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Messages - Coldprecision

Pages: [1] 2
Elan School / Matt Shakespeare
« on: March 03, 2005, 09:41:00 PM »
You don't have to go call her a cunt... Sam was alright... I made some mistakes as a staff, looked at things differently, did things my way... I did what I thought I had to do in order to help people... If that meant walking thin lines in order to establish trust and repor, than I did that... And it might have been frowned upon, but I was there to help people... I wasn't there to sugar coat things, I wasn't worried about politics or business... I was worried about people... And if Sam can't handle me telling her how it was, then that is her problem... But, it doesn't make her a cunt, and it doesn't make me any less wrong for the things that I at the time, felt were right, for my own reasons...

Elan School / Matt Shakespeare
« on: March 03, 2005, 09:31:00 PM »
Hehe, wow... Sam Goldstein... That's kinda sad that you would have to take the time to say all that you said... Although, you know very little of what you are talking about... More importantly, don't cry because I was hard on you...

Elan School / Pictures?
« on: February 22, 2005, 02:45:00 AM »
wow, i remember jamie carpenter... i don't quite remember you marin, but i also remember lisa... how are you guys?

Elan School / whats this i here about peter?
« on: January 21, 2005, 02:50:00 AM »
Andy P,

I see, not much has changed... still the wise cracking person you were in Elan... How's your sister by the way? Anyway, you know who this is... You're a good kid, don't let the world get ya down...

Elan School / Angie Canterutti
« on: January 18, 2005, 03:48:00 AM »
Wow, she is one of the very first graduations I saw when I was a brand new resident... Hope she is well... I remember she wore a beautiful orange summer dress, and her graduation gave me hope and something to strive for...

I guess when you are without hope, you seem to find hope where ever it may be...

Elan School / Jenn H.
« on: January 12, 2005, 04:07:00 PM »
josie... from e-3?

Elan School / Former E-7 Residents: 98-02
« on: January 12, 2005, 04:06:00 PM »
holy shit.. it's eric hill.. its matt shakespeare.. where you at fo!?

Elan School / matt's ok
« on: January 04, 2005, 02:13:00 PM »
i remember kate mccully... i'm sorry that i don't remember you though... were you in a three house or something?

Elan School / Maria a good friend of mine
« on: January 03, 2005, 01:08:00 PM »
Julie Cook... Elan 7 staff? blond hair?

Elan School / matt's ok
« on: January 03, 2005, 01:04:00 PM »
who are you talking about, me?

Elan School / if someone will listen that would be super
« on: January 03, 2005, 12:55:00 PM »
the winter is difficult for some people... it's called seasonal defective disorder... pretty much, sunlight regulates the amount of melotonin that your body produces... However, when there is a lack of sunlight, typically the winter, your levels of melotonin increase, thus producing the affects of depression... They sell special lights that are exprensive, but create artificial sunlight, so that you can stabilize your melotonin levels...

Elan School / if you had a child like yourself........
« on: December 29, 2004, 09:24:00 AM »
for me, it was my self-esteem and lack of identity... and i could definately go into the psychology of it all, i was adopted, i have abandonment issues, yada yada yada, but the reality of the situation is this... there are a lot of people who have the same issues we all did... there are a lot of people who grew up with shitty parents or abusive parents or didn't have an identity, or this that or the other... everyone has a story... fact remains, not everyone ended up in elan, and not everyone coped the way we coped... therefore, the blame lies solely within ourselves... we didnt cope, we tried to look for the easy way out whether it was sleeping around, drugs, quitting on everything, giving up on ourselves, not wanting to compete, not wanting to work hard for the things we wanted, not wanting to work hard to live up to expectations, etc... we quit, we took the easy way out, and we got what we deserved... or let me rephrase that... we put ourselves in the situations we were in... not our circumstances, not our parents, us...

Elan School / Matt Shakespeare
« on: December 28, 2004, 12:54:00 PM »
art... i too left elan... for somewhat of the same reasons as you probably...

Elan School / Matt Shakespeare
« on: December 28, 2004, 11:28:00 AM »
i agree with you... the whining i'm talking about is more so those that were there for me when i was staff, and for me when i was as student, because there wasn't any abuse at that point... i don't know and don't care to speculate on what happened in the 70-80's... but what i'm talking about is a time period far after that one... so, to the 70-80's, what i say has nothing to do with you...

Elan School / Looking for someone
« on: December 28, 2004, 11:25:00 AM »
good for you... maybe you did listen to something i said...

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