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Messages - SpecialLadyFriend

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« on: August 08, 2008, 12:50:12 AM »
Or... I was abused in AARC and have found a man who can help me overcome the pain I was subjected to. I am NO victim. I live a full and beautiful life. If you think my need to confront the institution that tortured me is sick then that is your opinion. I have found a man who has helped me to heal and is helping me to fight an injustice that was visited upon me as a child. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to have AJAX as my man. I would not trade my life for anything. I am the person now that I always felt existed. I am alive in spite of AARC, not because of it.
I am not going to spend my time defending my life to you. I am not a victim anymore, I am a SURVIVOR!!!!
I come on this website to try and offer another story to AARC clients. I am just trying to help the children who come out and feel they have no choices. What are you doing here? Trying to bully people who have already traversed the AARC obstacle course? What sadness you wish to spread. Why would you want to hurt the people who are just looking to understand what happened to them in AARC? I don't need to defend my life to you. I am not on here trying to victimise or bully people who have already suffered enough.  I am just trying to tell my story.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« on: August 07, 2008, 09:09:59 PM »
I don't feel the need to defend my side with the same fervor you do. "Me thinks she dost protest too much" is the only quote I can send to you. I won't quote your post because I am not here to argue the fine points. In AARC I was abused, refused contact with my family and tortured in the name of treatment. I am not here to say whether that happened to anyone else.
I have spent years trying to move on with my life. I love my husband and the understanding he has brought me about what happened to me and the love he has brought to my life.
You and I will end up in the same place in the end, I hope we arrive with the same respect and understanding for each other. I am not trying to be condescending, I really want everyone who has ever come in contact with AARC to feel peace and calm. I am sorry you don't feel that now.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: AARC's Congenital Disease
« on: August 07, 2008, 08:04:32 PM »
I am here to respond to your accusations 'vinny/'s fav guest'. I have NEVER accused anyone of raping me. The situation you are refering to is actually 3 different women. You are talking about a rape in the centre, a rape in a host home and a rape by a staff member in the centre. I was assaulted by an oldcomer in a host home. The oldcomer has admitted to this and he made amends to me on step 10. You are not in a place where you should be talking about things you don't understand. You talk about AJAX sounding stupid? Listen to yourself. AJAX has spoken to these women and has actual facts to back up his opinions. You are running on rumors and lies.
So are you saying I am lying? Why would my oldcomer have apologized to me if I made the whole thing up? My issue is how staff dealt with the incident and how I was treated for reporting it. That treatment is what haunts me. I had my cheek bitten and was pushed down a flight of stairs, then put on Zero club for reporting it. One of the girls who beat me admitted to it later. So if it's all lies why would my attackers admit to it?
I am sorry for whatever you have gone through to make you so angry. If you know someone who believes they were helped by AARC then great, but that DOES NOT MAKE WHAT HAPPENED TO ME AND OTHER SURVIVORS OK.
Are you saying that abusing children is ok if some of them don't spend the rest of their lives trying to get over it? If so I am sorry for you and your child (or whoever you put through AARC) and I wish you well. We have the same enemy. You are defending AARC with the anger and drive with which I fight them, we have both been pushed to our edge and are trying to keep from falling. Please do more research before you attack me with your LIES.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lost together
« on: October 21, 2007, 11:54:42 AM »
Hello Tasha and guest.
I went into AARC in 95 and graduated in 97, so I am sure I know both of you.
Thank you for your post Tasha. I needed to hear someone tell me they were going through the same thing as me.
I am moving on in my life, but I still have those nightmares and I still feel anxious sometimes, like someone is watching me.
My fight against AARC is moving forward and there are days (like today) when I wish I never hear the words AARC again. I just want it to go away. I don't want to fight I just want to have never been in there. I needed to hear your words and I guess I am just trying to tell you I am there with you, all of you.

