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Messages - RTPChristSupertzar

Pages: [1] 2 3
I just shot up 80 mg of oxycontin.

I live for drugs, it's great.  I'm the White Rabbit.

Let It Bleed / Re: Stuff you've been listening to
« on: January 17, 2008, 10:02:21 PM »
Black Sabbath--"The Wizard", "Beyond The Wall of Sleep"

Blue Oyster Cult--"Wings of Mercury"

White Zombie--"Blood, Milk, and Sky"

David Gilmour--"All Lovers Are Deranged", "There's No Way Out Of Here", "Mihalis"

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: I just
« on: January 17, 2008, 01:02:21 AM »
I just shot up some awesome pills.  Morphine, dilaudid, oxycodone, and a pinch of coke for an amazing lil cocktail.   I live for drugs, it's great.  I'm the White Rabbit...........

Let It Bleed / Re: Stuff you've been listening to
« on: January 17, 2008, 12:50:52 AM »
The Rolling Stones--Let It Bleed   (the lines from the title track, "and there will always be a place/in my parking lot/when you need a little coke and sympathy".... has taken on a significant meaning in my life as of late.  She's cool like that, yes she is.   

Iron Maiden--Killers and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.......on cassette, no less......burned 5through this one twice today while waiting on some shit to go down.

Some cheesy pop song that has a whistled intro verse and lyrics pertaining to a guy with some sort of shady past getting together with a girl who is OK with it...."if you knew my whole life note for note/if you knew my secret history/would you go home with somebody like me?"  or something like that.    If any of you know the name of the song or artist, let me know, will ya? The female vocalist sounds a lot like Hope Sandoval from Mazzy Star.  Speaking of Mazzy Star, I recently listened to ....So Tonight That I Might See.... and She Hangs Brightly.   Ladies choice, y'know.   I always liked Mazzy Star, and one of David Roback's previous bands, Opal, that sounds a lot like Mazzy Star, but with a harder rocking side, too.  Check out Happy Nightmare, Baby sometime, or the song "Northern Line", which was covered by The Old 97s, probably 'cause of the lyric, seductively sung by Kendra Smith, "I'm singing of the wreck/Of the old 97".

Jane's Addiction--Nothing's Shocking and their live debut on XXX Records.  Damn fine rock and roll, as is Appetite For Destruction by Guns and Roses, which has also been a recent listen.

John Coltrane--Black Pearls

Black Angels--Passover

Things have been frantic and weird, as usual, over here in RTPland, but as fucked as things have been, some really cool things have happened to me recently, most significantly being meeting a real cool woman that I've been hanging with for the last couple of weeks.  She's a real sweetheart,  and she turned what could have been a very fucked up time for me into a really wonderful time.   We seem to go together like, well, like morphine and cocaine.....or something like that.   

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I just
« on: November 20, 2007, 03:59:48 PM »
I haven't stuck a needle in my arm in a little while now.  I'm almost high on life.  I think I will smoke some WEED pretty soon, though........

Let It Bleed / Stuff you've been listening to
« on: November 20, 2007, 03:57:38 PM »
Hellacopters--Payin' The Dues

Blue Oyster Cult--Secret Treaties and Tyranny and Mutation

The Doors--Strange Days

The Rolling Stones--Goat's Head Soup

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I just
« on: November 13, 2007, 07:12:11 PM »
smoked a few tasty tokes of The Best Pot In The World.  I am higher than Yuri Gagarin on May Day.........ahh, TBPITW! :smokin:

Let It Bleed / Yesterday and Today
« on: November 13, 2007, 07:02:39 PM »
Ramones--End Of The Century

Blue Oyster Cult--Imaginos

Radio Birdman--Radios Appear (Overseas Version)

John Coltrane--A Love Supreme

Acid Mothers Temple--live show from 2004 on archive dot org

REM--Fables Of The Reconstruction

Hawkwind--Undisclosed Files Addendum Vol. 1

Let It Bleed / Stuff you've been listening to
« on: November 06, 2007, 10:00:17 AM »
David Gilmour--"There's No Way Out Of Here"

The Saints--"Porno Movies"

The Doors--"Take It As It Comes"

Herman Brood & His Wild Romance--"Saturday Night", "Dope Sucks"

Hellacopters--Cream of the Crap Vol. 1

Radio Birdman--Living Eyes

The Jesus And Mary Chain--Barbed Wire Kisses

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I just
« on: November 04, 2007, 09:21:27 AM »
Thanks for your kind words.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I just
« on: November 04, 2007, 09:07:29 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Weed usually does me right, but I'd like to start doing something with it besides smoking it. Or maybe I'll "just" try mullein for the lungs (too bad i no longer work at the natural food store) like you suggested...

Psychedelics (and admittedly, alcohol sometimes) will always be my favorite drugs. And of course then there's caffeine....

A sexy lady who likes the drugs that I like helps a lot, too..

Maybe a hobby..? You've always been a good writer..

