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Messages - Mikecarren

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Just wanted to say I appreciated what you wrote. I went to Cascade. The sister school of CEDU. I don't know you but glad to hear your doing well. I'm in the same boat you are.

[email protected]

To all you Cascade graduates or people who were there at the end,

I have never read such vague crap in my life. I graduated from Cascade in 1997. My name is Michael Carren. Some of you may remember me. Others may not. That's good. I probably don't want you to, and I probably did not like you! That is besides the point. For some reason nobody can find out why this awful school closed down. Now I'm not saying I didn't leave Cascade with good friends who I don't talk to anymore. And I am not saying this school did not help me in some ways. I was screwed up in the head for a couple years trying to figure out what was real and what was bullshit when I left. But I eventually did, thank god!

Now that I'm older, grown up, in the "real world" again, I have come to realize a few things that relate to Cascade.

1. Out of the biggest "issues" I have had to deal with in my life, Cascade School ranks #1!!!!

2. My Cascade School experience only makes sense to other people who went there.

3. My Cascade School experience only matters to me and other people who attended hell on Earth.

And most importantly..........

4. People who attended this school and are writing on this site are idiots for not speaking the truth!!!!!

I think we all for the most part are happy this school shut down. I know I am. There was to much verbal abuse and mindfucking going on there. That's all I'm going to say about what I feel about the school and how it fucked me up!!!

There is a bigger point to this posting.

We are all graduates or people who were there. It sucked and we all know it. There must be some big secret on why it closed down. Nobody is talking about it, or people are to scared to talk about it.

I think we have a obligation to find out the truth. I know it would bring some much needed closure on the sitsuation for me, and probably a lot of other people out there.

I think we have an commitment to eachother to finish what was started. If there was criminal misconduct by the staff I hope it has been addressed correctly and taken care of. If not, then people need to shut up!

For those of you who know the truth, or care to find out the truth, e-mail me at

[email protected]

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