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Messages - brokenlegNO

Pages: [1] 2
The Troubled Teen Industry / Carlbrook
« on: May 17, 2006, 09:52:00 PM »
I see we got bored with ASR and now we're on to bashing another school that nobody has any first hand knowledge of.  Somehow I sort of doubt the banter will change.

For God's sake, it's Friday night.  Please go get laid.

The Troubled Teen Industry / More struggling stupidity
« on: May 12, 2006, 03:24:00 PM »
This is so funny!  I didn't even know about until after I had been here.  The ironic part of your statement is they are "coming over here in groups" when, in fact, ST has only about 3 new posts a day!  Get over yourself!

The Troubled Teen Industry / three rivers wilderness proggram
« on: May 12, 2006, 02:58:00 PM »
Most wilderness programs have a specified length of time you must agree to "pay" for.  More often than not, the child stays longer than the minimum requirement.  But, in the programs I've looked into and know about, you can go get your kid at any time and bring them home.. You are just required to commit to the tuition.

Thanks Laura,  it is refreshing to actually speak to someone on Fornits without an agenda.  Thanks for answering the questions I asked of you.  I didn't mean to stereotype you either!  I figure some people might hate the wilderness and from my childhood and adolescent experiences as a summer camper, it was the kids from the big metro areas that disliked roughing it the most.

On 2006-05-10 15:05:00, YourKid wrote:

"Mom, Dad, I could have bought a lot of really neat toys with that cash. But you had to send me off, and now my interests have really changed, and you're all out of money.

But you still have some life insurance, so I'm getting loaded! HOOKERS AND BLOW! HOOKERS AND BLOW!

Hello sweetie, I knew you'd come home.

Laura Lee,

Please feel free to send me your thoughts via email or a personal message.  I don't want you to get thrown into this briar patch.

Oh, I'm so sorry my darling.  Please forgive me and while you are at it, bite me.

I don't think I posed those questions to you Nihilanthic.

The program I am most comfortable is Second Nature, GA.  I mentioned that on another thread.

Laura Lee,

I just read a previous post of yours.

I know where you went.

I actually read your post a while back and when I called the specific Wilderness programs I asked specifically about the concerns you raised- concerning water, food and general safety.  I also talked to two graduates of the program, one that loved it one that hated it. But, they both feel like it was worthwhile and non-abusive.  The young woman I talked to hated the hiking but the young man loved it.


Sorry, that was me.  I forgot to login.

One more question:

Do you like the outdoors?  I see you are from Boston and I can't say many of my Boston friends are "outdoorsy."

The Seed Discussion Forum / Jokes
« on: May 11, 2006, 01:33:00 PM »
THIS is hilarious.  Read through the demotivators.  We should adopt the "Compromise" demotivator as the official demotivator of Fornits.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Off topic...
« on: May 11, 2006, 10:46:00 AM »
I'm guessing that most of you have a good sense of humor around here.  And, I'm guessing that some of you are fairly cynical.  I found this website this morning:

It's hilarious.

Sorry to get off topic.

I'm real and might stick around.  I find this whole thing fascinating.

"Don't go away mad, just go away."

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