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Messages - Revenge Fantasy

Pages: [1]
Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: July 24, 2009, 11:00:57 PM »
I’ll take that as a no. Mr. Reuben (may I call you John?). Could you enlighten everyone on what it’s like to be you…You know having a limited spectrum of emotion and all.

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: July 24, 2009, 10:40:40 PM »
Hi Mr. Reuben,
Does being a soulless program pimp ever get you down?

You’re right the reports will tell a lot. Reviewing how management chose to respond to incidents involving harm to children will surely provide an elucidating glimpse in to how dangerous programs are operated and continue their operations with impunity.

Quote from: "Guest"
...If HLA can tighten up the supervision on these kids...
From the AP wire:Troll defies laws of physics by managing astounding leaps in “logic” on stumpy little legs.
…or HLA could hire say competently trained care givers and try creating an environment that doesn’t inflict soul damaging harm through oppression and privations that the children suffering under such conditions might unconsciously be compelled to recreate as an unhealthy misdirected outlet for their feelings resulting from their obviously unhealthy environment and toward those who left them there.
Your “reasoning” would infer that a supervised environment suitable for children includes a cage match in a well watched pit of hell.

Many cultures stigmatize victims of sexual assault to varying degrees.

16 pages of Google search results of this story and outrage being repeated throughout the world bodes well for the promise of change.
Meanwhile, my heart breaks for that child. It's as sad as it is disgusting that her family would compound the trauma.It's hard to understand something so mind blowingly cold as being the product of a cultural variant. I'd also be interested to know more about the community that the child offenders come from.

"The search for characteristics of women that contribute to their own victimization is futile . . . It is sometimes forgotten that men’s violence is men’s behavior. As such, it is not surprising that the more fruitful efforts to explain this behavior have focused on male characteristics. What is surprising is the enormous effort to explain male behavior by examining characteristics of women." -Judith Herman,M.D.

Oscar you might find this to be of interest: Covering violence - By William Edward Coté, Roger Simpson
The following was recently recommended to me by a friend (though, I just can’t imagine why)Clearly, I haven’t gotten to it yet.
Breaking the Cycles of Hatred: Memory, Law, and Repair- byMartha Minow Introduced and with commentaries edited by Nancy L. Rosenblum

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: ginger needs a spanking
« on: July 23, 2009, 03:30:57 PM »
I've never met the lady so it's just my best guess...but Ginger seems like more of a Top to me.  :whip:
Good luck with that.

« on: July 23, 2009, 03:26:33 PM »
You’re way off your target. You don’t even know enough about other SEED poster’s here to rage at them to this extreme. The reason why you don’t  has a lot to do with the fact that you spend more time spinning self aggrandizing threads (all of which have steadily gone downhill since your earliest vents, imo), than acquiring any understanding from those who’ve been through it too.

Everyone deserves to vent their anger from what happened to them, yes. You just don’t seem interested in anything other than escalating your own tantrums to a dwindling audience.

Learn something from others who understand your anger. Shut the fuck up on an at least occasional basis and allow yourself the time to think between ranting posts. If you allow yourself this you might not come off like such an ignorant self involved hyper defensive prick.

Another bit of good etiquette for you to experiment with would be to not open a new thread for every little thought that comes to you. There are other people and other topics here. If you and cadre want to be heard respectfully you might want to start by extending that to others.

Oh, and before you reduce this as coming from a SEED apologist…I wasn’t even born during the time of your captivity and the crimes they committed against you. I don’t know who the fuck Libby is or was. You and your misogynist sing songs aren’t really encouraging an audience to view your perspective as credible.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Florida wants to execute a Dane
« on: July 20, 2009, 05:19:51 PM »
Prosecutorial discretion is a power like any other that can be abused. This woman’s case would not be the first its kind.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 16, 2009, 02:14:53 AM »
Quick quote:Tiger Eye, what's your response to this? Does CALO accept dangerous children (you said yours was an arsonist, I believe)? How about court-ordered kids? What about convicted felons?

