon?


Elan history / WELCOME
« on: August 31, 2004, 11:34:00 AM »
I think you rock. Maybe now we can talk about stuff besides what morons Anon posters usually are.

Elan School / Saw HERO this weekend!
« on: August 30, 2004, 11:24:00 AM »
What a fucking awesome movie. It's a very different kind of movie than Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. So I can't say the one is better than the other, but they are both gorgeous, astounding epics. I've never watched a subtitled movie in a theatre before and was apprehensive but 10 minutes into it I forgot I was reading. I took my 6 year old (great reader) and she had no problem following it. I wholeheartedly suggest you catch this in theatres, guys. The big screen makes this movie better than fantastic.

I won't give anything away but my favorite scene is the one with Snow and Moon in those swirling yellow leaves. And I will say this: I went to that movie to drool over Jet Li, but I would have happily taken ANY one of the actors, including the women. If you all think Ziyi Zhang is hot, wait till you see Maggie Cheung in action.

I hope the success of this movie here brings us House of Flying Daggers all the more swiftly. Takeshi Kaneshiro is my favorite actor.

Quentin Tarantino is a fucking genius. He didn't direct this one, but his great eye and willingness to act where others will not is the reason I got to enjoy seeing Hero on the big screen.  :nworthy:

Elan School / pathetic pack of wild jackasses
« on: August 30, 2004, 11:08:00 AM »
Syn, it's too bad people have abused the anon option as much as they have. There are many good reasons for posting anon but few and far between are THOSE posts these days. The privilege has become a joke. I say to hell with it. Try it out for awhile WITHOUT anons and let's see how much this place cleans up. Maybe reintroduce it later after the moron(s) have departed for the greener pastures of bestiality forums and teen chat rooms.

Elan School / Elan this, Elan that WGAS?
« on: August 25, 2004, 11:32:00 AM »


Elan School / Elan this, Elan that WGAS?
« on: August 24, 2004, 11:18:00 AM »
Once again, I wake up on a Monday morning and peruse this madness. My opinion is as follows: I would never raise a dog for the sole purpose of fighting it. But if I HAD to make a wager? A Wolfhound would kill the SHIT out of a pitt bull. 'Nuff said.


Elan School / Hats off to the cry babies
« on: August 19, 2004, 04:25:00 PM »
Well there you have it. Proof, my brothas and sistas. Poor, poor Jordan.

Elan School / Hats off to the cry babies
« on: August 19, 2004, 04:17:00 PM »
So you're not "Nazi". That's fine. If you're half the shit you say you are, you're someone I'd like to know. I still haven't received an e-mail. Let's talk. And why do I need to watch my mouth?

Elan School / Hats off to the cry babies
« on: August 19, 2004, 03:35:00 PM »
So, is this the infamous Nazi I've been hearing about? You talk tough. If you're as tough as you talk, e-mail me at my AOL address. I want to talk to you. Over the phone. I'll be waiting to hear from you. We have much to talk about.

[email protected]

Elan School / pathetic pack of wild jackasses
« on: August 19, 2004, 03:17:00 PM »
Get a life, Jordan. It's too bad your performance on your $500 a day job with Cheech Marin is suffering because you are consumed by your jealousy of Syn. You better be careful Cheech doesn't fire you and replace you with someone who has values and a work ethic.


Elan School / Maren + Herione +Methadone = Less then Zero
« on: August 16, 2004, 02:43:00 PM »
Yep. Looks like Jordan's gone completely underground. You better look out, folks. He's like a ticking timebomb. A ticking wasteoftimebomb, anyway.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Elan School / beth g.
« on: August 14, 2004, 02:54:00 PM »
Goddammit, is this Jordan talking all this shit? It sure sounds like it. You make friends by kissing up and trying to impress people with all your "money" and "connections" and "talent", you talk to/harass them for a (brief) period of time, and then they get wise to you and tell you to take a flying fuck at the moon and THIS is how you respond? By anonymously posting on a public forum alternately true, private information and outright bullshit lies? When is the last time you brought anything but sorrow to this forum?

Like I said before, I'll never try to bar anyone from speaking their mind. Many people have a lot of great experiences and opinions and it's worth shoveling a little bullshit aside to hear the good stuff.

Listen to me, Jordan. This disgusting tacting of "divulging info" about your former friends is lower that a snake's nutsack. Look in a fucking mirror.

Or don't. The longer you keep doing this, chances are you'll do it to someone that doesn't find it as amusing as I do. And that, brothas and sistas is called NATURAL SELECTION.

Elan School / fuck Bush
« on: August 14, 2004, 11:36:00 AM »
To the guy who keeps calling us "Democraps": You should now wear your hair in pigtails and bend over so Dick Cheney can grab on and ride your ass off into the sunset toward his huge mansions paved with the bones of US soldiers.

Syn knows what he's talking about. Bush isn't working to make America better for anyone but his business associates and the Evil Vice President who yanking his puppet-strings. Bush thinks we need to be at war. I have a solution. Anyone who thinks Bush is should be in power should ENLIST. You owe your country 4 years!

And if that's too hardcore for you, why don't you take the time to do some research on the issues. See Fahreheit 9/11 just to prove you're not close minded. Watch Kerry's speeches. I watch Bush's speeches. I read the newspaper every day. I watch Russert and the McLaughlin group. We need to get ourselves informed. Bush's votes are mostly coming from Corporate interests and, unfortunately, people wearing blindfolds with their fingers in their ears, chanting "Four more years!".

Seriously. Syn, I totally agree with you. But even if I didn't, look at the argument itself, guys. Syn's got a page of links and well researched points. The opposition has bad grammar and the slogan "Democraps". Are there any Bush supporters around here that have a better argument than that?

Elan School / beth g.
« on: August 14, 2004, 10:35:00 AM »
Well I for one am not quite ready to give up on this site. I've reconnected with true homies here (Syn the eyeballs are pointing in your direction) and met new peeps that share the Elan experience and that is a good thing. Not many people runnng around that have been through what we have, guys. We are stronger as a whole than our detractors. I came on here this morning to observe the fallout of my direct confrontation and I see a strong community that can and will withstand whatever petty onslaught or mosquito deathmatch that is tossed our way. Thanks for being cool and decent. And thanks for the compliment. I'm happy to have stumbled across Fornits and the positives far outweight the negatives.


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