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Messages - Kenterprises

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Pickle,   I finaly made it here to Fla. keep me posted when the next meeting will be.
I still go back and read my old threads and makes me laugh! :grin:
Pickle  are you still in Tallahasee? were here in St. pete and tomorow Im going to go drive by the old straight in park blvd.
It will be great to walk in there and back out to make things right after all these years from there. write when you can.  :cool:

I just relocated back here to Tampa and just logged in and sad to find I just missed the conference this past weekend where was it located at?    
To update everyone :I did about a year or so ago try and submit the idea to the "phill donahue shoe to try and get him to have a show on us and our views even today about how straight really opperated! Im sorry to say I did not succeed! I tried and and tried I called emailed and no one would give me the time of day.( what a suprise)
But what comes around goes around! And I am excited to say the Phill Donahue show is done with ! did not last long did he? Bastard!
I was in Straight INC.  back in 1977 on 1st phase for 6 months!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / any good days that you can recall?
« on: April 23, 2002, 04:41:00 PM »
I forgot to ask Lady J" how long were you in ? and when did you get out and how did you get out?  or they let you go? I have never known anyone  that they just let sign them selves out and walk out the door.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / any good days that you can recall?
« on: April 23, 2002, 04:36:00 PM »
I tell you all something those MI's were a bitch to write. I never knew what to put down. I did'nt even know what they might want me to write. I never did figure it out My hat is off to all who made it through a 5 phases. Untill they smoosed my mom not to bring me anymore smokes and lifesavers. I cant tell you all how many rolls of life savers I ate per day. Little did they know I was amped out on the sugar just like speed. Thanks to Mrs Peterman you Bitch, I still wonder today just how many people from there  have the same oppinion that we all do?
Now that all that is out, Lets have a song!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / any good days that you can recall?
« on: April 21, 2002, 02:04:00 PM »
My god people this is funny, remember the songs they would sing here are some as follows

Straight in deed(is all you need to stay off the junk ths pills and the weed)
Blowing in the wind
This land is your land
The micky Mouse Straight song
Please feel free to add to the list.

The good time I had being on 1st phase for 6 months was the night I made it to 2nd phase, and yelled Comming home! My Mother was in her head at the time. I yelled it and she did'nt even hear me yell it :sad: I got a standing ovation for over 5 minutes as they told me I was the only one they seen on 1st phase for so long! I bullshited my way there still not knowing what the hell the whole program was about! Was not 2  days later being home,they saw through me and brought me back to 1st phase what a bummer! I got pissed off and decided to make myself get kicked out by starting fights and it worked, they took me down to JDC and a week later I was in a half way house then I was allowed to go home. The judge let me go home said I had been in straight long enough,( I had been court ordered to go to Straight or do 5 years of hard labor)I chose the obvious! That was the happiest day for me! I got out of straight and beat doing 5 years!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Christmas at Straight Inc.
« on: April 12, 2002, 09:35:00 AM »
Wow this thread is very depressing :sad:
You know people, I myself this is just my oppinion but,  talking ,relating ,Rap or what ever you want to call it, was not all that bad , to me being incarserated held on to by my belt loops or by the back of my jeans and being detained against my will,not able to go to the bathroom unless someone walked me there that was the bitch about the whole place a person standing at any door area incase someone would "SPLIT"
remember that word everyone would yell? I feel this way If there is going to be such a drug program get rid of the datained attitude. why in the hell dont they buy a old motel or somewhere like wise and have everyone just come down for maybe 4-5 hours a day,  5 days a week  have the weekends off. this whole bullshit where you sit in a fucking seat for 9-12 hours a day is torture.At least if you did not want to be there you had the liberty to walk out like it should be! oh god, I just remembered the Massage group thing where everyone would sit down and line up behind one another and for 5 minutes massage the person in front of you then good old Mrs. Peterman(THE "BITCH" )would blow the whistle and everyone would switch.Remember the time when you were talking to the group about something when you got picked and some prick would start snapping his fingers and trying to get the staffs attention so he could stand up and try to make brownie points to stand up in front of the group interrup you and tell you that you were full of shit that you were hidding something that you have been acting suspiscious or something the next thing you know the whole place has there hands up waiting to come down on you I will never forget stuff like that. I did not make it to christmas but after 6 months on first phase I had enough!!! I want to go ahead and go to jail because at least there My mother could visit me not have to earn the right to talk to her for 5 minutes? against a wall!Im sorry to hear that christmas time is a bad memory for some of you! Just try to remember the real reason for the season Jesus!

