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Messages - NIGEL

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Arivaca Boys Ranch
« on: November 03, 2011, 03:48:28 PM »
I recently talked to someone who is thinking about sending their son to the Arivaca Boys Ranch.  I told her I would help her do some research on the place.  Does anyone have any info on it?  Thanks.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 04, 2011, 06:06:20 PM »
Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Some posts about Foster Cline, starting here. Do you have any idea how frequently he give talks on the TTI circuit?

No, I'm not really sure, Ursus.



Thanks for answering for me.  I couldn't have said it better.


Aspen Education Group / Re: a talk by Foster Cline?
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:26:19 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Did I read you correctly above? I.e., that Foster Cline came to Aspen Ranch to give a talk or workshop on parenting? What was the talk about?

You read correctly.  We were given his book and asked to read it before we came to the workshop.  My wife went to the workshop and reported back that she thought it was very informative and well run.  If I remember correctly, she said that he lectured and then they had breakout sessions where they discussed the book.  The kids joined these discussions on the second day of the workshop.  

And for those interested, an update on my son:  He graduated high school and is in the process of moving into an apartment and he starts community college next week.  He is a very bright young man that chooses not to put too much effort into school, but he has stated that he is ready to start taking things more seriously (only time will tell).  When I told him that Aspen Ranch was closing, he had very mixed feelings.  His first thought was "that's great, now no other kids will have to go through what I did."  About a week later he told me that he was a little sad that it had closed because there were kids and teachers/counselors there that he did like and that he was hoping to go back one day and visit.  All in all, he is doing better, but still has a ways to go(don't we all).

Quote from: "Ursus"
What part of "knowing what you now know," to paraphrase you, do you think is most relevant to your family's situation?

Do you remember which elements of Aspen's marketing (overt as well as covert or implicit) proved to be most persuasive for you in deciding to send your son to Aspen Ranch?

The main reason I wouldn't send my son to Aspen Ranch again is because of the "prison like" atmosphere.  I was hoping it was going to be more therapeutic and encouraging.  I was hoping that my son would find counselors to talk to that would be good role models for him.  We were happy with his primary therapist and also one of the nighttime counselors, but not so happy with many of the others that seemed to not be positive leaders.  We were very happy with the equine therapy counselor and my son now has a love for horses.  While there were positive elements, Aspen Ranch is a pretty depressing place overall.  

As far as the marketing goes, they do have a solid webpage.  We were in desperate shape when we sent our son there and didn't do all the research we should have done before sending him there, so I place all the blame on myself rather than Aspen's marketing team.  That being said, while I am not a fan of Aspen Ranch, I don't know where we would be today if we had not sent my son away (no-one knows for sure).  While we are all in a better place in our lives right now, we still have a long way to go.

Quote from: "Ursus"
Nigel, at this juncture (which is still quite early in the game), do you think that sending your son to Aspen Ranch was worth it?

Good question, but I don't have a great answer.  In hindsight, I wouldn't send him there again.  The question that I can't answer is "what would have happened if I hadn't sent him?"  No one knows the answer to that question.  If faced with the same situation today (knowing what I know), I would probably search for more help and try to keep him at home.

