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Messages - Lynn m

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The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Hidden Lake academy
« on: April 27, 2005, 07:53:00 PM »
just for the record...i do not monitor the board for HLA, i just got tired of all the negativity and thought i would add a different or differing perspective.  i really am no ones stooge, just a curious employee.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Hidden Lake Academy
« on: March 06, 2005, 07:47:00 PM »
Wow, lots going on since last week??  just wanted to stop by and read, i just wanted to touch on one or two things...
thank you, Deborah for that albiet off handed compliment...i actually had done nannying but decided that writing a book will help more people at one time...still in progress sad to say!  i have the links that i don't remember the name gave about the article...have not had a chance to read them and don't know if i will even comment when i do...and lastly the quote below from Deborah,

"Talk about reaction, I still have mine. And they swing from an ache that physically seizes my chest to an internal volcano that would like to erupt all over the facility. Don?t pretend for a minute that you are qualified or justified in evaluating my reaction to this injustice. And don?t ever, ever tell me I have lied or exaggerated. To do so would constitute the ultimate disrespect and/or ignorance on your part."

I am truly troubled by that because if i ever gave you, even for one instant, the idea that i was minimalizine the effect that your experiences has had on your family, or to say your reaction was not 100% justified for your situation then i sincerely apologize, it was never my intent to imply or insinuate.  i would NEVER disrespect your reality.  i do have to say that it is not everyone's reality though and hopefully trying to get that point across does not constitute the above.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Hidden Lake Academy
« on: February 24, 2005, 07:42:00 AM »
no, i was not "assigned" to this board, it is called free will, and no, i do not believe that you have proven me a liar or wrong, trust me, i admit when i am wrong and as far as holding not salt, robertbruce, sir, you have been so bitter for so long that you can not see past your hatred.  it is really alright with me if we agree to disagree, but as for my statements being lies or me trying to manipulate, that is just you trying to justify your malice towards anyone who is at all for the program which has seemed to have brought you so much misery.  my advise for you, and take this as whatever you want, open you mind to other points of view as i am open to yours.  i understand that your stay there many years ago was less than helpful for you and that may really be, and if this is a cathardic means for you to cleanse yourself i am very happy that you have this opportunity.  we all need a little cleansing but again, just because someone's opinion is not the same as your does not automatically make it wrong.
as for the turnover, same reason any other company, school, industry has turnover.  i really do not have anything to do with that.  (this way you cannot say i am avoiding).  i truly am not trying to be manipulative, just giving my point of view as are you.  if it is not what your reality is, then that is really alright with me...oh, and when i am wrong, to the kids there or my own, i am the first to admit it.  sorry if that bursts the bubble that you have created about me.
again, you are using 4 year old information, things change when they are found not to work or that they are not productive.  i know when something doens't work with my family i change it, same goes for any business, school, industry, you are constantly evolving as i know i have in my many years and would hope that this would pertain to all.  i wish you could see that when mistakes are made or when something doess't work people are willing to change it to make it better.  but again i don't think you can see that through the veil of hatred and bitterness you hold on to.  and the reason i can make that last statement (even though "i don't know you") is because of what you have allowed me to see in your statements.
take care, i have to go to work now...and am grateful for that opportunity!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Hidden Lake Academy
« on: February 23, 2005, 08:55:00 PM »
when you sign up to take a group there has to be some security that you will stay for the entire length of the program.  it is not healthy for these kids, some of who have a lot of attachement issues, to have someone that they come to trust just up and leave.  They make it harder for that to happen by requiring contracts and implementing penelties.  There are portions in the contract that make it so that you can get out of it without penelty.  There are of course reasons that employees are let go and that is taken seriously, too.
Oh, and there are always ways to get out of the contract and not have to pay the $3000, isn't there, hattie?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Hidden Lake Academy
« on: February 23, 2005, 08:46:00 PM »
The restrictions kids DO NOT sit outside on the wall and eat their "bread and water", they eat inside the lodge just like everyone else except earlier so as not to continue to disrupt the advancement of the students who are trying to better themselves if not only for their parents but to have a better experience in school.
And yes, RobertBruce, when there are large planned visits, consultants, grandparents day, etc the campus is cleaned up moreso and some of the students who would like to cause as much trouble as possible are sent to do other things, you wouldn't leave your dirty laundry out when you had visitors.  As for the "lie" what i said is listed in the quotes below, and you have jarbeled it up into one big generalization.

anonymous - "OH and as for "if, as a parent you visited the school and everything seemed decent, it's because you're there. The school is very different whenever parents are there. They usually take all of the kids who are on restrictions and send them off into the woods with one water bottle each and a little bagged lunch. The rest of the students are assigned to partake in designated activities all over campus for the day."

me - TOTALLY UNTRUE! there are parents and other visitors that come to the school at all different days and times of day. they look at the school, the grounds, the cafeteria, the infirmary, the gym and even experience the cafeteria during meal times...unannounced!! the staff and students do no know when they are having tours. the only time the school does the special visit days where activities are planned are days like grandparents day so that other family members can see that the school is not a lock down or basement facility! the thought that everyone's days could be disrupted to "put on some kind of act" is again a silly statement"

