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Messages - animuscitizen

Pages: [1]
Daytop Village / Swan Lake 86-87 by Savage
« on: March 07, 2006, 02:24:00 PM »
Daytop advocates need to wake up and smell the java. Some people thank a religion for sobriety. Some thank AA/NA. And some people thank places like Daytop. This is how controlling institutions stay in business. Other posters are correct. If someone achieves sobriety, that person should thank the self. Without individual effort, there is no sobriety.

I worked at Daytop for 2 years, ADU, during the late 90's. Following that experience, I obtained my MSW. During job interviews, despite other job experiences, I ALWAYS get questioned about Daytop. Potential employers often make skeptical comments regarding that part of my employment history. They try to gauge if I am 'one of those types' of counselors. If Daytop is such a pillar of quality treatment, then why do MOST social service agencies and respected professionals regard it is an abusive institution?

If I presented as a typical Daytop counselor / staff, I would not be in my current position as a Director of a Battered Women's Program. I would not have a successful private practice. And I would not be teaching at a local college. Screaming at clients and telling them they are "pieces of shit" is not considered sound clinical treatment. The Daytop methods are not respected within the greater human services community.

Make no mistake about it. Daytop stays in business because of the War on Drugs. The Republicans (like George Pataki) use Daytop as an extention of the prison system. Those folks don't care how drug users / offenders are "treated".

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