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Messages - Achilles heel

Pages: [1]
The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: New here with lots of questions
« on: March 17, 2009, 11:31:59 AM »
Thank You all for this excellent input .
I know when adults running this facilty are trying to threaten and intimidate and
COERCE other adults to lie , that is a Moral issue within itself .
However I will not go into all the personal details right now
of "How I know what I know ". For me what it comes down to
is when adults running this facilty will stoop
to the level of trying to implicate students ( children ) IN ON  their lies ,
for me personally I have never seen anything so low in all my life .
If the Parents only knew how their children are being used as Pawns in
such webs of deception . I know the Students are even Unaware of this
 which is even more horrible . They are innocent as well.
The way I was brought up was to have morals and standards we all should live
by and that is the bottom line of why I was let go .
It had nothing to do with anything BUT that .
I walk away with dignity and that is something the Place is in great lack of .
I was not  easily Coerced or intimidated and became a threat .
Their tactics are common such as some spoke of by guardian angel.
Their practices are transparent to someone who is a independent thinker  consequently these employees
are usually the first to be " Shown the Door ".
 I have every intention to pursue the justice and laws that are being broken within
what they think is their OWN little kingdom placing them above Laws in their minds
, nor  can  I  not stand by silent
to wait for a tragic loss of life or child for such a worthless reason.
I was brought up believing that justice should prevail.
When lining ones own pockets at the expense of good reason , moral values ,
and forthright intentions are in question , and the odds are one innocent child may suffer
or parent from no knowledge , I will be that Voice that does not go away .
Guaranteed !
It takes a community such as this to stop this kind of insane practice
where crooks are laughing all the way to the bank at a childs expense .
My heart tells me I am doing the right thing for the right reasons ( its so comforting to know others
in this world are with me ).
I am taking all advice from here and building anything I can to
bring about a much needed investigation into this facility Imparticular .

Yes , I know some employed come from Utah and it has one of the worst past on these
kinds of "TREATMENT " centers . I also believe they think they are hidden from
a well educated community of workers as well  and in their minds they are pretending they
are their own law, it is amazing how their arrogance has fed their egos into
such a false state of comfort .
 I plan to pursue many of  the directions  from
everyones advice here so far .

I thank you all for caring for the same reasons I do .

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: New here with lots of questions
« on: March 16, 2009, 08:22:07 PM »
I am not at all spiteful in leaving there .
I am NOT the ONLY  one who seen through their charades and many others who left under simuliar circumstances
are with me on the fact we Care about the students there . Unfortunately Calo does not want good employees with perfect background or with any brains to question them ( after all they are the authority and ones with the Degrees) .( that is a joke and even makes me laugh )
I am however angry that I feel my hands are tied at how to help .
This repeated fear they put in employees about confidentiality ( which is a basic HIPPA agreement .
I am reading every post every one makes to me on this thread,
So I can become better educated and it takes alot of determination to go into this kind of employment for
such a short time and see so  much abuse of power , money and sheer corruption at the highest levels .
I am a parent myself and would never be this hood winked by Used Car Saleman with PHD's.
My heart is sad and not at peace as long as abuse continues at the expense of the innocent.
What I have to gain is helping that one student or parent find the truth and become better educated
through others , just like I am .

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: New here with lots of questions
« on: March 16, 2009, 08:04:05 PM »
Thank you for the reply and I have read enough to know this is a big money making
industry . It seems the red tape involved is equally big .
I know they have employees sign a confidentiality agreement by HIPPA
Does this make it illegal for me to talk to anyone or parents who have had or have children there ?
They seem to use intimidation and fear tactics well which is another reason I am led to believe
there is a rat in denmark .

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: New here with lots of questions
« on: March 16, 2009, 07:42:43 PM »
by LMJ630 ยป 21 Feb 2007, 08:54 ... 5657.shtml

Change Academy At Lake Of The Ozarks
Lake Ozark, MO

CALO Announces The Opening Of Their Co-Ed Program

Ken Huey, Ph.D., CEO
[email protected]

February 15, 2007

CALO (Change Academy at Lake of the Ozarks) announces the opening of their co-ed program for youth ages 13 to 17. Appropriate teenagers will be admitted into the program starting March 5th, 2007. CALO is headed by Dr. Ken Huey. Ken started his career in residential treatment with Provo Canyon School as a front line therapist. He later became Provo Canyon's Director of Business Development before moving on to West Ridge Academy. At West Ridge Ken was the Director of Clinical Services before starting CALO.

Nicole Fuglsang, MA, is CALO's Admissions Director and can be contacted directly at (573) 746-1884 with any questions about referrals. Nicole worked at Hidden Lake Academy and Ridge Creek for over 7 years. She finished her tenure at Hidden Lake and Ridge Creek as the Admissions Director.

CALO is a specialized program dealing with only three types of presenting issues: disorders of attachment, trauma, and affect regulation. Other issues that are secondary to one of these core issues may be appropriate at CALO but only in the course of treating one of CALO's three core specialties. For example, a youth with a primary drug and alcohol dependence diagnosis would not be an appropriate referral. A drug and alcohol dependence that is secondary to a core issue of trauma, attachment, or emotional regulation concerns would be appropriate.

CALO improves the lives of troubled youth by harnessing the power of three central change agents: 1) Relationships, 2) Transferable Attachment, and 3) Experiential successes.

Relationships are the lynchpin to the change process. Family relationships and parenting are directly coached. Staff relationships are utilized for their mentoring power. Therapeutic relationships are leveraged to create a desire for change in the lives of CALO students. Peer relationships are harnessed to create an atmosphere of positive peer pressure.

Transferable Attachment is CALO's name for what is learned through the care of and bonding with purebred dogs. Clinically appropriate youth in the program have an opportunity to "adopt" a dog in the beginning stages of the program. Myriad transferable lessons of self-discipline, healing, commitment, unconditional love, and genuine attachment are learned in the process.

Located on the shores of Lake of the Ozarks, youth are provided a number of aquatic therapeutic recreational activities. It is intended that CALO youth will struggle against water challenges and overcome them with the help of staff and family; learning lessons of trust, bonding, confidence, and self-reliance in the process. This is done through sailing, rowing, canoeing, power watersports, and other aquatic challenges.

CALO subscribes to safe, researched therapeutic practices and does not use holding or provoking interventions.

Just in case any of you want to give Nicole a call and ask her how maternity leave is going.

The Troubled Teen Industry / New here with lots of questions
« on: March 16, 2009, 07:25:58 PM »
Hi ,

I came across this website after googling a person's name of interest >..... Nicole Fugslang
I thought her current Boss was a Liar and Thief and that is what sent me to searching .
I worked in their new current location and was less then content with the things I observed.
I need help . These kids are still there and I am not .
The reasons I was let go makes no sense , no more then the stuff I had wondered about for so long that
logically made no sense . Some of it all started to fall into place when I went to ISAC 's site .

I need to get advice , they have everyone scared , to even communicate .( Even outside their
place of employment ., much less within /.

If Anyone knows someone who knows what the law says ..... and can answer some of my questions ...
There are kids well being here at jeopardy , not to mention the parents of these students who are being conned
and probably told lies as well.... as to the way things go on there .

Thank you for anyone willing to converse with me on this .

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