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Messages - telephant

Pages: [1]
Aspen Education Group / Re: modern ASR
« on: April 22, 2009, 01:14:38 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
ok same kid here now i got a little more time. most things here are corrupt. no one will listen to you bcuz your a patient here at this program. you get to talk to your parents once a week at best and your therapist once a week unless they cancell of course wich they do or if there on vacation. asr talks to your parents twice a week with emails inbetween and any other time they want. no one gets kicked out and no one gets denied enrollment here anymore bcuz this buisness that used to be my life is all money now. this place makes brainwahsing promisses that all the money you put in you get out but thats wrong. im going to fight it till the day i die or until i turn 18 atleast then im going to fight for others like me.

they still use bans to stop any kind of relationship whether there frendships or sexual relationships. ive been accused of being in 3 relationships at the same time 2 with females one with a male. and i am a straight male so this is offensive to me. then i was on bans with 4 of my best dude freinds. im still on bans with everyone of them. thats my 7 best freinds, im practicly forced to sit alone every meal...

god help me this is just terrable to even write about. someone just give me a prayer please.

This is how I felt 10 years ago.  The paranoid feeling so deep it twinges in the base of your spine.  If you ever check this thread again I hope you remember, "Take what you can use, and fuck the bullshit."  You will come out stronger.

Im remember hearing stories about MBA.  IN FACT, The original Director of ASR (I forget his name, but fuck do I remember his face), and (approx) 8 other students left MBA from Oregon in a van to Cummington and started ASR!!!

That same Director took the time to tell the entire school that he had "11 homosexual experiences."

I seriously can not make this shit up.   :roflmao:

Funny story about this piece of shit:

So after everyone was kicked out, and the wilderness intake program was just created (none of us went through it), peer groups 2-7 sprang out of nowhere.  So we were the "senior" peer group and we were sometimes allowed to listen to music.  One evening, I remember asking Rudy if we could listen to Dark Side of The Moon, and he goes, "What?  Do you think Im stupid?  You don't think I know what Pink Floyd is about?"  And then he puts his fingers to his lips like he's hitting a joint and says, "Is there anybody in there?"

I remember thinking, "That's The Wall, dumbass."  :twofinger:

Im from peer group 1, also known as Project 1.  The title is misleading, because there were originally (approx) 20-25 students.  That is, until they were all kicked out, except for 6 of them.  I was one of the six.  Thats when Rudy took over.  This was also when the program length was much longer.  I want to say 18 - 24 months.  I was there for almost 17.  February 5th, 1998 to June 21 (or 29th?), 1999.   Project 1 was the first group sent to Costa Rica.  Which lasted for 8 weeks instead of the 3 or 4 that was common after.

Im looking to reconnect with the P1.  Are there any of you here?

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