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Messages - vvigil

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I live in the Santa Clarita area, work in North Hollywood. Would be interested in meeting up with you guys.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Jackson Nash 92-95
« on: October 21, 2005, 10:57:00 AM »
I was at cedu during the time you mentioned in a different post (early 90s) and I certainly remember Don. He was in my peer group. He started working there right when I was sent there, along with Rob, Debbie, and John. As I remember it, he also stopped working there while I was still there, but I could be wrong. He was a very nice guy. I never was in any confrontations with him which was rare for me considering my history at that school (seems I was always in trouble for something).

I'm sorry to hear that he passed.

I remember you. I was there 91-93, graduated in december 93. Things were happening that you just didn't hear about. The drug and sex agreement were broke lots. Not too much physical abuse, I agree, but tons of emotional/mental abuse. There are some people who apparantly got something out of the school, but for the most part, people had to heal from the wounds caused by the time at the school before they could move on with their lives after graduating or leaving under some other circumstances. The odd number of suicides and tragic deaths after leaving the school does make me curious. Additionally, the majority of people that I've been in contact with from my time at the school have stated it's harmful effects. Yes, we've moved on and most of us are now successful in life. Some trolls here would say we are just losers who weren't willing to be healthy. I'd disagree. the fact that we are now successful in life and for the most part healthy and happy says something. And for me, it is in no part due to the ill-effects of the treatment I received at cedu.
So why do I lurk here and post? Because this was the longest 2 year period of my life. I was held captive against my will (yes I know there were no physical gates, but the threats of what would happen to me if I left from both staff and my family were enough to keep my captive) and I still have a need to know what happened to others and I want to put awareness into the public eye. Cedu claimed it could help me....without EVER meeting me. Certainly, if the institution was an honest, caring one, it would have turned me back after one week at the campus. But then they would have had to turn everyone away since in fact, they were ill-equipped to deal with any sort of psychological issues.
Okay, enough ranting. I really just wanted to say that I remember you and it is good to see people from my time period showing up here after all these years.
-Victoria (Berman) Vigil

I was at cedu from 1991-1993. Your name (or is that your name?) doesn't sound familiar. Who are you? I'm Victoria- was in the peer group that graduated Dec 1993.

I'm Victoria. There are some people on here from Cedu during that time period, but more often than not, they just don't post. They are here though.

I remember those people too. Curious who's asking....

let me know if there is anything i can do to help you out.

8 ... news04.txt
CHECK IT OUT!! I also called the cedu admissions hotline and asked. They verified. I asked when and she said "ASAP" that staff were resigning all over the place!!!!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Check this out!!!
« on: March 10, 2005, 01:50:00 PM »
An another note- I don't know if the devil's dictionary quote was yours of courtesy of the system that we post on, but it's funny because I keep a copy of that book in my desk at work!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Check this out!!!
« on: March 10, 2005, 01:49:00 PM »
Right- but they're talking about regulations and laws that are also academic. A great deal of discussion on this forum has also centered around legal action, so the question is definitely pertinent.

Reading my posts you can tell that I don't agree with cedu's methods of brainwashing and breaking down their students.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Check this out!!!
« on: March 10, 2005, 12:27:00 PM »
The question is really whether or not cedu is licensed as a group home. If not, then they don't fall under the pervue of those regulations.
I highly doubt they are licensed as such- rather I believe they are probably just considered to be an alternative boarding school.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Jackson Nash 92-95
« on: March 09, 2005, 02:28:00 PM »
Hey there- yet another person from the "good" old days. Malia- how have you been? I'm still in LA, working in the Valley, living in Santa Clarita. Think it would be interesting to talk to you! I'm PM'ing you with my work email.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Jackson Nash 92-95
« on: January 28, 2005, 05:01:00 PM »
Just wanted to say that it's nice to hear from more people who were there at the same time I was, regardless if they agree or not with how I feel about the program.

Cedu class of december 1993

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Jackson Nash 92-95
« on: January 13, 2005, 11:11:00 AM »
I didn't know Rory and Janie had passed away. Janie started at the middle school at the same time I started at the high school. That was right when the middle school first opened, in 1991. When she moved to the high school, they made me her big sister. Can you imagine going from the middle school to the high school?

So many people I wonder about- Dave Pace, James Duan, Pam Hughes, Kesi Dunlop, Malia Levin, Michelle Buck, Michelle Weinberg (she wasn't in my peer group- left cedu before graduating), Hilary Horvat, Tina Rahman, and many others. Some I wonder out of morbid curiousity.... These people were the human element of cedu. Even if we drove one another crazy while we were there, they were subjected to the same abuses I was (though some not quite as harshly....).

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Let's be honest...
« on: January 11, 2005, 03:55:00 PM »
I see your point of view however I have a difficult time seeing how this is truly going to haunt me in my day to day life. I've told just about everyone at my work about my experiences at cedu and what got me there. All my friends and family know what happened.

Even if I didn't, honestly what's the danger here? I, unlike others who post here, have no fear of the cedu police coming and getting me. I may have nightmares to that effect, but it won't really happen.

I think that by being honest about who I am, I might encourage others to speak up or even to relate to me. Perhaps there is someone posting anon who was there at the same time as me- and remembers me- so they might be more open to talking about what happened.

So I don't REQUIRE that people disclose who they are. I just recommend it.

Yes anon is quicker. I agree. I am getting sick of logging in each time I post. But it also distinguishes me from the ugly posters who have nothing but hate to spew toward eachother.

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