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Messages - melissa goldsmith

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when i go to myspace i cant find anything on cross creek can you help me find it

thanks for that ill have to see if i can find anyone again if anyone was in cross creek in 94-95 i was in b group [email protected]

just want to keep this forum open and not lost in old forums in hopes that i might find friends from when i was at cross creek

i was there from 1994-1996 i was in garths group. i was there two times i was there the first time before they had uniforms and i went back right after they got the uniforms. garth was a dick when i first got there untill i followed his rules then he was great. then i returned to CCM and lets just say i would take the dick i first met over the Garth i got upon returning.

wow he is still there. damn he had been there for like 5 years before i got there i was there for 18 months and i have been gone for 9 years, that is just crazy, if anyone was in his group i would love to talk to you.

what a nice responce from all for you. thank you.
i never knew that there were places to talk about our experences or i would have been here a long time ago. i am currently writing down my experence at cross creek and i have to say it has been 9 years but the tears still flow as if it happened yesterday. when i am done with my account i will share it with all of you, i hope to hear some of your stories.

also i was wondering if anyone knew is GARTH a counsler at CCM still???

what a nice responce from all for you. thank you.
i never knew that there were places to talk about our experences or i would have been here a long time ago. i am currently writing down my experence at cross creek and i have to say it has been 9 years but the tears still flow as if it happened yesterday. when i am done with my account i will share it with all of you, i hope to hear some of your stories.

also i was wondering if anyone knew is GARTH a counsler at CCM still???

I am 25 years old and was in the program from 1994-1996 I can not account for any other time frame but the time I was there. I have no idea if the program has gotten better or worse but I do know that abuse happened I am going to school to become a counselor for youth. Through going to school for a psychology degree I have come to realize just how damaging this program really is. Now you might have had a wonderful experience and it might have changed your life for the better. Good it worked for you and I am happy for you. But no one should be forced into reliving painful experiences. When a person is forced (and yes we all were forced or we would stay on a low face and stay in the program longer) you can cause real psychological damage to the person. The fact that David, ken and Ron the ones in charge of CCM have no psychological training is just plain out crazy. That is like asking the person behind the counter at McDonalds to perform a surgery. They cant they need proper training in order to do the task. Please don?t put your issues about the program on to anyone as I don?t do that to you. People here are dealing with very real issues caused by the program. And they need the respect in order to share. I saw abuse happen when I was there; I was taken down for laughing in transport line. Now was it my choice to laugh, yes, but did I choose to be thrown into the dirt, NO. I graduated the program and believed in it at the time but I soon realized that the world of CCM is nothing at all like the world we all live in. as a counselor I would never use the tactics my counselor used on my group. No one deserves to be called all the many names we were called in seminars and I am sorry to all the girls I put down in the program. That is what is so hard about this program is that not only do you have to deal with the pain you felt but you have to deal with the guilt you feel for causing someone else pain. It is great you got help there but many of us did not. Please respect us and what happened to us and the feeling we have, and I respect you and your opinion. But to say that it did not happen is just wrong! were you everywhere? Did you see everything? NO

i was happy to see you respnoded to my post i remember Darrel anyways love to hear more about your time there my email is [email protected] feel free to email me or post here love to hear more

The Troubled Teen Industry / Cross Creek Manor - Report of abuse
« on: July 16, 2005, 07:17:00 AM »
i was taken down for laughing in transport line and had my face put in to the dirt FOR LAUGHING just thought you might like to know

I just found this site and was very happy to see all of you talking about the reality of CCM. I was in Garth's group B group for 18 month from 1994-1996. I remember after I left the fear of returning kept me in a striate line. I however realized that I was living in a homemade cross creek, and made plans to move in with a friend and her mother(who opposed of CCM) when my best friend from home was sent there. And then my worst fear came true I was sent back. I was lucky that I had a few moments with my mom before I went and we agreed that if nothing had changed about the way I felt about the program I could leave in one month. But I have to say that month was the hardest month I ever lived. Garth was disappointed to say the least and let me know. I worried that he would get to my mom and convince her to keep me in there, witch he tried. My mom stayed true to her word and took me out after one month THANK GOD. Anyways I am excited to share stories with you all and I hope to run in to some of the wonderful friends I made as we went through hell together.

i know what you are feeling. i went back to cross creek were i was held and i have to tell you it was not fun i could not get out of my car to go inside i was frozen i fear i just sat there looking at the place and crying. i still want to go back and go inside and release my fear of this painful place

i just found this site and it was so nice to read that other people experenced cross creek the same way i did as a painful place. i was there from 1994-1996 my name is melissa goldsmith i was in B group Garths group would love to talk to others about this painful time in all of our lives

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