I feel for these parents (I am one of them).  Our kids go to Aspen Ranch in terrible shape and we all hope for the best.  I sent my son there with hopes that he would have some time to figure out that the path he was on was one of self distruction and to figure out a new direction.  We all hope that we will see miracles.  Since we took him out just over a year ago, he has had his ups and downs.  He is in a better emotional and psycholigical state, but I think that is mostly due to him maturing rather than anything he learned at Aspen Ranch (this is obviously not a scientific study, just my gut feeling).  He isn't doing too well in school, but he does have plans on moving out and going to community college (my wife and I are helping him out financially).  When things are going good, he is a pleasure to have around and we have great discussions and debates.  We go to concerts and discuss music (we are heading out next Sunday to see System of a Down and Gogol Bordello).  We went to Hawaii for a week and things couldn't have been better.  When things are going bad, I am a terrible person who has ruined his life and he will never forgive me.  I love my son and will do whatever I can to help him.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: July 17, 2010, 11:40:16 PM »
There is obviously a lot of debate here concerning "therapy."   I will not join the debate, but I will say that any parent that sends their kid to the Aspen Ranch (or any other school in kind) should do as much research as possible.  The biggest question all parents want answered is, "is this the right decision?"  I am not going to nitpick about what is "therapy" and what is not.  My son got "therapy" at Aspen Ranch.  We paid for a therapist to meet with him.  Aspen Ranch had  a "therapist" on staff that met with him twice a week.  I am not a lawyer and I am not going to argue what constitutes a "therapist."   I will say that my son got help while at the Aspen Ranch. Was he also suppervised by people that didn't have a positive influence on him--yes.  Did he spend time with people that only wanted the best for him---yes.  Parents send their kids to places like Aspen Ranch only as a last resort.  I am still wrestling whether or not places like this are the best option.  I am not sure whether or not I will ever have the answer, but I will say that it doesn't do my family any good to dwell on that.  We are moving forward.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: July 15, 2010, 12:58:03 PM »
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
How exactly did Aspen Ranch say they were going to treat your son's presenting problems?  Did they explain to you that they use a program ruled to be child abuse by regulators?  Or did they soft-sell you some kind of touchy-feely bullshit?

As I have stated before, I am not here to advocate for Aspen Ranch.  I only came to this forum to seek advice for my son and our family.  

In my opinion (and my son's), his psychologist at Aspen Ranch was very good and also very caring.  I can also tell you that some of the unlicensed counselors at Aspen Ranch were some of my son's favorites.  They spent time talking to him and encouraging him.  There were also some staff that obviously weren't well suited to deal with boys like my son.  My son felt like some of the staff were just there to pick up a paycheck and that they could care less about what they were doing.  I think the same could be said about every school and workplace in the world.

If you asked me today if we would make the same decision to send our son to Aspen Ranch, I'm not sure.  It is impossible to say what would have happened if we hadn't.  We made the decision and now we are moving on.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: July 15, 2010, 12:31:20 PM »
Quote from: "wild thing"
I am curious, Nigel, I assume you had psychological and academic testing done on your son, either prior to or during his stay at Aspen Ranch.  Was the individual who perfromed the testing, if it was a done, a psychologist and what instruments did they use?  What did his scores look like?  Was there a discrepancy between his verbal and performance scores?  Your description of his inability to carry out academic goals might be answered by appropriate testing.  If testing was done prior to Aspen, it might bode well to have him retested.  Frequently, depression can negatively surpress scores and a change in his scores would and could identify that.

Without going into detail, yes my son has been tested by two different psychologists (prior to going to Aspen Ranch).  He is currently seeing both a psychiatrist and a psychologist (by his choice).  We are supporting him every way we can.  He is 18 now, so he is making the decisions and I try not to give advice unless asked for it.  On a positive note, my son just told me he wants to go with me when I travel to see my Mom (we will be gone for a week).

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: July 13, 2010, 10:08:09 AM »
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Quote from: "NIGEL"
"it was like a prison"

  That's a pretty typical reaction for basically normal kids whose parents have them incarcerated at kiddie jails for being a teenager.  

