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Messages - ProgramAHolic

Pages: [1]
CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Mike Dimico
« on: December 01, 2004, 01:53:00 PM »
Mike is really not that bad of a guy... he comes across badly, yes, but you have to get to know him personally and allow him to get to know you before you can form any judgements about him.  That's true for anyone.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Sexuality in CEDU
« on: November 29, 2004, 08:38:00 PM »
My reason for pointing out this flaw in the CEDU programs is not to say that they necessarily encourage sex only between the same gender, I meant to point out that many students will find ways to experiment with the same gender because the punishment is less severe and it takes care of their sexual urges.

I can agree that students having sex with one another within a program setting is a bad idea and that it would be a legal problem with certain circumstances.  But what about kissing?  Since when is kissing such an evil act?  Many students will be publicly humiliated and cast out as whores once staff finds out about any lip-locking.  Then the student will be put on bans from so much as poking the individual and even hugs become taboo.

Yes, some students need to have those very distinct and very strict lines drawn for them especially if they have issues saying no and drawing their own boundaries or if sex is one of their personal issues.  But for others?

It's a known fact that if a young adult or child is told that they cannot do something, that they are more likely to want to do it just to be defiant or because they want to see what they can get away with.  When students' sexual urges and thoughts are entirely supressed, they are bound to find ways to take care of it.

Take Milestones for instance... the program is to take young adults, ages 18-23, and help them transition into adulthood.  But students cannot even have an independent outing until Phase 3, towards the end of their program, and cannot participate in any sexual act (including kissing) even if it is with someone that is not in the program until they have completed Phase 4 (the final phase) or have left the program.  (It is at least strongly discouraged and then openly discussed for all to hear during raps).  How is that helping students build healthy relationships between themselves and a significant other, whether of the same sex or not?  It is more difficult to learn to draw healthy boundaries when they are drawn for you and also when there are no boundaries to be drawn... you simply cannot engage in any sexual act ever.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Milestone specifics please
« on: November 23, 2004, 11:06:00 PM »
Thanks to Milestones I can now appreciate the solitude of the suicidal mind.  Rather than fix the problem themselves, they WILL drug you up and they WILL send you away until you come back with your tail between your legs begging for their forgiveness as long as they'll take you back from the place that you were previously sent to.  For a split moment Milestones will seem fantastic to most kids who have been sent to other programs, looking for something a little more freeing.  This is the honeymoon period and it will eventually settle in that this peace they promise you will only leave you more alone.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Sexuality in CEDU
« on: November 23, 2004, 10:59:00 PM »
Anyone else?[ This Message was edited by: ProgramAHolic on 2005-01-24 15:22 ]

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / RAPS, the down and dirty.
« on: November 23, 2004, 10:53:00 PM »
Staff will tell you "You are only going to get out of the rap what you put into the rap" Now what does that mean?  In their minds it means pour your little heart out into everyone else's open hands so that they can tear it into nice little shreds and stab you once their done.  The staff get a sick thrill out of watching the students break down and crushing their world.  By putting a lot into raps you will ultimately get fucked over by staff for saying things they didn't know about, that they don't want you to say, or simply because they can.  You will also lose trust from those other students and be feared for what you might drag them into.  Raps are an easy way for staff to get the juicy information that they could not get themselves because they weren't doing their job properly.  Why help the students and guide them along when the students can just tell you everything that has gone "wrong" or what the staff missed?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Sexuality in CEDU
« on: November 23, 2004, 10:32:00 PM »
Numerous CEDU students feel that CEDU enforces homosexuality.  Does anyone agree?[ This Message was edited by: ProgramAHolic on 2005-01-24 15:21 ]

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