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Messages - bettypills

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / cinci straight
« on: August 16, 2003, 01:10:00 AM »
I have to admit that I only turn my computer on once-a-week or so and that I rarely participate in any of the communicating that y'all do, though I used to do so more. I'm lazy and busy with my 3-year old wonder boy. Anyway, though I've read some amazing things from some very interesting people (and read plenty of 'other' as well), mostly I check in here hoping to connect with people I knew in Cinci, where I was in from Dec. 84 to Aug. 89. I figured maybe it was time to just go ahead and say so, and see if anyone is out there from that time. Sorry to be so solipistic but it's the truth.

you talk about yea
the trains run on time    and
 they really get off on
NO, they desperately need THAT
 They require THAT
We were  under their thumbs'
the vast American Fascism, we were
we were at their disposal, jist ask'em, we were Just kids
but we WEREN'T we WERE NOT! JUST KIDS? We grew up!~
jist fuck'em
and we're not now nor were we...
don't worry
It's kinda funny if you think about it
it's kinda funny if you're HERE to laugh
It's pretty Far out and it's pretty much what we've got and that's why I love you bunch of freeeeeex......

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / flashback
« on: September 19, 2002, 11:45:00 PM »
it's so funny how inept at running away I was... I was only 15, a suburban new-wave kid fer chrissakes, when I left from school on (my first) 3rd phase! I had no idea where to go or what to do, I didn't know ANYBODY anywhere else. I went to my friend's house, the one with the 'cool' parents, maybe 5 miles from home. Her parents let her smoke pot and let all of her friends hang out there & party. Even THEY made me leave when apprised of the 'situation'. What was a sheltered little girl to do? I could not conceive of actually going far away! Of course I called my mom & she tricked me into coming home, saying "I'll pull you from Straight, just come home!
3 hours later, they were motivating at me.
The real irony though, is that after I finally 7-stepped, after all that acting and pretending and blah blah blah, 3 years after that meek-ass 'cop-out', I found myself a squatter in San Francisco, by choice, by a conscious choice of fuck you, society! Yeah, dumpster diving and sleeping in abandoned buildings 2000 miles from Cinci, but
oh so joyful to be free!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / peoples
« on: July 28, 2002, 11:24:00 PM »
welllll.... I know many many very cool individuals here, but the nickname "Censornatti" is not an unfair handle!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / peoples
« on: July 28, 2002, 02:49:00 AM »
hi! I don't know any of those folks, sorry...                                      are you FROM cincy or do you just live here now? Were you in the Straight here? or in Fla? When were you in? I'm from Cinti. born & raised, was in "it" here from 12/84-8/86.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / who is still sober
« on: July 28, 2002, 02:36:00 AM »
well I'm not exactly sober right now, dig? I drink beer&wine, lots of it, nearly every day. I'm not proud of this, but I also see it as progress! After I 7-stepped, I waited about 4 months to start drinking again (sex was really the habit to resume first!) but it was as if I hadn't skipped a beat, one thing led to another and before a year had passed I was doing things I'd never even heard of before Straight. And plenty of it.
I like(d) drugs. I loved acid mushrooms ecstacy Heroin & pills! I've never ever ever shot up anything, though, because liking drugs doesn't mean a DEATH WISH! DON'T USE NEEDLES PEOPLE!
What is my point? I do have one..... DRUGS! They aren't inherently bad. or good. a tool, like language, or art, or computers!
I wonder sometimes if being drilled that I was powerless over drugs didn't plant this rebellious seed of thinking "OH YEAH? Well fuck that, I'll show them-" I can eat ten hits of good acid and visit my mom! Go to work! Drive to Austin! (whatever!)"  Like i was very proud of how much craziness I could do. Which is silly, but it's true, I felt that way. It eventually got extremely ugly when, I got way into speed-  What a wonderfulscene, ha ha, full of all the most repulsive aspects of our species! It's o.k now.I'm a mommy who doesn't even smoke (anything!) but I sure like to tipple  a beer and pop a Vicodin! Sorry for the babble, this is a subject I find fascinating because in the years immediately following Straight, it seemed like I kept running into people I knew there in some extremely inebriated situations! Drugs! It's like religion, different for everybody, I don't regret anything, even the ugliest parts were educational. The hardest one to quit was cigarettes, what a nightmare!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Ohio
« on: July 28, 2002, 01:41:00 AM »
