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Messages - like a bird

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Im outta here
« on: March 10, 2003, 10:06:00 PM »
85 day jerk said: "Values are viewed as 'weakness' and held in contempt."

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ARE YOU OVER IT? A casual survey...
« on: March 09, 2003, 07:56:00 PM »
Well, ARE you over it?

It seems like some folks are, and some are not, so I was interested in a little headcount on the matter.

Say yes or no, or ramble on at length.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The present senate response
« on: March 09, 2003, 07:48:00 PM »
I appreciate your post here very much. I was wondering what you majored in in college and if you have post-grad education as well.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Are you still not over it?"
« on: March 09, 2003, 07:36:00 PM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Are you still not over it?"
« on: March 09, 2003, 07:32:00 PM »
In an earlier post, I said: "However, malpractice awards DO serve to help people put their lives back in order. They pay for a person's continuing medical care, for one thing. They also, in my opinion, serve by taking away from the offending party a significant portion of their wealth, which serves to deplete their power."

And then you replies: "You are wrong here. All the runaway malpractice suits have done is remove a few Dr.s who would have climbed from the gene pool anyway and drive up the cost of good medicine for everyone."

Now in this post you say: "Last thing, you will most likely be unable to sway my opinion on the runaway malpractice settlements. Medicine has been VERY good to me. Please note, I am not saying ALL malpractice suits are bad, just thngs like $100 Million for an ingrown toe nail and the like."

I wasn't trying to sway your opinion on the "runaway" malpractice suits because I never mentioned "runaway" malpractice suits.

And another thing, I never even mentioned "vengeance".

I apologize for accusing you of vitriolic postings, but your words did feel very caustic. You do not read what I say carefully, because in your posts you twist my words and say I said things I didn't say. It feels like an attack, not a disagreement.

In your most recent post you even talk about the injustice of the scene with your parents and you and your siblings. It seems like, and I am not going to say for you how you feel, but it SEEMS like you understand about having lingering resentment.

Why can't we just have the feelings we have about what happened, including having various feelings about it to this very day? Why do some people have to go on at length about how wrong I am, and --especially 2dogs -- ridicule me for thinking a certain thing, or feeling a certain way? THAT right there is what I don't get, and as much as I got your ire up by characterizing your replies as "vitriol"-ic, you can understand then my ire at being not only misunderstood but attacked.

I do sense that you don't mean harm, but perhaps you can understand some of my perceptions about your posts.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Are you still not over it?"
« on: March 09, 2003, 07:01:00 PM »
Thanks Morli, for saying that. I also appreciated your earlier post on responsible parenting.

I am sorry for your and your daughter's loss.

I think you said it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Are you still not over it?"
« on: March 08, 2003, 03:33:00 PM »
thanks for gunning for me, brother.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Are you still not over it?"
« on: March 08, 2003, 03:29:00 PM »
Reply to 2dogs:

You say: "How can you blame your parents?"

Because they were in their forties, college-educated adults. I know a lot of people here think that the parents were just as brainwashed, but I have a hard time really believing that. If they were locked up along with us, sure. But they could see the control, they knew we sat in blue chairs all day long and never saw the sun, they knew we were led around by our belt loops, and they could have and ought to have done some research and discoverd the lawsuits that had already been brought against Straight.

You say: "All that horse-shit about sueing someone is so fucked-up"

I am curious, do you think that those who were in Straight and other such programs should not sue Mel Sembler and the other big Straight people? Do you really think that is "horse-shit"? Even if it never works, if it never happens, do you not think we would be just in suing them?

You say: "Besides how many times did YOU sit in your "phaserized" home and sell the program to your mom in the days after you joyously yelled "COMING HOME"?"

I toed the party line, so to speak, because I was terrified not to, as we all were. If at any point after first phase I put in for a withdraw, I would have been set back or terrorized in the intake room. I was playing their game, and I lost my own sense of the truth because I was too afraid to speak the truth, even to myself, for a long time.

You say: "You NEED someone to be hurt or give you money to be ok?"

I know I never said that I needed someone to be hurt for me to be ok. Never ever, go back and read my posts, did I say that? Don't say I said something that I didn't say. You are doing the same thing Clay did.

I will say that money would help with a lot of things. Of course it doesn't necessarily make things okay, but anyone who has been on skid row knows the power of money to help.