Quick quote:I dunno - you should ask CALO. My son, in a controlled environment, is not dangerous to himself or others. The wilderness program was worried about the fire issue (!) but in the end, his counselors correctly concluded that it would not be an issue there.-Tiger Eye

Tiger eye,
Why didn’t you make these inquiries of CALO, before sending them your child?  In the time since this question was posed to you, have you bothered to find out?
Your kid is still there right? Wouldn’t it behoove you as a loving parent to know who your child is being held with?
Have you (as any vigilant parent would) investigated the available information on the previous employment histories of CALO staff et al? They are known to have worked with abusive programs.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 16, 2009, 01:58:14 AM »
Quote from: "kenhuey"
Going forward I want to make clear my hopes for this post. Simply, I wish to present what CALO is. I also am willing to have respectful dialogue. I do not expect to have all those who read what I write to agree with me but I do expect to stay out of screaming matches. I don't really want to participate in vulgar exchanges and will choose to avoid them. If we can have a discussion and I am convinced that open sharing of ideas is the real purpose, I am on board.
We’re still waiting for you to quit obfuscating. FYI,Try a few non circular answers that don’t involve a link to the psycho-hyperbolic site of your program.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Second post from CALO by Ken Huey
« on: July 16, 2009, 01:50:50 AM »
Quote from: "bobpeterson1973"
(1) Did Ken Huey explain to you that PCS incorporates "bent wrist control methods with variations."
(2) Did you ask questions about consequences for rule violations?
(3) Did you discuss staff credentials with Ken Huey?
(4) Did you speak with students who were recently enrolled at CALO?
(5) Did you tour the entire campus when you enrolled your son at CALO?
(6) Did you eat a meal with your son to see how staff interacted with students?
(7) Did you ask questions about crisis intervention training and appropriate restraint techniques/procedures?
(8) Did you ask for CALO's business license number and verify it with the appropriate state agency?
(9) Did you speak with the appropriate state agency to see if they received complaints about physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse?
(10) Did you walk through the dorm your son would be living in?
(11) I don't 'know if you're aware but Ken Huey, Landon Kirk, Caleb Cottle, and Nicole Fuglsang worked at abusive programs. Do you see this as a red flag?
RE: (12) viewtopic.php?f=9&t=27810

If you did your homework, you would be able to answer the above questions within 10 minutes.  Why are you avoiding them?  I was told "Because your motives are dishonest. You have already made up your mind about me and now you are looking for more ammunition in order to condemn me. I am not accountable to you, Bob".  The name of the  person who sent me that message will not be revealed.

Tiger Eye avoids the substantive issues but did make time to add a tongue in cheek quip to the chat strand. Way to represent Mama.

(12:01:08) Deprogrammed: 717097 obviously has a napoleon complex
(13:14:19) psy: "go buy yourself a sportscar to overcompensate, you tool" LOLOLOLOL
(13:46:09) (773384): LOLOL!
(13:48:38) unmentionable: psy are you there?
(13:49:58) unmentionable: you there psy?
(14:12:14) psy: sure aim me at psy2k6
(14:12:49) psy: sure. i'll start it up. my yahoo is [email protected]
(15:04:22) (852062): nonsense, everyone knows hummers are the compensator of choice
(17:09:50) (151401): Any mention of hummers will result in a closeted troll suddenly having to wipe down it’s key board
(21:58:25) TigerEye: haha - did u know that there is supposedly a Hummer Hybrid?  
  Who’s going to pm Ken Huey to let him know what a piss poor spokes person he has?
 He’s better off on his own offering some explanation for CALO’s questionable treatments.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: FANTASY SCENARIO
« on: July 15, 2009, 11:40:33 PM »
Quote from: "stack jones"

 i have him strip to his underwear and wrap him in fiberglass insulation.

If you choose to use recycled insulation it's a very green method of torture...very creative!

Aspen Education Group / Re: "TheWho"'s True Identity
« on: July 15, 2009, 11:31:45 PM »
Since when do psychologists give breast exams? I guess all that chat box chatter about hummers lured you out.

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