Thanks so much I knew sooner or later someone would be able to pinpoint it You are very kind.

Nope, that was not the same bld I was in. Must of been the next one. The TIN bld I was in sat off the main rd which I think was either starkey rd, or park blvd. Kind of like an industrial area. It was the last bld they were in before they moved by Tyrone Square mall.

Just for the story not all that is sentenced to prison  go there if they dont complete the program! I am an example of that, I had a  choice Straight or 5 years of hard work and labor. The chioce is simple then but once i was in straight for 6 months I ended up getting kicked out (my choice) to go ahead and do my time I then would at least know when I was getting out!!!! but lucky enough I got probation and the judge figured I was in straight 6 months I had learned something,so he let me go not everyone that is sentinced will go to prison!

Thanks for your support. I realy excited about maybe getting some air time, i hope it works.I just had a woman respond from Canada telling me that there is a place up there. I thought I would share her story with you guys.we wil not be sued by going on tv and expressing our truth that we experienced! Its freedom of speach.

This is Velvet2000 (Mylitta), I don't know if you are aware of AARC (alberta
adolescent recovery centre) or not. The Dean Vause forum is about AARC, and
I also run;

AARC is a current Straight spin off run by a former Kids of North Jersey
clinical. I ight be interested in Donahue, depending on when it happens. Now
is too soon. If you go to my site and read the current posts by "Mike" you
can see there has just been some threats made. The person that they are
directed at may press charges, so there could be a first case against
someone in AARC. Let me know if anything happens with Donahue.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

I am going to do every thing I can to make it We going to try and work our schedule in around that time frame,As you will most likely read I just found out that Phill Donahue is returning to Tv, this year! There is no dought in my mind he would want to have a topic of Straight Inc. and where are they now.
I can almost bet on it. He did 3 shows just in the 6 months I was there did they have another filming of it when you were there?
This could be very interesting, Let me know what you think, did you look at the map today for the names of the cross roads?

Hey everyone I was tossing around an Idea of Lets get together and try and get Good ol Phill Donahue To have a show about us folks later on in life what happen to the people of straight,I bet we could make it happen,
The reason is that Phill Donahue used to film us at the Straight in St. Pete and would have his whole hour on this program
this happened 3 times when I was there and that was only 6 months, but when your in there its like 6 years!!! this would be a chance to air our concerns of what has happen up to now.
Im sure he would love to do a show on us today, If I can arrange it, how many of you are willing to appear? No bullshitting either, for real!
This is a one time chance to let the world know what realy happen behind those doors!!!

If you are with me on this Email me with your name and email only. I dont need anything else untill I get a responce back from his staff. My email is:

 ([email protected])

All is welcome,including those of you that dont want to bash but be heard!
I will make it happen but I sure as hell dont want to be the only one sitting in front of a live audience by my self.
and are you willing to travel to appear on his show if they dont provide the cost??
I will be at the top of the list! who will join me. Thanks for your time.
                                              Straight Survivor 1978,

you know what I think your right Mike. Starkey rd sounds realy familiar, that might be it let me know if you would, and guess what John Harmon was my old commer, I wonder how they are doing? I wonder if they view straight today as the rest of us?Hmmmm.
Look forward in hearing from you I would meet you when Wee get down to Tampa.

Does anyone know in St. Pete the Straight Bld was located, Not the one that was By Tyrone Square mall but before that, I went to all the  sites looking but non mention a address location. I know Mike said it was on Park Blvd. but does anyone remember how to get there? what is a cross street, and I would be comming from Tampa side accross the gandy bridge any directions would be appreciated.Even thought the bld. is not Straight Inc. anymore, but I wanted to drive by. and if these camps were so great to all the news media why were they always hidden away and the only ones that knew where they were were the ones stuck in them ???Hmmmm Thanks

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