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Messages - envydraggin

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Brat Camp / Has anyone been through Redcliff Ascent?
« on: October 07, 2005, 04:44:00 PM »
In reference to your statement regarding the fact that students that "Get with the program, receive less abuse,"  CAn you not understand how that may be.  If you sit there, and resist all efforts to change yourself, and ultimatly your life, of course you will be ridiculed in a situation that encourages change.  
The fact that some people are content with being angry at their parents, authority, and the world in general, is something of great concern.  Do you really think that the same people who behave this way will in the end say that they were always treated fairly????  Come on now, you appear to be more knowledgable than to truly believe this.
It is unfortunate when a person abuses a child whether it is physically, or emotionally.  The fact is that there may be places that there sole purpose is to be truly sadistic.  Another fact is that while 50 teens may have died in these impact programs due to neglect, or even possible abuse, many more die than that every single year in the US military (non combat relatred injuries).  So now are you going to start a forum saying that because when a soldier gets "smoked" and the NCO asks others to leave when he does this, that he just doesnt want any witnesses?  Perhaps you should look at the possibility that the, conversation, or actions happening are intended for the person it is directed to and not the entire group.  
You have got to be kidding me to think that the basis of the problems for most of these kids is enhanced by their exposure to these programs.  As I stated earlier, most of these teens are bound to be in a penal institution, and be violent their entire lives.  Most of these people need something like this to make them realize that there actions will not go unpenalized throughout their entire lives.
Dont forget the fact that while I may not have a PhD, nor am I any type of aspiring psychologist, I have been there, and I am talking from personal experience.  Which I might add goes much further than some theory you might have, or somthing you might have read in a book.

 :wstupid:  :lol:

Brat Camp / Has anyone been through Redcliff Ascent?
« on: October 06, 2005, 06:29:00 PM »
I am actually brand new to this forum.  I registered specifically for this topic.
I would like to start with the fact that I went to Redcliff Ascent Outdoor Therapy program over 5 years ago.  I was fifteen years old.  
I woke up one morning, actually to be exact January 10, 2000, to the sound of my dad, and a police officer saying that I was going to Utah for a program that was to be only 6 to 8 weeks long.  
Well, I did the typical young kid in a new environment thing and was very angry at my parents.  It took me all of five minutes to realize the severity of the situation that I was in though to turn that anger into sadness.  It took me a bit of time to adapt to my new surroundings, but it did happen eventually.  The were problem children, I was not one of them, but there were a few that never really adapted too well.  While they did things such as refusing to hike, and cooperate with the team, which later led to us having to push our stuff in a heavy pull wagon,  they most certainly were never were degraded in the manner in which JMAXWHEEL said.  Besides that, Im pretty sure that he never could have remembered what he says he does as well as he does, especially if these events were supposedly common place out there.  Its is painfully obvious that someone couldnt just accept the situation that they were in, and decided to blame all of their problems on others, because denying responsibility for your own actions, and blaming it on others is so much easier.
I graduated Redcliff within about 69 days, and had little issues.  Though I was not there by choice it is an experience that I tell others about today, and they are in disbelief that a young teen could go through so much.

After graduation, I went to The Oakley School.  In my opinion, this place was sucha greater attempt to brainwash you than Redcliff.  It was in a beautiful loactaion, and was extremely good schooling, but I was extremely unhappy there.  

Now, I am 22 years old, and in the US Army, as an infantryman.  I will be leaving the service in less than a year, and going to law school.  So, you tell me if you think that the results of these programs are based upon the individual or the institution.  Personally, some people are just really messed up,and there is no real hope for them.


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