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Messages - goose

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That part is unknown at this time. It might be anybody that is currently on staff, if there is any staff left. Anything has to be better then Grimwood.

Yes, I know he was there this weekend. I can not say if he was fired, resigned, or if there is any two week notice involved. The details I have at this time are only that it happened this afternoon. I am waiting to get more details about the when he is leaving, if he is not already gone.

I also understand that Grimwood is now gone, or at least gave notice this afternoon.


When I contacted the papers about the roit I was told that they knew about the money problems at the school, but had not heard about the roit. I was told informed that the paper had checked with LCSO and confirmed and that a story was currently in the works, due out 1/26 edition. I guess we will see about that.

Well, if the state knows and will not do anything, maybe the papers would like a copy so that they can ask some questions, maybe even make a few people at least uncomfortable.

The problem is, Chris may be putting MSW behind his name on e-mails, the school only list him as the Executive Director, with no Alphabet soup behind his name.

Ok Jill,

Just for clarification, how do you know that he is not a licensed MSW? Is there a web site with the state I can check to determine. I have no problems at this point sending it on, if I can verifiy that you are correct that he is not licensed.


I am unable at this time to cut and past the header information. Show details does not work. I see that Brown Eyes has posted the header information, which is correct to the e-mail I have right down to the time it was sent. I am going to see if I can print the e-mail, and scan it as a word doc, or maybe a pdf file and then cut and past.

But guys, I am telling you there is more there. Some should be comeing out shortly.

There is no date in the body of the e-mail. The date is on the address line, time and date the e-mail was sent. Can anybody tell me how to attach the e-mail, not just the body of the e-mail. I will post it, now that it has been made public.

Why do you think I have been saying that staff has been walking out and that the postings for job are not grow for this school After this last little incident enrollment is down from about 50-55 to right at 30.


I am still here, I just have a day job, thats all.

You are correct,

I got the same e-mail. I called the papers to let them know and there should be an artical out tommorow. Grimwoods and idiot. Did you catch the part about the problem is that parents have not paid and they are 150k in the rears. Sounds like they need a new business manager and not blame the parents.

Oh, and there is more out there that I am working on getting released.


I never said in any of my post that my son was still there. Also, if you read the post you will note that I am also pointing out that staff are currently leaving the school because they cannot get paid by the school, and that these ads for staff are not due to growth, but due to turn over. I also gave some informational tid bits to keep an eye on the local paper for additional information about the school.

Does this sound like I am a friend of the school? Does this sound like I am an employee of the school?

What you are getting confused on I think, and it may be my fault for not being more clear if this is the case, is that I don’t think that all of these places are run like this school or that every one of these types of programs have abused, or currently abuse the kids that attend these schools. I am now willing to lump them all in the same class.

I simply am not willing to give out any more personal information on site this site because I don’t know who you are, who anybody else on this site is, who reads or monitors this site.

Jill it sounds as if you have a story to tell, please regal us with your personal story. I would love to read it so that I can have a better understanding of who you are and why you think the way that you do.

He is ok. Thanks for asking.

They are looking for another admissions person because Page left 2 weeks ago.

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