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Messages - floridatreasure

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My Daughter and myself will be telling all as Soon as we are able to do so. We are still jumping through hoops ..But she is home where she belongs.

 If there are any parents out there reading this and thinking about letting your child be placed in ANY type of camps PLEASE DON'T!! I wished I could explain it all now But I can't at this moment...but soon.. Just take it from a Mother that has fought Hard to get her daughter out of what was supposed to be a "good camp" ....I did not put her in there she was court ordered to be placed in there. If you love your child at all NO matter what is going on with the child PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT let them go to ANY place (camps, wilderness,ect.)that has TOTAL control ...mind and/or otherwise over your child. If you think they(your child)has problems now...WELL.. when you do get them out not only will they still have the problems that they started with, but added on problems that they have developed while in there from the mind games that are played with them!! So Please even if you are at your wits end (and by the way I was NOT) just Please do NOT let anyone do more damage to your child. They are children and are easily confused, brainwashed, ect. to the point that they will say or do anything that the people that CONTROLL them tell them to just to please them & to make their(the child) lives in these places bearable!! Could you as an adult have someone 24/7 playing mind games on you...making you feel like you are nothing, trying to turn you against your loved ones..I don't think I could!! and I Am a Strong woman that is worse than a mamma lion fighting to protect her cub!!.....
 and it is OUR place as their parent to protect our children!!! I pray that if any parent is even thinking about putting their child in one of these places that they will take the time to really read all they can here on Fornits'  and the other sites that the TRUE Good people on here will guide you to. Granted there are some people on here as on any site that Don't care about the kids and they will give Bad advice, but if you read some of their other post by doing research on them you will find out they are usually what they call "Trolls"..BUT The people on here that know what they are talking about and DO care  Always call them out (and I get a tickle out of that, because I didn't know and sometimes still don't) when I first came to Fornits' I didn't know what a troll was nor did I know who truly Cared about all of the kids, but it doesn't take long to find out. And the ones that do care will extend out a Very Helping hand to guide you and encourage you to the TRUTH about these "therapeutic  camps".I wished I could put up billboards everwhere to tell ALL parents about Fornits because they tell the TRUTH and they know what they are talking about!!! When I first found out where my daughter was being sent I did search the web for information on the place, but all I found was "Their sites" and it all sounded Wonderful..Boy was I in for a SHOCK!!! It took me a long time to find Fornits..
 when you are going through such an emotional devastating time you don't really have the time nor energy to spend a lot of time on a computer. I went through pages and pages sites and sites before I found this place(Fornits) that confirmed what I already knew that I was NOT just being an over-protective Mother and also knew in my heart that this place(the camp) where her daughter was placed was not where she should be nor was it what it was supposed to be!!
I do apologize for the length of this post, I just want a parent ANY parent to realize how helpful this site is before they make a mistake that they will be carrying around in the depth of their heart forever .
When you look into your child's eyes that used to light up and be so full of life one day and then months later look into those same eyes  and see confusing, sadness, fear and hurt it is something you will NEVER forget. When the smile that used to light up a room when she smiled is now more of a smile that is just a smile because that is what she is supposed to do. When you see your child just sitting there at times staring off ,but with all most a fearful stare and you put your arms around your child and hug her and ask what is wrong ...and a tear runs down her face and your child says "They can't get me back can they? Please don't let them take me back." ....Parents PLEASE listen up these images will NEVER leave your heart or mind...and if ANYONE out there thinks that "Oh that is a kid working on a parent" then they (the parent) does NOT know their child at all!! What these kids go through is unbelievable. We would be thrown under a jail if we did it to our kids!! Please don't let your kids suffer through the mental abuse, physical abuse is bad and it carries a lot of scars,but the mental abuse carries deep in their heart and soul. Please protect your precious children ...ask the people around here on who to go to for help if your child is out of your control, BUT please don't believe the bull.... that is being put out there that "these camps " help your kids...Because they DON'T!!
Thank you all for letting me rant some.

Thank You..

Glad to know we did some good

Oh YES YES YES, You all did So much better than just Good!! You all Did GREAT and you all still are!!
If you all knew how much I talk about this site to Everyone that will listen to me  :nworthy:

TS, It is all so true...and I Thank You, Ginger and SO many more from the bottom of my heart...I don't think you all know Just how much you all did for me and helped me, and for my daughter, when she would read post and emails she said if felt good knowing people knew what she was going through and how she felt and that it wasn't just in her mind!!
I have been on here a few different times reading different post and wanted to post some things myself....but I have to wait  :grin: , please let me know when it goes on sale..and where it can be bought..and I would love to have an autographed copy :grin:

To Anon,
 First of all I Am a Loving Mother that Has lived through the Nightmare of my precious daughter being in a wilderness camp, she is home  now,.. but until all of the legal issues are over I have Tried my best Not to post on here because They Do watch this site, BUT I had to respond to your uninformed  and outrageous post !!
I am an INFORMED Mother Now Thanks to TS and SO many others on this site!! TS Does know what he is talking about and he CARES about kids!! You have no idea how much his help and support did for my Daughter and myself!! He is an awesome person as are so many others on this site, TS and the other wonderful people on here that took the time out of their busy lives to reach out a kind & caring hand by posting or sending emails or both  :nworthy:

