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Messages - brokenchild

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Please for the sake of your daughter, do not send her to this so called reform school. I am a former student, and in no would want to misrepresent this, or any other place that I have attended. When I first arrived at the school, I'll admit, I wasnt a perfect child, however, after leaving the strict guidance of this place, I was ten times worse. (If you cage a mildly assertive dog, and release it years later I promise you it will turn into an aggressive breed) I was a free spirited, 15 year old girl, tough, yet big hearted. I have never been known to just cry for any reason, but let me tell you, after just a few mintues of attending the school, I bitterly wept for the first 6 months. Not only did i feel abandoned, I felt unloved. After receving my first phone call after 30days, I did nothing but sob uncontrollably to return to that place I called home, and after being denied such, I was chastised verbally by Miss Debbie for even asking to do so as soon as the monitored call ended. I could go on and on about specifics of this place, however seeing that I am replying to your post some months later, I fear I may be too late. My post icon is a heart, because I harbor no hate towards these people, however each and everytime I hear of another parent considering this place, it breaks my heart because i feel like i should have done more to prevent this. Bro. Bud and Miss Debbie, supposedly have a burden for rebellious girls, well i too have a burden, and its the burden of getting the word out to parents who just dont know what to do. Seperation is not the answer, and again I beg of you, please do not scar your child for life by sending them away. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, Im more than willing to respond, as is my mother, who now regrets the decision that utimately cost her 19 thousand dollars, and her eldest daughter.
-concerned former student

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