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Messages - wayne

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My son never runaway from home before. People can check that out easlier with a call the to the Edison Police department in New Jersey.

He was last seen in San Diego back in December. We hope he is ok and not calling home because he still angry at us.

Great insights on how to make a living in San Diego.

With what we had known, my son never show up in the downtown area. Not even a single sighting. We were sure he was in Mira Mesa area from Apil to end of June. After that we lost track of him. In early April he must be very poor, we got sighting of him asking for cigaretteand might even panhandling. However, he must be able to find a way to make some money. He was able to afford something other then basic needs. He has been sent buying a drink from Braun's & Noble. I guess he must got a lot of help form the people he met on the street.

We don't know he is using drug or not, but if he does, it must be some minor stuff. Otherwise, he should be picked up long time ago.

I don't know how easy to get a shelter as a runawy. My son is not a gangster type of person. But we still worry he might meet some gangsters and they provide him a shelter, a way to make money and a lot of bad infulence.

Good to hear your successful story. I wonder a runaway can get a job easy. I mean getting paid under the table without any ID. My son has runaway from cedu (running spring) and missing for 11 months now. He was last seen in Mira Mesa, San Diego six months ago. We don't know how he makes his living or even he has a proper place to stay. But, I apreciate  your happy ending story.

Is anybody knows how to contact Brandi Elliot. Please sent me mail at [email protected]

Hi, I am the father of the runaway kid. He is still missing and we have no idea where he is now. I just found this forum yesterday by chance. After I read some story on this site. I found out we made our biggest mistake in our life to send my son to cedu high.

After my son was missing, the school took a don't care attitude and lied to us on almost every single things about what had happen to my son in cedu. They even gave mis-informed statments on the police report!

If you know anything about my son, Daniel Yuen, before or after his missing. Please e-mail me at [email protected]

I am intesting to know the same thing. Pleae e-mail me at [email protected]

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / cedu lawsuit
« on: January 07, 2005, 03:07:00 PM »
My son is missing from cedu high since 2/8/2004 and still not found. I want to join the class action or a legal action mysite to sue cedue. Can anyone help me. Please e-mail me at [email protected]

Thank you

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