I was there too, dec. 84 to aug. 86. Seems like I should know you, Carrie, I've looked at your pic on the Alumni thing and I just don't remember! Hi hijackack (sic?)... I wonder if we know each other? Wendy M.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Please forgive me
« on: July 03, 2002, 01:02:00 AM »
you were/are probably a loving parent who was preyed upon by professional piranhas / cannibals who are very good at what they do. Using such horrific scare tactics on parents who are confused and scared and don't understand what-in-the-hell is going on with your kid! My mom raised me by herself and when I became a rebellious, wild teenager she was scared to death because had never deviated much in her own life, could NOT understand!
Straight was sold to her so well, so effectively, so smoothly, She fell, hook & line, etc...
Even when she had major doubts & I was on 2nd phase trying desperately to get her to pull me, she still bought their lies & sent me back when I left. Eventually, I even 7-stepped & within months was back to my old life, only crazier with a vengeance!
Anyway, my point is that she & I are best friends now, really. It's because both of us have talked (and TALKED!) and both admitted where we were wrong. Sounds like you and your son will be just fine, even closer than ever, maybe, love IS everything! (Yes, you put him IN, but you also took him OUT!)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / FOX DID IT!!!!!!!!!
« on: May 23, 2002, 11:26:00 PM »
it is a great article. I can't believe it, I thought Fox was the in-house news empire for the Republicans/FarRight/etc. I still think that, but it's good to see this there, or ANYWHERE!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I AM STRAIGHT
« on: May 15, 2002, 10:27:00 PM »
the one I've always hated the most has got to be:
Straight is IT
the free-est place we've ever found
Straight is it!
the one that never lets you down
Straight is it
the most refreshing place around
Straight is it!
(to the tune of "coke is it")
it's just irony upon irony. surely this wasn't just a cinci. thing?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / cop out rumors
« on: May 15, 2002, 01:42:00 PM »
interesting point. I had a similar experience where a man with a gun came up to my car at a red light and made me go with him into his car and he raped me. But this happenned in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Dallas (University Park). I was lucky to escape alive. Of course the racist cops there who were checking out my car (which I'd had to leave right there at the intersection), of course they assumed that since I looked a little bit different (not a yuppie!) and my attacker was a black man, they of course assumed I knew him. They kept asking me if I was sure I hadn't just come from a party where I might have met him! Bastards! Of course they never caught him.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / cop out rumors
« on: May 15, 2002, 01:31:00 PM »
oh my god so that's what happenned! There were vibes & allusions! hahahaha! would it be too much to want to know who was involved?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / IT is choice
« on: May 12, 2002, 10:24:00 PM »
o.k. I can get behind what you're saying. It's true the opiates are maddening, seductive, extremely addictive. It can be very dangerous. I was a little drunk and goofy when I wrote that last one. HOWEVER, my main point was really about mistrusting the pills "they" push on us, the "social anxiety" adverts on t.v., the Elavils and Ritalins of the world. It just doesn't feel right, being marketed to, rather than prescribed for. Not that I think this is a NEW thing, business is business, medicine is business, patients are consumers and t'was ever thus.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / IT is choice
« on: May 12, 2002, 02:40:00 AM »
Yeah, it sure does seem like truth that the pills they WANT you to have (like anti-depressants, or Ambien or those evil amphetamines they want to give to our so-called "hyper" "A.D.D." -what shit!- kids, these pills I want to stay FAR FAR away from! Advertising pharmaceuticals on t.v. seems , uh, NOT QUITE RIGHT somehow, yeah! Brain Tranks, say no! But why is it so hard to get the good dope, why can't I have Lortabs all the time? Because, as usual, it's all about control AND profit, what else? Not that I'm saying these trank & anti-depressant & anti-psychotic pills don't have their rightful place! They are certainly the right thing for some things, but it's really gotten out of hand. Meanwhile, doctors are afraid to kick down the Percs even when you have true pain!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / any good days that you can recall?
« on: May 12, 2002, 02:24:00 AM »
it meant Obs, short for OBSERVATIONS. Obs Book. Big Brother, what' that? 5th phasers could gossip and get away with it, and what's worse, we probably enjoyed it. What teenager doesn't like to gossip? HA ha, um, ha?

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