Listen up Melissa. I am not talking about "not liking the way things are done" I am talking about being physically and sexually assaulted by my olcomers and then being told by staff I am lying and being punished for it. I am talking about having someone stand in the bathroom with me while I change a tampon as punishment for an oldcomer kicking me down a flight of stairs.
So you can tell me how lucky you are not to be a victim of yourself and I will continue to tell you how lucky I am to be seeing the truth of the situation and living in reality. You want to learn how decent people live: They don't go onto a website and taunt victims!!!!  
I graduated AARC and chose not to drink for a few years (a goal you have yet to achieve whithout being held in AARC). I finished school and entered into post secondary before I felt I was ready to make any decisions regarding substance use. I went into councelling to deal with my special treatment at AARC and made the decision that I was not, could not have been and am still not an addict. So go get on with your life, good luck on your next refresher and don't ever tell me about my 'program' because you know not of what you speak.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Get off your horse
« on: October 19, 2007, 09:44:16 PM »
In response to your question regarding making choices: At no phase in AARC are you making your own choices. On level three you are permitted to leave the centre during the day to get a job or go back to school but they are not truly your choices. Level threes have to still run all decisions by their peer and clinical.
As far as AARC being a wonderful place, perhaps you should go to your room and open a readings book on gratitude. You should be grateful that these atrocities were not visited upon you, rather than coming on here to rub your "happiness" in the faces of the victims. So tell me again how happy and well adjusted you are? How about work your program and leave me to mine.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / School of hard Knocks
« on: October 14, 2007, 01:17:41 PM »
I know that if I were a diagnosed with a disease (like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder) I would personally prefer if my Doctor had a history in medicine, extensive training and schooling, rather than simply sharing my disorder.
When I had surgery last year I was very happy to learn that the Doctor performing the operation had a degree and spent several years in university studying medicine, rather than a mail in degree through the Union Institute.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Boring
« on: September 24, 2007, 08:23:36 PM »
You AARColytes are all the same.  My feelings are so hurt that you don't like me and think I should be on medication. Next time you post please come at me with some kind of proof that my claims are false or that you believe the experiences I have described were somehow beneficial to my treatment. Until then, please know that I am losing sleep because of your insults and I am not sure I can keep thinking for much longer, hey maybe I will have a change of heart, shut my brain off and stop by an open meeting. See you there :)
Thanks again for sharing


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lucky you
« on: September 23, 2007, 01:36:58 PM »
It must be nice to live in a world where you never need read any deeper than the information placed infront of you. I am glad I could bring you a laugh, sorry to end that but let me spell out the abuse here and see if you can wrap your head around it.
It doesn't matter to me if you do or don't like hugs. I was sexually abused before AARC and NOT comfortable with physical affection. I made that clear to staff. If AARC really wanted to help me heal and move forward in my life they would have shown me some respect and let me decide if I wanted to be hugged by strangers.
Let's delve deeper, shall we? If a child is allergic to milk is it theraputic to force them to drink it? NO. What if AARC decided that milk helped heal alcoholism? Still not theraputic hey? So follow my logic here, I promise I won't take you away from your nonthinkingjustfollowing safe place for much longer, if a person needs a little more space around them and forcing them to hug people is part of their treatment then tell me how that was supposed to help me? What it really did was make it even harder for me to ever trust anyone in a position of authority.
Also I noticed your problem was only with my "hugs" issues, are you admitting that the misuse of my medication is actually a form of mental abuse or did you just choose to ignore it because there is no way to make me wrong for that?
Thanks for coming out. You can return to your safety zone.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Waves and waves
« on: September 22, 2007, 04:08:35 PM »
This motion against AARC is gaining momentum and it has come time for me to write my story. I just started and I am currently in point form mode, page after page of headings and then notes and memories related to the topic. So I am coming up with things I had thought long gone and realizing the full extent of the damages this program has caused me.
I hated the hugs. I did not like hand holding. I did not like to be touched and when I told my olcomer, it got worse.
It took 5+ years out of AARC for me to believe that public displays of affection were anything more than displays of ownership and control. Even hand holding between lovers seemed forced and nervous.
I still do not hug socially and get very uncomfortable hugging anyone other than my partner and immediate family.
I hate what this program has done to me.
I feel so far away from everyone right now. I am emotionally closed down and just going through the motions of being a human being. I feign interest in things people are talking about and even interject my opinions and experiences just to feel a sense of comradarie with the people around me.
Some days I can't write, but I still check the website regularly just to watch the number of people reading the information here. I hope this post crosses the path of someone going through the same thing and then we can both take comfort in the warmth of shared experience and the truth that there is nothing wrong with us, save for the fact that we are victims of a terrible program and are survivors.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / AARC is to blame
« on: September 22, 2007, 03:11:40 PM »
Andy was programmed to believe that he only had two paths in life, sober AARCie or wasted druggie. He was never told their was an inbetween or any other way of living. When Andy took that first drink he truly believed he had failed and would have so much shame and humiliation to deal with he put no restraints on his behavior (hung for sheep as a lamb). It is hard to understand unless you have felt that. I nearly killed myself after AARC because I believed I had failed and could never be happy.
AARC is to blame for that. AARC told this little boy that if he did not follow their teachings he was going to end up insaneinjailordead, and they drilled it into his head. When that castle started to crumble he had no reason to believe he would ever come out of it alive.
So Fuck AARC for teaching children that they are bad. Fuck AARC for teaching children their is only one way to live. Fuck AARC for creating a monkey, dressing him up for their shows and then unleashing a monster.
I hold AARC responsible this.
As for sensitivity, show some for the real victim. Not the guy who might spend life in jail, but for the life that was ended. You want to go to tell Nicole's mother that Andy was a really nice guy and she should show some compassion? You should pull your head out of your ass and step into the real world.

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