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Messages - FightingIrish

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Former student alleges months of abuse
« on: April 19, 2005, 12:58:00 AM »
Seriously, someone had said last week that they had problems in getting their phone calls in after they were thought of as the "non supportive parent" to put it nicely! Besides court papers, and maybe the police, any other problems I may encounter. Always like to be prepared for the unknown. I'm worried now that when she went back to the seminar she didn't get even more shit for a parent having her pulled because she told me their was mold in her room.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Former student alleges months of abuse
« on: April 18, 2005, 11:21:00 PM »
I am one of those who probably couldn't believe this stuff goes on in good ol USofA. I have had an irrate day withf Cross Creek. It was my scheduled day to talk with my dgt. The therapist called at 10 to ask to postpone the call until Fri. because she was an Orientation seminar. I said NO! I had received a letter Thursday stating she had been ill do to black mold in her room she had been crying and headache bodyache and such and that I wanted to see how she was feeling. He stated that she couldn't talk due to being in the seminar and that if he pulled her and opt out she wouldn't complete the seminar and they wouldn't have another one for a couple of months, my reply was fine opt her out, I will talk to her today! He said he would get back to me in 20 minutes. I called him back at my scheduled time and he said in stumbling words, ahha ahh I can't pull her out. I said if you don't pull her out all hell is going to break loose and that I will talk with her, I would have the authority's down there so quick he said well I talked with her and she said she's feeling better, I said that's great let me hear that from her. he said he couldn't then I said I will talk to my dgt today, he said I needed to talk with the head guy who I called immediately got his voicemail, then I called the main office and asked if he was in they said yes, I wanted to talk to him asap, of course they asked who I was and such, she got back on the line and stated that he would call me in 20 minutes which he did. I told him the problem, and he still insisted I couldn't talk with her. I stated she must have a break time and then he asked who brought her who was paying for the school. He would have to talk with her dad to get permission to pull her I told him that I have 50%/ more like 75% custody, and that his program was going down the toilet real quick. The therapist called back, the other guy called back and finally I got to speak with my dgt. I told them I was writing my representative which I did, I will go to the media or what ever. I even told him I would come up to pull her and he basically was telling me I couldn't. I'm a little on the angry side tonight. I am pulling her I just can't find a F program that is normal. I have contacted a consultant per our therapist here at home. But I dont' even trust them. When I read the letters the california Congressman wrote to committees and they are protected because they are private. How many kids have to die or be abused before our Government steps in?  :flame:

Hi Deborah,
If you have those links close at hand that would be great. If not maybe point me in the right direction.
I'll find them, I've found alot of information already, just takes time.

The Troubled Teen Industry / hello, my name is alicia
« on: April 11, 2005, 12:28:00 AM »
My dgt's therapist at cross creek took 2 months to get back to our family therapist here. They had asked him to fax his credentials to them. If he was licensed they would send him the complete test, if he wasn't they would be glad to summarize it for him. When I asked him why he hadn't called me or answered email, his comeback was well if you want argue about this for the next twenty min. I wasn't arguing just asking him if this was the type of communication I could expect from him? Same thing, if I wanted to argue about it.....Then I asked if he had received the info from our Dr.s no he has been really busy...I said, "you haven't found anytime in 2 months to fax them the info they need. I'll do better I'll have time this Friday was his reply, When I checked with the Dr.s here Monday he still hadn't done it I emailed him and finally he was being held accountable like he is holding my child. CCM may not be as bad as the other RTC but what's verbal abuse to anyone, indignites with restrooms.
Mental abuse and fear. It's all abuse to me. Some are worse than others. But it all has to stop. Parents would tell me that the cussing at the kids was because they needed a quick kick in the butt, hadn't I ever cussed at my kid before. I was putting my values on them. etc. etc. Futile with them is what it is. They always had some excuse why this is ok, they were so blind, brainwashed it makes me sick.
thanks for letting me vent.

