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Messages - mcadaret

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Springfield 86-88
« on: August 03, 2005, 02:30:00 PM »
I come on this list infrequently to check for people who were in Springfield w/me from 10/86-2/88.

Knowing that many survivors are sensitive about identity issues, I will not post specific names, but I do see many people who I remember. I'd like to hear from you and know how you are.

My name is Michael Cadaret. I was 19 when I entered, so I was a little older than most.

Just would like to hear from people, feel free to e-mail me or to send a private message, if that is preferable.

Yours, Michael

Totalitarianism is like a specter which drinks the blood of the living and so achieves reality, while the victims go on existing as a mass of living corpses.' target='_new'>Karl Jaspers, The Fight Against Totalitarianism (1963)


Clay has a great idea.

Lock this topic. We are beating a dead horse.

My selfish motivation - this topic makes many Christians look horrible by association. I am greatly pained by PA's rants in the name of God. I am also greatly pained by the response PA's rants have recieved - as if PA speaks for Christians when he rages the way he does.

I know many here are skeptical/suspicious (those are kind adjectives) towards Christians. There are those who say that we are incapable of free thought(as I have been told on this forum, bluntly - "mindless followers" I think was the moniker given). There are those who see Christians as judgmental and hateful. I can't argue with this - some are - but certainly not all.

So often these conversations are ones I make an absolute effort to avoid, because no one here is going to take my faith seriously. Not to sound like a wimp - they hurt me because the insults directed at Christians are directed AT ME by association. I have never proselytized on this forum, nor will I. That's not why I read and (occasionaly) post. I'm here because I spent 18 months getting the shit kicked out of me in a stupid blue chair, all the while being taught how to hate myself. But I am a Christian - IS THAT FUCKING OKAY WITH YOU PEOPLE. YOU GIVE CHRISTIANS SO MUCH SHIT ABOUT BEING HATEFUL AND JUDGMENTAL- HOW ABOUT YOU ALL FUCKING THINKING ABOUT THE UGLY JUDGMENTAL SHIT YOU SPEW ALL OVER CHRISTIANS - EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER SAID A CONDEMNING THING TO/ABOUT ANY OF YOU.


Please Ginger, lock this topic - I hate losing my temper.

your brother (though none of you fucking believe that because I'm A CHRISTIAN),

Age is mind over matter. If you don't doesn't matter!
--  Chuck Gauran


Thank you for saying what I was thinking. I would no sooner walk into an open meeting now than I would stick a feather up my ass and fly.

I do however have a sick fantasy of showing up at "THE BUILDING" in my clerical collar and kicking some Executive Staff Ass. Just a little fantasy from the resident ordained minister on the forum.

your bro,

You can lead a camel to water but you can't make it stink (any more than it already does)
-- Job

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Hey, @ my house!!!
« on: May 31, 2003, 09:11:00 AM »

Sounds like you and I might overlap at Springfield. I was there from Oct. 86 - Mar. 88.

My name is Michael Cadaret.

To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.' target='_new'> Thomas Jefferson

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Im sorry
« on: May 01, 2003, 04:03:00 PM »

Words fail in times like these. The least I can do is follow Bill's lead and keep you on top.

Know of my continued prayers for you.

your brother,

The worst government is the most moral. One composed of cynics
is often very tolerant and human. But when fanatics are on top,
there is no limit to oppression.

--H.L. Mencken

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I have a few questions
« on: April 25, 2003, 05:40:00 PM »
All y'all,

I do not post often. I offered an initial introducory post that received next to no repsonse. Since that time, I've read the board often and sometimes commented. Again, I recieved very little response.

All in all, I've received a very chilly welcome here. I wonder whether it is because I am assumed to be a "Jesus-Freak." I have been open from the time I introduced myself that I will soon be ordained as a minister in the Episcopal Church. I don't think I've proselytized, but I have not hidden my faith either. Have I received the chilly reception I have because "Oh God, he's a Jesus-Freak?" I'm wondering now because of so much disparging talk about religion in general and Christianity in particular, and because I've seen most people rather warmly welcomed here. I don't mean to offend. I ask out of curiosity.

