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Messages - dishdutyfugitive

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 71
CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Running Springs Fire
« on: October 26, 2007, 12:05:23 AM »
is this the old RS campus?

basil was a small dark haired student from france. He arrived around 1/1/89.

he lasted a few weeks and went ape shit 24/7. it was good comedy because i think he truly was crazy so he would do things like smoke in the house grab staff members asses. and of course he had a thick french accent which made everything funnier. trying to say rma lingo in his accent...
"uuuuhhh youz no make ze bans wiz me - okay - oh oui, bon"

do you remember darrell jones? he allegedly split and they never told us what happened to him. it's right out of the twilight zone.

do you remember that french dude 'basil'?

he was off the hook

that would have put him very close to my peer group. i don't recall this

I arrived at RMA 2/1/88

castle - do you remember any more details?

in his first year 88/89 he gave me an open palmed heisman to the face while playing touch football.  it put my tooth almost all the way through my bottom lip. I can feel the scar with my tongue.......  way to go tough guy - steam roll and head plant a 16 year old that's 1/2 your size just cuz you don't have ego control and were intimidated by a student's exceptional safety skills. I do remember picking myself up off the grass and thinking to myself "holy shit RMA has turned me soft and impotent. I'd like to kick this glen guys ass but first I'll need to do some writing assignments, run my shit and then reflect on my brothers keeper propheet to deal with this situation properly."

the morale of this story is - on the football field, don't trust anyone with a dickduster (moustache).

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Paris Hilton
« on: October 25, 2007, 12:42:11 PM »
i'm curious how long she went there.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Running Springs Fire
« on: October 24, 2007, 12:36:00 PM »
So the Rabbi squad is using CEDU RS as a retreat?

If so, I love the fact that they've named it the  "Panikoff Center of Love and Kindness"

Walking into the living room for the first time seeing everyone smooshing.....I'd call that a center of panic (of love and kindness).

I sure as shit don't roll on shabus


the covered up suicide attempt in the field house?
male female? do you know who it might have been?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Rudy
« on: October 23, 2007, 10:06:15 PM »
crazy about sharon kreider?

in a platonic mentor sense? or a crush? or both?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Fire
« on: October 23, 2007, 09:57:36 PM »
can any of you RS folk see how close the fire is to the campus? ... tober_2007

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Fire
« on: October 23, 2007, 11:08:02 AM »
house around the pit bitches

yes. that smiling segment was 1 way to demonstrate that your whole life is a game. we smile when we don't mean it. we don't cry when we feel like crying....etc...   in fact it really dawned on me in the imagine that RMA was a big fat fucking game. not just in the "i hate it here sense"     but    a realization that .... "this place is a fucking joke -  everyone is drinking this kool aid like it's the last drop of water on the planet'    this is the 1 propheet that I really liked. the imagine concept made sense to me.   In retrospect my takeaway experience from it helped me regain a small portion of my identity.  I didn't revolt after the imagine but I definitely had a new sense of independence after it.

as far as what they whispered to us...?  i don't remember........... probably the same old 'that's right' bullshit.  'you were just a kid - and someone hurt you  - that hurt you right? that made your little kid want to disappear forever right?"

Don't let it drag you down - or they'll still be having the last laugh.

Fuck em .  forget about them. They're not worth your time.

I look back and feel sorry for 99% of the RMA staff. Think about it -we as students did what we did because we were forced to. We were also very young and naive.

Those dipshits were grown adults choosing to go there every day and engage in that horseshit. A person that would do that is a sad pathetic fuckwad. But hey there are a million cults out there and there will never be a shortage of cults or cult members. How much difference is there between an RMA staff memeber or a David Koresh(ian) cult memeber ? Both are so whacked in the head they only feel right by being a dumb ass chump sucker that throws their entire identity in the trash and hands their soul over to some manipulative sociopath. All this done in the name of a 'higher purpose'. In the name of God or Mel. ( Groundhog day reference: Mel probably believed that "he was not the god but a god")..... More groundhog...."How can the satllite conneciton be down - Does it snow in space"? ..."I'm a celeberity with an emergency".


True about the skiing. I overgeneralized but there were a few cases that matched my description.

Also a student that was an avid skiier would have done voluntary work details or dishes to be able to go once every 2 weeks during the ski season. Instead they had to look good in raps, lobby themselves to their family heads and often get a very poor return on their investment. The manner in which the ski trip lists were put together, were, in my opinion one of the most bizaaro manifestations of RMA insanity. I remember times where I was 'doing well', being praised by my family head, told I would likely be going soon... 6 weeks would go by and I didn't get to go. Then out of nowhere when I was 'struggling' I suddenly got 2 back to back trips. Fuck those dipshits like Caroline sitting in the office making the ski lists based on her warped, psychotic, kool aid saturated brain cell.

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