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Messages - Cooked RMA until 1990

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / AND more lawsuits!
« on: April 16, 2005, 04:16:00 PM »

I wonder how long the courts will take to wade through all the suits filed todate?

oh my god, although this is an amazing event for some of us, there are now 500+ unemployed people. whether you liked all of them or not, A.) some of them really kicked ass, and B.) what the hell are all of those people going to do for food? some of them live together and some of them have familys to take care of. stop being so coldhearted towards them.

I am not in even a tiny bit worried about those folks.  After all there were not any worry's about my family when I worked over 40 hours a week for over 3 years.  "Never mind that I had small kids who needed me as much as the teens at the school did." Then when out of the blue they tell me "you don't have a job here" No one said Hey whats up??

If in fact the CEDU had not used people and trashed them and kids then this day may have never come.  

As for the Kick ass Staff. Most of the ones I know of got out and far away long ago.


As a member of this town we have seen MANY past employee's do just what the Schools do.  Have parents sign a waiver and give up some cash (I do not have facts on how much just that I know people would not foster care for free) and then they "care for" their kids.  The way it looks now our town will have a few more "rich kids" living around here and going to public school.  Funny in a strange way yet not funny at all that parents don't know how to love and care for their own kids and feel they must DO something as bad as give them up!

I'm sure the law suits are playing a big part in this.  But did it not always come down to money?

That was the JEST of what I got from the school who had it how much and if you thought your time was worth more than they wanted to pay you were gone.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Anyone Else?
« on: February 15, 2005, 08:15:00 PM »

I was not "a kid" I went to work at RMA back in 1987 or about then.  I had to go to work as my hubby could not find enough work or a job that would pay enough wage for us to "make it"  from pay check to the next pay check.

It was the offer of the money that got me in the door and I think it was the need for a good cook that kept me there.  "Until the day that I made the mistake of standing up to someone with more power than I had."  (It was over the veggie diet, I know what you need to combined to have a balance if you are not eatting meat or dairy but they did not want to hear me.  The students who ate that diet knew when I had made the dishes but the staff just did not GET IT!)

I had just came back from a paid vacation when I was called in and told the following.

(From this point on you will not speak with the kids you will do your job and talk no-one anymore.)  Well I'm a big talker, and I in fact felt that alone was a killer, but I did as I was told for about 4 days...  Then I was told "You do not work here anymore.  Leave!!!"  When the young gal who I had just helped get her dress for her graudation made called me at home to ask why I was not there told me I was invited to her "Big DAY" I went.  I remember getting starred down by some of those "powerful folks" I held my head high it is like a dream now looking back.   As time went by students returned to Bonners and in time many found me.  It has been almost 14 years now and my own kids who so needed me for the years that I was gone working over 40 hours a week are grown.  My younger child was only 7 when I was told to leave he seems to remember more of the pain I went through then I do.  

When I worked at RMA there were only wood cook stoves, "I think Blown Away was there in the weeks before I was gone."  In time not only did the wood stoves get replace but the food changed.  

The name RMA will never have students again, but the building you remember if you were at RMA is still a school it is now called North West and Boulder Creek is still where it was.

As for the Law Suit there has not been any news here in Bonners as to how it is going.  I would hold out hope that in time everyone who got ripped off gets their needs meant.  

But most of all I hope that someday everyone who was hurt can heal.  

I Love to read the broard here, you all are great, I do wish that people who do post could take the time to log-in so I can follow better where they are coming from.

Life IS A GIFT....  

We are here in this body at this time and in this world as a gift, we are in a place of high learning, and I hope you all are going to have a very wonderful year.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Thanks to this site!
« on: December 28, 2004, 08:38:00 PM »
when I first went to work in the kitchen it was undergoing a huge "change" from the type of diet I was accustom to, over to one built around home cooked food that tasted good. (When I was first there it was homecooked but balanced for what was needed for a healthy body not what tasted good!)

The Change was one that took a person out of running the kitchen to being a "staff".  Bringing in a lady from Sandpoint and her side kick blond friend.:exclaim:

I can only say this..  I'm sorry for all who were wounded since then, I see some who were there just as I was leaving that come here.  

I can be honest and say that I may never "be there" again but there is a part of me in everyone who ever ate the food I cooked.  

The 5th month after I started they enrolled way to many students and a noon meal was cooked each day for 325.  It took them a whole 5 months to see that amount was to high to keep the wheels from falling off the wagons and then we settled in at about 215 kids for a few months.  

The only thing that I could take the place to the wall over was my 401K money.  It was my own savings and those trickers tried to keep it:exclaim:
  I also made sure that not only was some of my overtime wage  paid but that Dec. there were many people who walked up to me on the street, and said thankyou as they did have to pay all who worked overtime going back 2 years.  

I just so wish that all the things they "did" could be wiped clean.  And that those who were hurt were not, yet as we all know it is the strong who survive and I did as you have..  

So to answer the question.  I guess I didn't really look at what the students were dealing with, thought it was all good as my own Mom was a yeller to bad she was not paid the bucks those guys were who ran the raps.. :rofl: She would have blown off every single one of them.. LOL

Now I really do not think anyone of you knew me enough to know me.  But if you think you do feel free to write me at this address...

[email protected]

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