Following on that curiosity: I'm prompted to say that we obviously have, on this board, people of active (and varied expressions of) Christian faith; people who subscribe to other spiritual paths; and people who, in varying degrees, are suspicious and skeptical about religion in general and Christianity in particular. There have been what I regard to be regretable statements made from people across this spectrum towards people across this spectrum. Regretable, in that the comments made, most often, have lacked charity and humility. I direct that criticism to my Christian brothers and sisters directly, and I direct that to rest of the board saying I understand why my Christian brothers and sisters have reason to feel disparaged.

Some of the assumptions directed towards Christians on this board are patently smug and unfair, in my opinion. The assumption that Christians are somehow weak and that their faith is spackle to fill holes in the walls their psyche is unfair. The assumption that Christians lack the capacity for (or at least don't practice) critical thinking in regards to Church doctrine, understandings of God, the Scriptures, society, and our fellow human beings is patently false. I am Christian. I am strong. My faith is not a crutch. I do ask critical questions. I do practice free thought. It is not fair to me to flippantly dismiss me because I am Christian. Take this observation from a Christian who HAS NOT TRIED TO PREACH TO YOU, NOR CONDEMNED ANYONE TO HELL. NOR TOLD YOU THAT YOUR SALVATION DEPENDS ON YOU AGREEING WITH ME.

So my next question how do people feel about Christians? I'm not looking for flames or fights. I'm looking for simple statements for the sake of the board's own self-critique. Is there an anti-Christian prejudice here? If there is, there is. If there isn't, there isn't. I'm not going to run off one way or another, nor will I stop being open about my faith. I come here to remember. For so long, I had forgotten. This forum helps me a great deal in this regard.

A final note. I don't know and don't care who started the Carmel -vs- Morli fight. I don't think either of you is entirely at fault or entirely innocent. But... it seems everytime Carmel opens her mouth, she's getting her shit jumped. I, for one, am tired of it. I think Carmel has been beat on enough now for any of the shit she might have said in the past. Please move on. Know that I appreciate both of you for your differing perspectives, but this tit-tat crap amounts to just that - crap.

I think I can safely say that I' ve pissed off at least someone with this post. Oh well...

After 18 months of motivating in blue plastic chairs, I know that I am your brother,

Michael Cadaret    

Babylon in all its desolation is a sight not so awful as that of the human mind in ruins.
-- Scrope Davies: Letter to Thomas Raikes, May 25, 1835.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Are you still not over it?"
« on: March 05, 2003, 03:16:00 PM »
Below is a post I sent on another thread, but it seems appropriate here. Clay sums up my life 16 years later. Over it - yes and no. Some things are great, others are not.

The old post begins here:
I post on this forum often, but I do keep a close eye on it. But, I've been reading this thread, and need to say that my father has his head so far up his ass on Straight that I don't think he'll ever see the light of day.

I actually searched out this and Wes Fager's site after my father talked about how great he thought Straight was for me. That was last July 4th. On the drive home after a long silence, I said to my wife, "Dad's full of shit." And the weirdest sensation went over me. "Full of shit." A wave of memories from Straight. I had always retained some limited memory, but over the passing of 15 years I had put some things away, so to speak. They were all coming back. My wife drove, and I told her stories, intermitently crying and yelling. She just drove with tears streaming down her face.

July 5th rolled around, and she asked what I was going to do about all this. I did a Google search and found websites. My wife and I read through them, and she observed that they explained much, my insomnia, nightmares, temper, insecurity, paranoia, and (that totally fucked-up straightling word) "awfulizing." (My step-mother constantly uses that word. After I pointed out to my wife that it was straight-speak, we agreed to strike it from our collective vocabulary.)

