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Messages - FunkyChild

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The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Re: Jim Sir
« on: March 01, 2010, 11:00:20 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
I hope it was prostate cancer.

And i hope you die of a combination of osteoporosis, breast cancer, and sex against your will. you piece of trash :fuckoff:

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Re: Ryan Parsons
« on: March 01, 2010, 01:06:31 AM »
who was he again? i vaguely remember

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Re: Jim Sir
« on: March 01, 2010, 12:38:10 AM »
R.I.P. Jim Sir. You were a rose amongst the thorns there. So what if he made jokes at others' expense, if you can't find humor in the bullshit, then you'll be governed by anxiety and will never lighten up. and i remember BL, never sat next to him after tried constantly to grab food off my plate...douche. and if you're one of the many pussies out there dancing on his grave, go back to letting your mom groom your pubes. he called me a band fag who couldn't even be a groupie, and music has been a lifetime commitment for me, it just tempered me to be the brunt of a joke and not take it personally...

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / The Revolving Door at HLA
« on: August 29, 2007, 02:58:34 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
These liens are old, why even post them?  These were published a long time ago, and most paid down.

You are spending much too much time at the library..................

so do you have any proof that these were paid? looks like somebody should spend more time at the library  :lol:. these half assed retorts are getting old. hla is outta ammo

greece is the mecca of democracy, dipshit. and p.s. iran can't lift a finger to america when it comes to weapons distrubution. the afgan's were using the same weapons we gave them in to fight off russia, against us. hey hey, whatever came of that letter sent to the fire dept and the local gov't???

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / what the fuck...
« on: August 20, 2007, 01:37:23 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
You know who's not complaining about this?

Daryl Beard.

HLA sure as hell isn't going to tell him. See, if he knew about that page, he'd get a link to Fornits, and here he might hear things that his HLA masters don't want him to hear. FunkyChild, if he's such a great guy, why the fuck does he still work there? Someone ought to take him aside and say "oh hi, this is actually hurting these kids pretty damn bad, the place cannot be saved, gtfo". Having HLA on his conscience- and his resume- is a hell of a lot worse than some over-the-top site, liberally spiced with Goatse, disturbing WW2-era pics, and porn, calling him a nigger.

Same goes for everyone else on that staff roster who hasn't completely guzzled the Kool-Aid.

i take it you're a whitey from the suburbs, and you've obviously never been discriminated.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / what the fuck...
« on: August 19, 2007, 05:04:39 PM »
this is all fine and dandy, it's okay that y'all are pissed, i'm not saying that daryl is the best guy to grace the earth, but if you're mad at him, criticize his actions and not his skin color. how hard is that?

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / what the fuck...
« on: August 19, 2007, 12:46:13 PM »
i look on this parody site and daryl beard is list as a.....well you know what. that word is hateful and ignorant and whoever posted that should realize this: daryl beard does not deserve that. the site was funny until that. jesus christ, learn some humanity, we need to conduct ourselves better than angst ridden remorse driven cutthroats. the n word was used to describe laziness, but it was formed into a racial slur to degrade a race. think above that shit people.

yeah, i see y'all's point then. correct me if i'm wrong but do students have legal power to refuse strip searches at hla??

this is pointless, post it in the other forums that are relivant to that school

thanks for the info.....from the two replies that were relivant. but hey when in rome FUCK THE WHO!!!!! lol

you've gotta be shitting me....... does anyone else feel like a vulture circling a dying horse?

hey anyone out in tv land have his contact info, pm it to me-do not post it here. this man was my best friend and i lost his number. i guess i could call hla to talk to his wife corky, but i'd rather not call the school, does she even work there still?

i noticed on an above post stating "college prep.", they had this statistic everyone in academics prided themselves upon; "100% of our students apply and are accepted to UNIVERSITIES" i applied to a specialty college (berklee college of music) and since that didn't correspond to the statistic, academics flipped out, and told me to apply to a university. tulane was trashed, miami was too fucking expensive, and i don't have enough balls to go to new york (waaaaaay too compeditive there, the jazz scene is dying). and when a private music tutor was hired for me, staff did nothing but treat him like an intruder. thanks for the support, you cocks.

Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
"AND parents should also know when they tell you how pulling your child out of HLA will cause the child to regress, that is a brainwashing tactic. Our child is thriving and doing great and is so happy to be out of that negative nightmare. Lots of other parents feel the same way and their kids are doing great outside of that place!"

Esplain somethin' Lucy.  If HLA is such a awful, disgusting, vile institution that does nothing but make promises to families to rob them of there money and provides absolutely no service what so ever........

How come you child has returned to you and is "thriving and doing great".  If he/she was traumatized I would not expect "thriving and doing great".  In addition, if you sent your child to HLA its a safe bet that he/she was not "thriving and doing great" in the many other programs you tried.

No need to thank HLA for another satsified customer whose child is "thriving and doing great" after HLA.  Could HLA use that as a testimony?

they're thriving and doing great because they've been released from a total hell. if you get out of the massive financial debt you've accumulated, you'll see what i mean. man, i feel awsome knowing i won't ever have to be strangled by a lampcord ever again, thank you hla for graduating me!

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