We obviously have a different definition for "basically normal kids" and "just being a teenager."  If you call death threats to his parents, suicide threats to himself, drug use, failing school, running away, and stealing as just being a normal teenager, then that is where we differ.  My son needed something more than a "normal teenager" needs.  Whether Aspen Ranch was a good choice---that is open to debate.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: July 12, 2010, 03:07:10 PM »
It's been awhile since my last post.  Thought I might let those interested in knowing how things are going.  My son is doing well emotionally.  He has some friends that he likes to hang out with and he has a girl friend that I really like.  He has a new job---bus boy at a decent restaurant---that he really likes.  He seems to be working hard and enjoying his co-workers.  The area I am hopeful he will improve in is school.  He did very poorly the last semester.  At times he will say that he has no interest in getting an education, and then two days later he will ask if I can take him on a trip to visit a couple of colleges (we have one planned).  He claims he is going to get his act together, but he doesn't follow through.  I have stopped "nagging" him about it because that got me nowhere in the past and probably even backfired on me.  I am hoping he will find something he has a passion for and then pursue it.
He rarely talks about Aspen Ranch, but when he does, here is what he has to say----"it was like a prison", "some of the people there were good and they cared about us, but some were total assholes", "I liked some of the kids there","some of the teachers were into their subject, but most were lame", "why would anyone send their kid to a place like that", "I didn't like it, but it did give me a chance to gain some perspective." (I am obviously paraphrasing).
I am not sure how I feel about Aspen Ranch.  It is hard to say whether or not it was the right thing to do, but as I have stated  before, it was the decision we made at the time and there is no going back.  I will post again and let you know how things are going.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: March 04, 2010, 02:58:42 PM »
It has been about 6 weeks since we have brought our son home.  Personally, he is in a much better place (and so am I).  We haven't had any full-out-arguments with all the threats.  We are able to talk things through much better now.  He has moments where his depression shows, but he seems to better understand it and manage it.  We have him seeing a psychiatrist and a psychologist.  He is also going to an accupunturist----he thought his first appointment was "really cool."
School is still an issue.  He started off the semester not turning anything in (even though he told me that he had everything under control).  He talks about wanting to go to college but he doesn't follow through on doing what he needs to do to get there.  The last week has been much better (with him turning in his assignments and actually studying).  I am hoping that this is a sign that he is ready to start working.  I will post an update again in a couple of weeks.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: January 21, 2010, 10:13:14 PM »
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Wait a sec...  Whooter has always maintained that any parents pulling their kids from the program are making a grave mistake.  Whooter claims that only kids who complete the program have a real chance to "succeed."  Has Whooter now shifted his stance?  Does Whooter now believe that kids pulled early will be "successful"?  If so, why send them in the first place?

My son and I are home.  Wednesday was quite the adventure as I left Las Vegas at 4 am and drove 6 hours in some pretty bad conditions to Aspen Ranch.  The drive back was much easier as the sun came out and the road was in much better condition.  Flight home from Vegas was bumpy but on time.

In response to the above:  I pulled my son early because I felt like it was the best decision, considering.  My son is turning 18 in a couple of months, and I knew that he would probably walk out (on his terms).  He had been working very hard and I decided to bring him home and reward him for his efforts.  Whether this was a good decision, you never know.  I did discuss this with his therapist at the Aspen Ranch, and we all agreed that it was probably the best thing to do.  

We have already met with the dean at his new school and he is signed up for classes.  We have a meeting tomorrow with his psychologist here at home.  We are trying our best to support him in every way possible, but ultimately, it is up to him if he truly wants to make positive changes (he claims he does).  

Many thanks to those that have sent their best wishes.  We are trying our best and keeping our fingers crossed.  I will post again to let you know how things are going.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: January 14, 2010, 02:23:23 PM »
Just got word that my son is going to complete his last unit in English by Monday at the latest, so I am going to pick him up on Wednesday morning and bring him home.  We are all excited and at the same time hopeful that the changes he has made are because he truly wants to change.  I am well aware that he could drop right into his old patterns, but I am doing my best to set him up with a support system here at home so that doesn't happen.  I will post again in a week or two to let you know how things are going. my good friend "Pile of Dead Kids," yes I do have a son and he is coming home.  I would hope you would be happy about that.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« on: January 12, 2010, 03:05:05 PM »
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Can't say this is a "troll thread."  It's packed with factual information about Whooter, his motivations and his role in the TTI.  I'm glad it's here at the top so people can have an understanding of Whooter and how he does business in the TTI.  Now, I've known for many years what an abject liar Whooter is, but this is a great synopsis for the uninitiated.  Don't get snookered by this money-grubber, parents.

Funny, too, how Whooter posts and then NIGEL posts a few minutes later in a thread he's "never posted in before."  Go figure ; )

Now that Whooter has to login, all of his "supporters" have simply vanished.  Strange coincidence?   :rofl:   Hardly.

Perfect----Another conspiracy theory.  Is Whooter Nigel, or maybe Nigel has actually been posting here all along as Whooter.  Either way, it definitely adds to the topic (not).  As for the fact I finally posted on another topic----I have been reading all of the different threads for awhile now so that I can stay as informed as possible.  The reason I posted here is that I was "called out."  

Now---if Whooter follows this up with a post, you will know the answer to your question.

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