My wife comes and hugs me now, when she notices that it's 3:00am and I'm not sleeping. She never had given it any thought before. If she notices that I'm having a nightmare, she wakes me, takes me to look at our kids sleeping, and whispers "they're what's real to you now." When I am assuming that things are going to turn out shitty, she reminds me to have faith saying, "they can't hurt you anymore." She lets me sleep with a light on. I couldn't be more blessed than to have her be understanding the way she has been.

My dad. I love him, but we're not close. My kids love him, but they sense my tension when we are around him. But fuck him. We have a surface relationship - my wife and I do the obligatory crap. He doesn't really know who I am anymore and hasn't for some time. I don't rely on him for identity or esteem anymore. That makes me sad - that I could really give less than a shit that we aren't close. I wish it were another way, but it's not and probably won't be. That reality predates my entering Straight, but the fact of the matter is, my being in Straight was one of his deepest abandonments of me, his son. Sadly, I doubt that I will ever reconcile that feeling. I was pissed off righteously for what seemed like an eternity, and now I just feel sad. Sad that I would just say "fuck him," but hey, "FUCK HIM."

I recently have really hurt his feelings. I'm about to graduate from seminary and be ordained as a minister in the Episcopal Church. Neither he nor his wife are getting one of the limited tickets to my graduation, nor am I asking him to present me for ordination. He told me that he felt "disappointed." Guess what I thought? That's right let's say it all together now - "FUCK HIM." I told him that the people who helped to put my life right were the ones I asked to participate in these huge events in my life. I guess I am still pissed-off, but mostly I am sad that my first response to my dad is ... well you know what it is.

Anyway. Thanks for being so patient with my rant.

I pray we all find peace somehow, someway.
This is where I left the old post.

your brother,
Michael Cadaret

In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice.
-- Richard Bach

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / asking for items.. the Straight way
« on: March 05, 2003, 10:44:00 AM »
Mung and Like a Bird,

I was at Springfield Oct. 86 - Mar. 88. So, I'm sure that we overlapped.

As far as the rest of this thread - JDavid talked about "common Sense." I remeber that. We would come in to eat or go to the bathroom, and I would tell newcomers that they had permission to do what they needed. (pick up silverware to eat, brush their teeth, wipe their ass, etc...)

You can lead a camel to water but you can't make it stink (any more than it already does)
-- Job

Heh heh. I chose Satan from South Park, and I'm about to be ordained as a deacon and priest in the Episcopal Church

Heh heh.

Life is like a shit sandwich; the more bread you got, the less shit you gotta eat.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / How 'bout them cubbies?
« on: February 28, 2003, 05:59:00 PM »

I wish I could comfort you, but I really can't. I left Straight on St. Patrick's Day of 88, and I still contend with fears and nightmares and demons. I will not deny my fears or yours by saying that you should look on the bright side or get over it. But....

I can however say that I noticed a couple things. First the trivial, I was in Springfield, VA from Oct 86 unitl Mar 88. So it seems that you and I were simultaneously being demoralized. Anyway.

The other things I want to say I noticed are in response to your question, "when the hell will I ever feel love?" I think you know the answer to that. NOW. I assume Moobie is your fiance. He seems to be hanging in with you. And you wrote briefly and passionately about feeling your daughter's love for you.

Feeling love after the abuse we have suffered is so confusing. Believing that we are worthy of love, capable of loving, and trusting another with our self is hard for people who haven't gone through abuse. Now lets remind ourselves of what we've been through. Metalgod's word complicated is only the tip of the iceberg. Self-loathing and self-doubt are only two of the complications most of us suffer.

Some days the demons seem to win. Some days are overwhelming. Don't deny it, but try to look at your daughter and/or Moobie and say "the demons are winning. Help me fight them." That's what I do. Look at my wife and kids and say, "everything seems to suck today, and I'm a total fuck-up. Help!" They rarely disappoint me. I won't say they can always send the demons running, but they don't often lose either.