If calling me a liar makes you feel justified then so be it, but if you read the above statement from anon. and then me you will see it explained both ways.
so sorry to prove you wrong, i have read your comments and have come to the conclusion that you truly dislike that.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Hidden Lake Academy
« on: February 18, 2005, 06:24:00 PM »
OK i have to call bullsh*t on a lot of this! Don't hide behind the anonymous tag, give a peer group or initials... first of all, the food is gathered and either tossed or covered an put in a cold box (which yes has passed the heath code inspection for temperture, etc); while a lot of the meals contain a fried selection, it is not the only choice, ever and there is always a vegetarian selection along with a nicely stocked salad bar, lunch meat bar, assortment of breads, cheese selection, fresh fruit and other healthier alternatives.  noted, there are usually a few more carbs then those who do the atkins thing would like.
as far as the flys and the "stench", any time there is food there are flies, they are not in the cafeteria and are usually around the trash that is outside after the meals waiting to be taken to the dumpster, yes by the students who usually have EARNED work assignements for doing silly stupid things - its called consequences, some of you parents may want to commit that word to memory, perhaps then you would not need these types of schools!
The counselors and teacher and staff members do eat in the lodge either before or with the student body and i have RARELY seen anyone bring their own food unless they were dieting.  They are asked to do so to be with the student body and be available for counseling help or academic help...there is more than enough seating for the entire student body plus staff. NO ONE IS EVER REQUIRED DUE TO CROWDING TO STAND TO EAT!  that comment is ridiculous...the students are actually required to be seated durning meals, they can get up and move around freely, so hold the comments about making them keep seated or whatever you are thinking.  As for students "jumping at the chance to do trash duty" first off, again it is a consequence, second, there is a staff member present during the trash runs to assure student safety and they would never and are never allowed to "pick through" the garbage, especially to eat!! that again is just silly! as well as untrue.
to be eligible for doing community service you have to meet certain criteria, to do any off campus events (activities, community service, etc) you have to be eligible and yes, some kids sign up to do these things to get the chance to get off campus, but to eat? no, not true.  again it is called "giving back" which most of these kids have never had to do...most of them just take and their parents, gifts, cars, etc...not usually time, restrictions, consequences and then they send their kids to schools like this at 17 and over and expect them to "do something to make them stay" when they turn 18...when you don't ever tell your kid no, it is hard to start at 16!!
sure, some kids maybe don't need to be there but most of them have truly earned their spots! and some need an even more restrictive program and there are folks out there who are grateful for those, too!
There is one truth i did see in this comment and that is if a student serves to many days on restrictions they are recommended to go to ridge creek.  but it is an exorbanent amount of days!
OH and as for "if, as a parent you visited the school and everything seemed decent, it's because you're there.  The school is very different whenever parents are there.  They usually take all of the kids who are on restrictions and send them off into the woods with one water bottle each and a little bagged lunch.  The rest of the students are assigned to partake in designated activities all over campus for the day." TOTALLY UNTRUE!  there are parents and other visitors that come to the school at all different days and times of day.  they look at the school, the grounds, the cafeteria, the infirmary, the gym and even experience the cafeteria during meal times...unannounced!!  the staff and students do no know when they are having tours.  the only time the school does the special visit days where activities are planned are days like grandparents day so that other family members can see that the school is not a lock down or basement facility!  the thought that everyone's days could be disrupted to "put on some kind of act" is again a silly statement.
and yes, they changed the restrictions policy because obviously a child who spends an incredible amount of days on restrictions, just isn't getting it and sometimes needs a different type of intervention to help get their attention.
i know that there will be backlash, but i don't care, what i have said is true up to THIS day!
so come on nay sayers...bring it on!
On 2005-02-17 17:11:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I graduated from HLA in 2004 and I saw with my own eyes what you are all discussing.  The food served at HLA is unhealthy.  Most meals contain at least one or more deep fried dishes and a miniscule selection of food not containing meat.  The salad bar looked dangerous and the sandwich meat would often sit out uncovered from breakfast till dinner.  The cafeteria reeked of rot and during the summer flies were everywhere.  During weekday lunches, most of the counselors and teachers would come and eat in the cafeteria with us (many of whom brought food from home) and greatly exceeded the seating capacity, forcing many students to eat standing up.  

The worst part of all of this was the hunger.  Whenever we were given trash duty on restictions, everybody would almost jump out of their seats for the oppurtunity.  Those lucky enough to be picked would then race up to the dumpsters and rummage through them for food.  I know this because i used to do it.  A lot of the students would sign up for community service just so that they could eat leftovers at the soup kitchens.  It's kind of funny, I realized the other day that after going to HLA I am very protective of my food.  I have to remind myself constantly that I don't need to eat as much as i can whenever i have the oppurtunity because I'm not at HLA anymore. Eating is no longer a privelage.

The last thing i want to say is just that whather or not it's healthy or of sufficient quanity, the food at HLA is atrocious.  I know that this is not a major issue but i just want to mention it.  If, as a parent you visited the school and everything seemed decent, it's because you're there.  The school is very different whenever parents are there.  They usually take all of the kids who are on restrictions and send them off into the woods with one water bottle each and a little bagged lunch.  The rest of the students are assigned to partake in designated activities all over campus for the day.  Ask you're child what he or she was doing on grandparents weekend and im sure he/she'll tell you the same thing.  After Leaving Hidden Lake all i wanted to do was forget it but now i want to tell people what it's really like.  i will be checking this site regularly now so if you have any questions, please ask.  

One other thing.  The restrictions thing is mostly true.  I say mostly because it used to happen a lot.  Even when i first got to the school, people could be on restrictions for as long as three to four months without being sent away.  Towars the end of 2002 though they started a policy that if you were on restrictions for i think it was either a whole month or 25 days, you would be sent to ridge creek.

I hope this helped a bit."

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