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Messages - luckysocks07

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Yes, I know quite a bit about this school, as I "worked" on staff there for 3 months. Before you go off cussing at me, please hear me out when I say this was the absolute worst experience of my life, and I agree.... Palmer and his wife BOTH belong in jail for all the harmful lies and child abuse that went on there. I myself never took part in med calls or the GR room, but they do indeed exist. I was a college student who went to work at the Jay, FL after graduation. Betty Brown bragged to me once about how she paddled a girl and made her eat a bar of soap for her disrespect.
 And could get into trouble for everything. I felt bad for the girls, and when I was a dorm mother, I would let them get away with a lot, and got into trouble ALL of the time for it. The staff there hated me for that reason, watched me like a hawk, and even refused to let me (yes, I was on STAFF!) paint my toenails, wear my own clothes, and listen to music from my church. My first day there, Mrs P told me that my green toe polish and jewelry was "sinful" and needed to be removed ASAP. I asked her where it said that was a sin in the Bible, and she looked shocked. If I remember correctly, she mumbled something about my parents not teaching me respect (like she knows what kind of home I was raised in) and then told me I have a lot to learn about the rules.
 And that's not all! When I was there, two girls in my dorm made up this ridiculous lie that I tried to look up a girl's skirt, and another girl said I touched her inappropriately. Now all of the other girls in the dorm were there when this supposedly happened, and it was obvious the girls concocted this story to get out that prison , or to earn brownie points with staff or something.
 However, I took this very seriously, since I had squeaky clean background checks done on me prior to working here, and even had a gov. security clearance. I was very concerned about these nonsensical allegations being put onto my record. All of this trouble took place shortly after the torrid affair that happened between Amber and a guy on staff. (I think it was Palmer's son???) I'm guessing the girls were trying to take advantage of the chaos, since Palmer and his wife left town to take a "vacation" home to Iowa, and left his daughter in charge. His daughter called me into the office, and started accusing me of being a pervert, and lying. I tried to defend myself, and asked her where her proof was of this. She dismissed me, and told me to wait until Palmer and his wife returned.
 I won't bother you with all of the specifics here, but Palmer came home early, accused me of being a slut, whore, pervert, and playing with "little girl's bra straps", and I was told to get off the property immediately before he called the police. I told him that I would leave, but if he ever tried to press charges, I would hire a lawyer, sue the pants off of him,and win. Thus ended my lovely time at VCA.
 Oh, did I mention I had a "friend" working there with me at the time? She is actually the one that introduced me to the school. She told me she used to be a student there, and it was a great place. I had only gone a few times before working there to do Bible studies on Saturday with the girls. Everyone was fairly nice to us then, so figured it wasn't a bad place, and they were only strict because the girls were troublemakers. I now know firsthand that wasn't the case at all.
 Not sure where my friend is now, but I was told she went back to our alma mater (our college) and works on staff there now. Maybe she finally saw these people for who they really are... horrible human beings running a cult.
 And girls...I am so extremely sorry for any suffering or abuse you experienced under these people. I promise you...God really is love, and the true Jesus would want nothing to do with this place either.

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