I am a religious person. I know many here are not, and that's fine. We all make our own way in the world. I tend to pray for the people on this board in a general way. Would it be to forward of me, or would it make you uncomfortable if I prayed for you specifically? I'd like to, if you don't mind.

your brother,

Michael Cadaret

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pathway Investigation
« on: February 28, 2003, 05:19:00 PM »

It would be helpful to me at least if you would articulate your specific relationship to this treatment center which you believe is being unfairly maligned.

There are many flavors of response to Straight on this message board and many ways in which the people who post here have gotten on with their lives. (Or tragically, have been unable to) However, no matter the varied the response, those who post here most frequently or rarely post but read often (like me) do articulate their relationship to Straight. We are survivors.

Inherent in this relationship is the fact that there are many who did not survive (including friends of mine) the brutal physical, psychological, and spiritual abuse suffered while in Straight. We are survivors, for whatever twisted reason we live on with our nightmares and memories.

You ask about objectivity. You are foolish to do so. This board does not mince words in its name. We are survivors. You ask if we have visited this particular treatment center. I cannot say, but my guess is that representatives of this motley band would be denied access. What I can say is we lived through it (also inherent in the moniker - survivor). Why do you come here and deny our experience? We do not tend toward exaggeration when describing Straight around here. We are not liars, nor did we deserve the treatment we received at Straight. If this place is a Straight legacy (and it sounds like it is), most of us have a pretty good idea about what it is like, because we are survivors.

Why do deny the experience of those who you classify as "disgruntled ex-clients that are bent on revenge because at one time, someone was trying save them from their self-destructive behavior?" Has it crossed your mind that they might not be exaggerating or lying? Maybe they, like other survivors, have reason to be enraged (most of us have reason to be feel way beyond disgruntled). Do you believe they deserved harsh treatment? Tell me, do clients get violently confronted? Do they need to get "broken down because they are full of shit?" Do they "earn consequences for misbehavior?" Are they just whining now? Is it all just "tough love" done by noble, caring counselors and compliant, empathetic fellow-clients? And since when are treament center counselors saviors? Is that a consistent idea with AA and NA (the only programs with any real success in contending with addiction)?

I have my opinion about all these questions, Anonymous, but I am anxious to hear yours. (Many will hear Straight catch-phrases in the language I chose) I will comment on my last point, however. One of Straight's strategies was to convince families that counselors and compliant oldcomers were saviors. This strategy allowed families to deny or rationalize the abusive behavior that went on at Straight (and sometimes in their own homes). This strategy effectively made criticism of the program's tactics impossible by those involved in the program. It was brainwashing. Straight's attitude was basically, "If we want your opinion we'll give it to you."

Counselors are not saviors. They do not save people form self-destructive behaviors. They counsel addicts that they might live "one day at a time" and "keeping it simple." They counsel addicts to live this way because they won't be saved. They will be addicts for life. If Pathway Family Center tells you that they are saving addicts, they have a deeply skewed philosophy of the work they are doing. There are many good treatment centers that do not have this skewed sense of mission, and yet still candidly deal with the very harsh realities of addiction. I commend Wes Fager's site to you and his minimums for humane treatment at centers that deal primarily with children. He is very insightful.

You can, of course, disregard everything I have said. I am a survivor, and I do not claim to be objective. I still have nightmares, insomnia, fits of paralyzing self-doubt...... None are my imagination. None do I deserve. None were necessary for me to be saved.

By the way, I do sign my posts.

I am, though you may not believe it, your brother,

Michael Cadaret

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New Question
« on: February 28, 2003, 01:32:00 PM »
I rarely post on this forum, but I do keep a close eye on it. But, I've been reading this thread, and need to say that my father has his head so far up his ass on Straight that I don't think he'll ever see the light of day.

