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Messages - Carmel

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Thats exactly it...its so so twisted.

Yeah, and in a way, those "truth" ads about smoking really creep me out.  I guess because they use that sort of "shock therapy" approach that we are all so familiar with.  

If you smoke you will die die die.

Well, if you breath too deeply for too long in downtown Houston you will die die die too!

I see the ideas behind cigarette smoke causing cancer....that may be so...but at the same time I see people who smoke all their lives and dont get cancer...and those who never smoke and do get it.  I feel that many people are just pre-disposed to cancer genetically and no matter how many broccoli bunches they ingest or glasses of orange juice they drink...they are going to get it.

Now a days everything will kill you and equally everything will cure you....and that changes according to the Big Profit Margin in the Sky.

Drugs will kill you, smog will kill you, smoke will kill you, salmon that are infused with pesticides will kill you.....all of a sudden, people seem to forget that in fact, WE ALL EVENTUALLY DIE.  The world is on a crusade to protect us from death.  It begs the question, "How did we all die way back in the day before cigarettes and nuclear power and DDT?".  

I know my opinions are a little out there....but bare with me.

I was just thinking, is it just me or does the US Government have a serious inclination towards declaring war on vague, sweeping, and generally intangible subjects?

The War on Drugs, The War on Terror...etc.  I personallly think the War on Terror is just as much of a crock of crap as the Drug War.  This country is guided by the media into beleiving that our oppression of these people is justified.  The country at large has no clue of the suffering and pain that has been inflicted upon so many nations by those that we more often than not have stood behind.  And mostly only for the sake of money and power.  Not for the benefit to the people.  Its no wonder they hate us enough to give their very lives in order to get at us.  Two wrongs do not make a right, but I think this country needs to open its eyes to the truth.  If government supports what Straight did to all of us, and thousands on home soil and seemingly without regret, what do you think they have been capable of outside our borders?

Just my thoughts.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / flashback
« on: May 30, 2002, 10:45:00 AM »
I copped out and lived on the streets for 31 days exactly before I called home.  We were told it was 30 days.

Intersting doing that in a city you dont know.  I sure learned a lot.

It was worth it, because i wasnt going back there.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Question
« on: May 28, 2002, 05:48:00 PM »
I totally agree.  Monetary reimbursement for time lost and pain suffered is nothing but a cheap way to buy out of guilt. (pun intended)They would still continue on with their philosophies and ideas at the expense of the next generation.  Our payoff would be funded by tomorrows teens.  

They say even in the program...allbeit contrary to what they ultimately required of us....that drugs and alchol were only a symptom of the real problem.  AA says that.  Until we can bring the "real problem" to the amount of money would do anything more than be a temporary fix.

If you want to get down to the bare bones of my personal opinion......The world is over-populated, under-fed, ultra-violent, and so forth.....It seems people of today care nothing for tomorrow...only what they can get out of right now, this moment. Punishment is just someones cheap shot at gaining their own spot in the afterlife or what-not.  They think by following the order of "the law" that they automatically receive "good-guy" status.  But in reality they dont care about the meaning of it all, so long as other people smile and nod and fill their pockets.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Betty Sembler quote
« on: May 23, 2002, 12:31:00 PM »
What really gets me is the pure evil that resides in this woman's heart.  Its not even really for money....or fame....power is certainly an issue, but she does what she does because she likes it.

I had tears in my eyes at reading her "get a life" comment.  Get a life Betty?  I had one before Straight took it away from me.  If I understand correctly YOU are the one who should be paying up on that debt!!!  Its people like her and the rest of the goverment lap-dogs who are going to pay with their souls.  I dont know what awaits us after we die...but I do believe we reap what we sow, now and eternally.  

I wish dear old Betty could experience all the pain and fear and hopelessness of each and every one of us, all at the same time.  In my mind that would be the most just reward for her.  For all of them.  

They truly feel that the cracking and breaking of childrens minds under their feet as they tread through this "war" is the undeniable sound of victory.  

