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Messages - stillastraightling123

Pages: [1]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What A Long Strange Program It's Been
« on: April 27, 2006, 02:12:00 PM »
I had it soooooomuch rougher than you guys, I mean, i was trying to make improvements at Straight, you know, a kinder, gentler Straight where we could share our feelings, and these mean people from Straight kept harrassing me, I mean, you don't know what it's like, man.   I was one of the cool staff, like I was really working me program and trying to make Straight better for all the little druggies.....and like now, man, people are still confronting me for wearing my groovy tye-dies in group and all, and by the way , did I mention how I got so much worse of a deal than you guys did, I mean, like, dude, you kinda maybe needed to get some help, and I was like trying to make Straight better and all and those bastards just wouldn't let me........oh leasdt I still have my bong and my patchouli oil and I think I'll play some Dead on my guitar, wow, that reminds me, wouldn't it have been great if we could've sung "Ripple" or "Uncle John's Band" at Straight, but you know, changewd the lyrics (I have a talent for that, man, check it out, it's so fucking rad.....) to "Doctor Newt's Rap" wow that would have been soooooo grooovy, dudes.

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