I actually searched out this and Wes Fager's site after my father talked about how great he thought Straight was for me. That was last July 4th. On the drive home after a long silence, I said to my wife, "Dad's full of shit." And the weirdest sensation went over me. "Full of shit." A wave of memories from Straight. I had always retained some limited memory, but over the passing of 15 years I had put some things away, so to speak. They were all coming back. My wife drove, and I told her stories, intermitently crying and yelling. She just drove with tears streaming down her face.

July 5th rolled around, and she asked what I was going to do about all this. I did a Google search and found websites. My wife and I read through them, and she observed that they explained much, my insomnia, nightmares, temper, insecurity, paranoia, and (that totally fucked-up straightling word) "awfulizing." (My step-mother constantly uses that word. After I pointed out to my wife that it was straight-speak, we agreed to strike it from our collective vocabulary.)

My wife comes and hugs me now, when she notices that it's 3:00am and I'm not sleeping. She never had given it any thought before. If she notices that I'm having a nightmare, she wakes me, takes me to look at our kids sleeping, and whispers "they're what's real to you now." When I am assuming that things are going to turn out shitty, she reminds me to have faith saying, "they can't hurt you anymore." She lets me sleep with a light on. I couldn't be more blessed than to have her be understanding the way she has been.

My dad. I love him, but we're not close. My kids love him, but they sense my tension when we are around him. But fuck him. We have a surface relationship - my wife and I do the obligatory crap. He doesn't really know who I am anymore and hasn't for some time. I don't rely on him for identity or esteem anymore. That makes me sad - that I could really give less than a shit that we aren't close. I wish it were another way, but it's not and probably won't be. That reality predates my entering Straight, but the fact of the matter is, my being in Straight was one of his deepest abandonments of me, his son. Sadly, I doubt that I will ever reconcile that feeling. I was pissed off righteously for what seemed like an eternity, and now I just feel sad. Sad that I would just say "fuck him," but hey, "FUCK HIM."

I recently have really hurt his feelings. I'm about to graduate from seminary and be ordained as a minister in the Episcopal Church. Neither he nor his wife are getting one of the limited tickets to my graduation, nor am I asking him to present me for ordination. He told me that he felt "disappointed." Guess what I thought? That's right let's say it all together now - "FUCK HIM." I told him that the people who helped to put my life right were the ones I asked to participate in these huge events in my life. I guess I am still pissed-off, but mostly I am sad that my first response to my dad is ... well you know what it is.

Anyway. Thanks for being so patient with my rant.

I pray we all find peace somehow, someway.

your brother,
Michael Cadaret

When I first came here last summer, I was told that Glen Steepleton (Springfield) had also committed suicide.

I was in Springfield from Oct. 86 - Mar. 88. Glenn was on 4th and 5th phase and staff for awhile when I was there. So I imagine that he was a contemporary of yours at Sprinfield


[ This Message was edited by: mcadaret on 2003-01-30 07:48 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / John Gugliamo
« on: July 13, 2002, 04:14:00 PM »
I keep reading about Staff members: Steve Turney, Brady Minnick, Frye (I don't remember his frist name), McCann (but it wasn't Brendan. He was a phaser. His sister was a staff member and a real bad-ass at that.)

Does anybody remember John Gugliamo. He was a tall, bullying doofus with a cheesy mustache. He thought he was really smart, but he probably couldn't outwit a bag of hammers. So he resorted to being nothing mare than a bully. He was the bane of my existence. I heard he was using steroids. Eric Lake was one of his disciples. Anyway...


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / An introduction
« on: July 13, 2002, 03:40:00 PM »
Thanks to those who replied publicly and privately.

To those of you who did respond privately, I would like to be able to correspond with you privately, if you are comfortable with that. And if it is possible, I would appreciate your passing along my contact information to any of our common friends from the program who may not be a part of this forum.


[ This Message was edited by: mcadaret on 2002-07-13 12:45 ]

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