Sure, I'm not a bad writer, I'll cop to that, but I am pretty damn lazy, and half the time, unless I'm suddenly inspired to rant, "I just" don't think I have that much to say.......I mean, come on, I'm a forty year old junky, or ex-junky, or whatever.......who the fuck gives a damn about what I have to say anyway?   Maybe I'll feel differently about things in a day, a week, a month, a year, another lifetime.....but right now I'm bored of the hard shit, and tired of all the bullshit that surrounds it.  I thought about starting another band, but that's such a goddamn pain in the ass......and like I said, I'm forty fucking years old.....hard to keep the rock and roll street cred" going when you are twice the age of the little fuckers you're playing to.  

Maybe you should try a vaporizer for your WEED, it's a lot less harsh on your lungs that way......

Sure, a sexy femme who is into the same things I'm into, be it drugs, music, movies, etc., is a good thing, but I'm pretty jaded in that department, too.......and yes, that is as fucked-up as it sounds.  Like the song by the Black Angels says, "I'm better off alone", to be completely honest, I've always found that when I first get off junk, my sex drive isn't that strong, it takes a little while, usually, before I get the ol' libido firing on all cylinders again----and did I mention that I am a forty year old (possibly ex-) junky?  Not exactly the first choice of company for an available femme.....and I tend to be pretty particular about the women I want to be with.  Ladies, if you've ever been lusted after by RTP, rest assured you are extremely attractive and of above-average intelligence, and probably rather "good freaky", feel flattered, you should be.  And truthfully, there ain't that many of them around.........

Like I said, I don't want to jump to any conclusions, it's still early in this particular episode, and to tell the truth, if you came to me with a syringe loaded with , oh, say,  8mg of dilaudid and offered it to me, it's probably 50-50 on whether or not I'd roll up my sleeves and bang it.....I'm just not really seeking the shit out, at least not today........I don't know, I'm just......bored, and I'm worried that the hard shit has made me boring, both to myself and to others.   Maybe I'll go smoke some grass and see what it feels like on a head that's not full of poppy squeezin's.......but right now it's too early to draw any conclusions, although I do think a break from the hard shit would do me good, and I'm sick and tired (did I mention that I'm bored?) of the hard shit anyway........

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / what a long strange trip it's been,,,,,,,
« on: November 04, 2007, 08:33:47 AM »
I'm kind of bored with getting high.  Seriously.  The damn things don't work like they used to,  cost way too much, and I'm tired of dealing with shitheads to obtain them.   This is really kind of fucked up, I mean, I've been using hard drugs for YEARS now, and I'm kind of wondering what I'm going to use to fill the void where opiates and cocaine used to be.  I mean, I'm not on some sobriety bandwagon, and I'm not about to go to NA or AA meetings, I'm just......bored.    I'll probably still smoke pot, I don't know.....I've been smoking a lot less lately 'cause I've been more into the hard shit.  I haven't been able to really get high on junk, and coke without dope makes me nervous and anxiety-ridden, I don't like speed, and drinking every day makes me more of an idiot than I usually am.  I don't feel sick, not yet anyway, although I think I should, based on the amount of dope and the length of time I've been regularly using.  I'm still OK with the psychedelics, but I think the use of them is something that requires lots of preparation and all, they're more of an introspective thing than a drug, to me.  This is weirding me out...........I don't know what to do with myself without opiates, but they aren't doing it for me.  I can either drastically increase the dosages, or stop doing them.  Like I said, they get pretty expensive, and even the twice-a-month cheap hookups I have aren't enough to get me off anymore.  Strange that I am not dopesick.  Maybe in a day or two I'll feel differently about this.  I did smoke pot last night,  some midgrade smoke, and it did get me high, and I was cool with that, but the hard shit has really lost it's magic for me.   Damn weird.  I do like cigarettes and coffee, though....but the other shit ain't doing it for me anymore.  It's affected my life in many negative ways, but I always thought it was worth it, 'cause I really liked the feeling (or lack thereof) that they gave me.  Now that I have moved out of the place I was living, I don't feel as compelled to numb myself to deal witrh the assholes that I was living with.  Now I wonder, "Where do I go from here now that the thrill of it all is over?"   Hmmmm.  Gotta think about this one, yes I do.............

Let It Bleed / Stuff you've been listening to
« on: November 04, 2007, 08:05:26 AM »
Jucifer--I Name You Destroyer

Yeah Yeah Yeahs--Fever To Tell

Pink Floyd--Dark Side Of The Moon

John Coltrane--A Love Supreme and My Favorite Things

Let It Bleed / Stuff you've been listening to
« on: October 28, 2007, 10:15:39 PM »
Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""RTPChristSupertzar""
Dinosaur jr.
I used to listen to You're Living All Over Me, but other than that I'm pretty dry on Dinosaur jr...what's some good stuff by them?

That's the one I like best, along with Green Mind.  I listened to them today on a Pandora station.  Their first, eponymous release is good, too.

Let It Bleed / Stuff you've been listening to
« on: October 28, 2007, 09:10:35 PM »
Pretty Things--S.F. Sorrow (Thanks for the recomendation, ZA, I really like this one)

Herman Brood & His Wild Romance--"Saturday Night"

Mogwai--"Mogwai Fear Satan"

The Who--"Tattoo"

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