It breaks my heart.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / bigmouse
« on: May 17, 2002, 09:38:00 AM » ... index.html

Just when you think the shit is as deep as it can get......the bottom drops out.  

This is ultra-crap.


LOL....That made my morning, that is my feeling exactly!!!!

I mean, do they really think that sort of pathetic admission is acceptable?

I know why.  The public is glazed over by the fact that drugs are illegal, therefore any attempt at eliminating them is valiant, regardless of it's effectiveness.  The very idea that the nation does not revolt against such blatantly worthless, misuse of our tax dollars and manhours is a frightening example of the brainwashing that is the "Drug War"

"Yes, yes.....give more....spend more.....drugs are bad...drugs are bad....."

Soylent Green.

I hate to sound "un-patriotic" but this country is more and more becoming one that I am not proud to say I live in.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / PC Hell
« on: May 16, 2002, 03:49:00 PM »
I think because on the Alum group you have to apply for membership and then they will send you an "approval" e-mail.  You cant log on right away.  You have to be accepted by the group administrator.  Keep an eye on your e-mail.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I AM STRAIGHT
« on: May 15, 2002, 03:13:00 PM »

Hey look me over, Over hill over dale, we sung those mostly before rip raps....

I just find it ironic that the words in that Open meeting song have a whole new ironic meaning and perspective now than they did then...

I mean....seriously...

"It's not working, but please, oh please just give us 180 million more?"  Just this once?  I promise it will work next time!!

How pathetic is that?  The war on drugs is crap.  Conceptualized by crap, executed by crap, and funded by us....the POW's.

Check out this article....I could just gag at the insanity of it all....

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I AM STRAIGHT
« on: May 15, 2002, 02:20:00 PM »
...."I am Straight,
hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore..

And I know too much to go back and pretend...

'cause I heard it all before and I've been  down there on the floor...

No ones ever gonna keep me down again....

Yes I'm wise but its wisdom born of pain....

Yes I paid the price, but look how much I've gained....

If I have to, I can do anything....

I am strong, I am invincible, I am Straight...

-Song sung every Friday before Open Meeting

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / stress management
« on: May 13, 2002, 09:46:00 AM »
Scientology has got to be the biggest load I have ever encountered.  Its down right hilarious and yet still terrifying what some people will believe.

I applied for a job with this Veterinarian once who turned out to be pretty devout.  I walked into his office and it looked like someone had strapped a stick of dynamite to L.Ron Hubbard and exploded him all over it.  Part of his interview was this personality test that supposedly "mapped" out my charcteristics.  It was total crap.  He also asked me a lot about whether or not I would eventually be interested in Scientology.

Needless to say, I never looked back after walking out his front door.

Some times I wonder about all those big stars that get invloved.  I mean, maybe they are just bored? Need a new place to blow money? Is it amusing for them?  Thay cant possibly be that stupid! Or can they?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight reunion 92'
« on: May 10, 2002, 12:31:00 PM »
Sometime after I got out of Straight-Dallas, I think maybe right before it closed...dont quote me though....someone put together a Straight reunion open to all former Dallas clients, graduates or not.  My mom said we should go, and I didnt mind so much since I thought it would be nice to maybe see a few people I knew and maybe get to know some of them I never did (namely the guys).

Anyway, it was so weird because some of the people there were still in their post-graduate 6 months, so they werent allowed to talk to a cop-out.  I ended up being the only non-graduate there so it was really uncomfortable.  Although I did get to spend some time with some girls that were Staff and we all ended up staying in touch.  Over the course of a few years by way of my relationship with them, I hung out with quite a few different people that I never spoke to in the make a long story short...this was the road that opened up a whole new point of view about Straight to me.  Clients sleeping with staff, sexual abuse, financial abuse by the Executives, etc. there was a huge world of politics going on that I never would have known about.  When they shut the Straight building down I heard that a few of the Senior staff went and raided the place for computer equipment and the like.  

They knew that place was a made me realize the attitude of the people that were supposed to be "re-shaping" my life for me.

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