The Troubled Teen Industry / hello, my name is alicia
« on: April 11, 2005, 12:28:00 AM »
My dgt's therapist at cross creek took 2 months to get back to our family therapist here. They had asked him to fax his credentials to them. If he was licensed they would send him the complete test, if he wasn't they would be glad to summarize it for him. When I asked him why he hadn't called me or answered email, his comeback was well if you want argue about this for the next twenty min. I wasn't arguing just asking him if this was the type of communication I could expect from him? Same thing, if I wanted to argue about it.....Then I asked if he had received the info from our Dr.s no he has been really busy...I said, "you haven't found anytime in 2 months to fax them the info they need. I'll do better I'll have time this Friday was his reply, When I checked with the Dr.s here Monday he still hadn't done it I emailed him and finally he was being held accountable like he is holding my child. CCM may not be as bad as the other RTC but what's verbal abuse to anyone, indignites with restrooms.
Mental abuse and fear. It's all abuse to me. Some are worse than others. But it all has to stop. Parents would tell me that the cussing at the kids was because they needed a quick kick in the butt, hadn't I ever cussed at my kid before. I was putting my values on them. etc. etc. Futile with them is what it is. They always had some excuse why this is ok, they were so blind, brainwashed it makes me sick.
thanks for letting me vent.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I'm Curious
« on: April 10, 2005, 11:15:00 PM »
You know what the sad thing for me is. My dgt's father and new wife. Use cocaine, pot, alcohol hell he's been using since high School he's 50. Maybe he's trying to send a message to his dgt. (not)just out of sight out of mind. He has the money to try and have someone else fix his problems. He wasn't going to go to the Seminars because he already knew what to expect. So I don't know how he was going to get away with at least not going to the Discovery one.It's nothing for them to see the pot tray laying around in their bathroom. It's hard decisions anyway you look at it. Prayer is the only thing that keeps me sane these days.

Thanks for the wealth of information. It is greatly appreciated.

Thank you too!

I was reading some of the websites provided for more information.
Does the mail from home sent to the kids get read by the facility before the kids get it. I was told it doesn't. But after all this I really don't trust anything. I want to let her know I'm working on getting her home. I'm afraid because i'm not the supportive parent they will cut my letters off like they have taken me off the BBS.
Not that I like it much anyway, but I would find out things through it. I wasn't posting anymore, just reading.

The parents think it's a success story until 3yrs or better down the line. The kids really start realizing that the treatment they received was not ok. I hope more people that have been in the programs start speaking out so they can start healing. I'm sorry your parents are behind this program and not you. I was really angry when I see first hand how these parents are brainwashed. I can only say that in some of these cases Parents worried so much about their children and probably had been through alot that they themselves were victims and very vulnerable at the time they placed their kids. Most of them ran off right away to the "Long seminars" lack of sleep, in some cases I heard that breaks were not very long either, homework after midnight sets them up for brainwashing I think. I can't believe so many parents don't question half this stuff. Oh well, I'm glad I was able to see before I got sucked into this.

CCM stands for Cross Creek Manor in So. Utah. I have a dgt there now. I will be pulling her asap. I ditto what cherished Wisdom said. Check out Isaccorp warnings signs. Check out the internet for any thing you can find. WWASP stands for World Wide Association School Programs.
Good Luck

I have a dgt in program at CC right now. Her father took her up to the school. I allowed her father to take her up (we are divorced). I didn't check it out before hand. I listened to him, he knew a friend that had a teenager in the program, her father visited the school, and told me it was okay. (Stupid Me). Right after she went up there red flags have been going up. Therapist didn't call me or return phone calls. FR lying to me. The BBS all the parents were and are so supportive, but they have been there way to long. They all sounded robotic. One other thing that I noticed from the BBS was that the kids stayed in levels to long or hadn't moved to any level. Then I read the therapist was cussing at a girl. I am in the process now of pulling her out. Her dad is taking me to mediation. I was up there last weekend to visit the school and see her. They are not to happy with me at the moment. Since my visit I haven't been able to get on the BBS (intentional)? I kept asking why the seminars were so long (Not Normal to me) no answers, so I have been collecting anything I can find so when I go to mediation they will know he's the jerk that wants to keep her there.I am horrified that these places are still in operation. My dgt needs help, not more problems, I feel so bad for all the kids that have been in these programs past and present, and I will be a voice for them anyway I can. Anytime I spoke or asked questions I was told supportive parents don't question the program. I support my dgt not the program. I did therapy at home with her and it wasn't working, I felt that if she was away from home she could get a fresh start. She would be away from the pressure of everything. I thought it was going to be a new start for her. I was really wrong.

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