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Messages - zoeee

Pages: [1]
Mission Mountain School / REUNION!!!!
« on: July 29, 2005, 08:49:00 PM »
i just recently encountered this site and at first i was so eager to read everything everyone had wrote even the people who went there like 10 years ago. i guess i was just so curious because since graduating two years ago this was the first time i could hear others thoughts and feelings about mms from many different perspectives. These forums have been succesful in that was for me... but i have to say that ihave just been dissapointed more and more each time i catch up because all the arguing.

I actually dont even consider it arguing.... more like debating. debating about our personal opinions, feelings, and thoughts on what we experienced at mms... over a period of like... 15 or so years. And it has been so hard for me to not respond to so many things that i thought differently of or was offended by...but now i am glad that i did not cuz i probably would have ended up replying as anonymous.... which seems to be the latest trend.

I have so many things to say about mms that i dare not start because id be typing all night long and probably end up offending someone myself... ha ha. But if anyone wants just to talk not about the effectiveness of the school... please keep me in mind. I know that i have been overlooked or forgotten by girls that i truly thought valued my love and friendship because of what they had heard or been told throught the grapevine that i was 'unhealthy'. yet none of them ever bothered to contact me or acknowledge my attempts to contact them. It still upsets me a lot and that has nothing to do with the school. but now a lot of people have been falsely informed about my struggles and what i have chosen... or not chosen to do with my life. I just don't think its fair, but mostly just sad that i don't mean as much to them as they did to me, or so it appears.

anyways... the reason i decided to write in the first place was because i saw my my name writtien by someon uhh....

"finally these places may be held publicly accountable for what they promote. At least filter out the kids who have the potential to become 'the disgruntled ones' that can post all over the internet and 'bash' them- like Zoe had mentioned, we are a disgrunted few."

are you talking about me or staff zoe... there can't be too many more zoe's huh? i hope i find out.... :grin: it sucks that everyone is anonymous but whatever ...

oh i just wanted to say that some of you guys are hella fuckin mean to one another, now i know im not known to be the sweetest of them all but damn dude.

and also , i hope i don't sound like condescending or like im an mms supporter and/or preacher... because most things i have to say about mms would  get a few of you riled up (im sure) and ultimately defeat the purpose of my saying it to begin with.  I bet it would feel good to do though... ha.

So... yeah im sick of writing but im gonna go to the reunion and anticipate much amusement... and if anyone wants to know what it was like id be glad to fill u in. even anonymous..... he he. it should be fun.....

so to the anonymous's that know me... whats up...
i hope everything is good with everyone that reads this... and.... im always here to listen and talk to.

zoe anderson

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