"I mean I felt the way you do back in the 80's after I graduated when the brainwashing was wearing off. Sorry you still feel the injustice so strongly around you. I wish I had better words than just giving you shit. I really would like to say the right thing to help but I'm not sure what to say to someone sitting where you're sitting so I'll have to settle for just giving you shit...sorry....Joey" "

Joey, I did feel your reply to me was harsh, and I am having to defend myself on a number fronts. I appreciate that you seem to want to help, and that you are sorry that you don't know any other way than by giving me shit.

I don't really think I need help here. I just kind of posted this topic originally because I felt tangled up about the whole thing. I agree with people who responded, albeit harshly, that I cannot waste my life waiting around for my mom to come through. It is a very old beef I have with her, from years and years of family patterns. That is mine to work out.

I disagree with the personal attacks, the rude mischaracterizations ("No cash for like a bird", among others), the sentiment that we are not owed anything, in short, the bizarre harshness.

I do find it interesting. It does remind me of both the way my family fights, which I am completely sick of, and it also reminds me of the rebuttal-by-intense-attack method we learned in Straight. Reading through the responses, I find myself flashing back to the building and the blue chairs. I am glad that I am not in person with several of the people who responded. I am glad this is a written forum so I can respond more rationally than I would be able to in person.

peace 2dogs,
p.s. just curious about the origin of your moniker if you want to explain it

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Are you still not over it?"
« on: March 08, 2003, 03:00:00 PM »
Clay, you did not read my post very carefully.

You say: "I have a question. So what are you going to do? Have everyone, including your parents and family members thrown in prison for doing what they thought was best for you?"

I specifically stated that I do not believe in prison time for our parents.

You say: "Lastly, the Nazi comparasson fails."

Okay, but what about the bank robbers from the sixties they continue to pursue? Drug dealers from a decade or two ago who have relocated under aliases and are living decent lives?

Also, in the beginning of your post you say: "You are wrong here. All the runaway malpractice suits have done is remove a few Dr.s who would have climbed from the gene pool anyway and drive up the cost of good medicine for everyone."

You seem to be unaware of real live people who have been injured, and who, without insurance payoffs and lawsuits, would be left without medical care for continued problems, further operations, physical therapy, and so on.

And as for the mention of Nazis, I don't think there is a soul here who believes that what they went through compares in intensity of horror to what the Nazis put the Jews and other groups through. I think we continue to bring it up because it resonates with us, to be kidnapped, locked up, and abused by people on a power trip, plus the elements of mind control Hitler used to get an army and a whole nation behind him.

I do not understand the fervor of your replies to me. Why does it get you so angry? Why the vitriol?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Im outta here
« on: March 07, 2003, 11:47:00 PM »
"I don't let the posts of others get me down that much, but I can say, that lately this forum has strayed into the fringes of the Twilight Zone. The main thing is that this is what makes America what it is, a bunch of grab astic pieces of amphibian slime shooting off their mouths and seeking attention and gratification. People may miss my earlier "Tales of Epic Adventure" from my early days in the Milton Roy Building, but for now I only write like that if I have a flash-back and lemme tell ya, its hard to have a flash-back when all you see in here is the same tired lame-ass bullshit." --85 Day Jerk

I didn't think the whole post was "out of whack", just this part.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Im outta here
« on: March 07, 2003, 11:40:00 PM »
Now I almost feel like crying, I feel so humiliated. I did not realize it meant that. I thought it was more like, spastically greedy, since the poster was talking about Americans.

I do not understand such meanness. I do not know what either I or the original poster said to deserve such caustic replies. I thought 85dayjerks reply was so out of whack that I would just make light of it by finding something funny and therefore good in what I thought was a clever use of language, and remark on that. Making lemonade and all that.

Well aren't I dumb. Is that how you are in real life? Don't you realize you are talking to good people here? Why would you treat people so cruelly? GOOD PEOPLE. Even you! Why direct so much venom at people for having a different opinion or experience of life than you do?

I totally forgive you. I do not believe anyone here is really who your venom is directed at. May you have peaceful dreams, sweet sleep, and wake up a little more healed than the day before.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / confessions of a smiley lover
« on: March 07, 2003, 10:18:00 PM »
oh good idea, these are my favorites:


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / confessions of a smiley lover
« on: March 07, 2003, 10:14:00 PM »
"....(ucking and re)"

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / confessions of a smiley lover
« on: March 06, 2003, 11:56:00 PM »

can some computer freak tell me what program I would need to make my very own animated smilies?

shanks, i'll shuffle off now

P.S. What is this one doing? Is he crying or drooling? and why is his name "ftard" ::ftard::

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