Hi Anon, Oh I would!! :grin:

Thank you for letting me know...also I wanted to post this on this forum so no one thinks I have forgotten to get back and tell what all has happened....
Hi Everyone, I have not forgotten to write you all......There is so much I do want to tell......BUT it may take me a little while....Please understand I WANT TO TELL ALL and Will ....there are sanctions on my daughter and They (the camp)Do read this site! They had it pulled up when they called her(daughter) in to their office and questioned her about my posting. I am waiting on the court transcript, and for my lawyer to tell me when it is ok to Talk about Everything  ....You all have been SOOOOOO supportive for me in private emails and by posting. So Please understand ..there is a Reason I am not writing right now....TRUST me I am Not all talk....I want something done!!  And as far as the camp reading this site....This next part is for the camp, I am Glad that I have had the chance to entertain you all,(the camp)...But Make NO mistake about it I Will be talking as soon as I camp) Keep watching!!!
I just did not realized this site was SOOOO popular

Public Sector Gulags / Eckerd Youth Alternatives
« on: April 18, 2006, 06:24:00 PM »
Hi Everyone, I have not forgotten to write you all......There is so much I do want to tell......BUT it may take me a little while....Please understand I WANT TO TELL ALL and Will ....there are sanctions on my daughter and They (the camp)Do read this site! They had it pulled up when they called her(daughter) in to their office and questioned her about my posting. I am waiting on the court transcript, and for my lawyer to tell me when it is ok to Talk about Everything :grin: ....You all have been SOOOOOO supportive for me in private emails and by posting. So Please understand ..there is a Reason I am not writing right now....TRUST me I am Not all talk....I want something done!! :grin:

Hello "Helen Petermann" I DON'T Think I have gotten away this time!! As far as the NEXT time ...well unless you all make up MORE lies there WON'T be a NEXT Time!!!!  I just found out that you all are concerned or Worried enough about me to actually read my post...Well I am glad you all are, because.. EVERYTHING.. that has been said and what All is going to BE said is the TOTAL TRUTH,... but you all know that don't you!! A lot of "THE TRUTH" came out in court!!!
As far as "the next time you are going to get me and my little dog too"....WELL do you mean my daughter's lawyer or my daughter?
It is funny I am just a loving Mother and I am not afraid to have my name on here(under profile)...but you (and I think I know who you are) hide behind a name with no information on yourself.  :flame: BUT make NO mistake when it comes to my Precious Daughter I am worse than a mother lion as far as protecting her & fighting for her :flame: .....I WILL fight to my LAST breath to keep her safe and Home where she BELONGS!!! You all Hate it when a Mother speaks the TRUTH and stands UP for HER child. We have been lied to way to many times over the last 10 1/2 months!!! Even today!!
 So if you are NOT ashamed of who you are or Worried about your place of employment  then why not put your info on the profile part of this site!!.. Just make SURE what ever lies you try and come up with to "GET ME NEXT TIME" will hold up, and with the 2 lawyers(yes I said 2) I don't think anything you can say  will stick( because they ARE lies)!! I have been a GOOD MOTHER and I have NOTHING to hide...can you say the same?????

Don't scare me wrench could they through into it....the judge ordered her release...PLEASE explain is there something they could do to stop her release?????

That is ok....Oh I want to tell everything now...I am so excited..but I just have to wait until she is HOME ...Boy that word sure has a different meaning now "HOME"

Public Sector Gulags / Eckerd Youth Alternatives
« on: April 13, 2006, 03:32:00 PM »
Oh yes, I plan on being on here tomorrow night telling it ALL, I just want her home safe with me before I do tell it ALL. I want everyone to know!!! I just want my Baby Girl in my arms safe from anyone beibg able to do any more harm to her....But tomorrow...I will be posting :grin:

As soon as she is home with me I will give ALL of the details!! And BOY there are some Good ones ::bangin::    ::argue:: I can NOT wait until I get to tell you all what all happened in court....I am just playing it safe until my BABY GIRL is Back safe in my arms....

Public Sector Gulags / Eckerd Youth Alternatives
« on: April 13, 2006, 03:22:00 PM »
OH YES!!! I WILL give ALL the details as soon as I get her home!!! AND BOY DO I HAVE SOME GOOD ONES!!! How do I get a copy of what all was said in court today? I HAVE to have one!!

Hello Everyone, My Precious Baby Girl ::bigsmilebounce::  ::bigsmilebounce::
Thank You All for all of your support...

Public Sector Gulags / Eckerd Youth Alternatives
« on: April 13, 2006, 03:10:00 PM »
My Precious Daughter is coming home in the morning!!!!!
We WON in court today!!!!

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