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Messages - The Truth, be told

Pages: [1]
Open Free for All / Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« on: June 24, 2011, 05:52:59 AM »

Just can't sleep maybe this will help....
First of all everyone that's on here needs to get a life and stop the bashing of individuals back and forth.
There is comfort for all and you all need help.  Come on, Elan has been shut down..
But some of you just keep continue from day to day.  Must be like Babitz, living off of the system, has way too much time on their hands or just taking a loved one for granted.  I just found out about this site the end of April 2011.
Yes I have made time to start from page 1 and have just finished reading every page  last week...
Have picked up a few people's names that don't use their own but that is besides the point.
Please beware and be careful, Danny, Matt, liarexposed, Sharon and maybe I am forgetting some of you.  And oh you psy.  I don't know what he has up his sleeve but the stuff I read and conversations I've heard is not something that I would be doing.
But what the heck Babitz has nothing to lose but the one, law obiding citizen that I am.  Yes I Do Have an OP on him and am not going into that.  Take it for what's it worth and move on.
Oh and by the way it's MY rental house and MY summer home and MY Jeep and MY Corvette.
Oh...By the way, you won't be taking it for a ride whenever you want so you can tell your friend that for me....  You know who you are..
I know you all have friends and that's great, and they are probably all wonderful friends but  be careful cause that is how we started out.  But once he feels comfortable he will try and gain control of you, watch out cause then shit all over you.
Oh and by the way, I am doing much better in my balance and talking.
I bet some of you hadn't know about that, but I had to read about Sharon's awful accident.
Well I hope all is well and I'm sure he will give you the expertise to give you will nedd and probably a few names or too.
Funny it is, what lie did he tell me when he went to the hospital that day?
Never ever, ever tell someone a lie, it will only haunt you (no honesty) for the rest of your life.  Thanks Mark... Well unless you are protecting the one thing you truely do have and that is your own life..
I don't know why he felt like this?
Well I might be able to sleep and get a few hours in before work now, Good Luck to everyone, as this will be my one and only post, so please I hope you find everything here that you might need to move on with your life's.
Never posting again, but had to set things right...
I had to speak "The whole truth and nothing but the truth.." so help me (and everyone here) GOD........ :peace:

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