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Messages - Idreamofnewtonsburning

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Which is it?
« on: February 12, 2004, 04:02:00 PM »
You may have had some problems before Straight, but Straight made them worse and caused new ones, too.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Recovery Group Disorder, and Stockholm Syndrome (victims sympathizing with their victimizers) are a few I've seen in Straight victims.  You exhibit a little bit of all three by the very nature of your post.  I'm particularly amazed at the number of Stockholm Syndrome cases I've come across here...people who say "I got SOME good from the program"--BULLSHIT!  You were just indoctrinated to believe that.  THEY FUCKED YOU UP!  They did it to me over 20 years ago and I'm still pissed!  Telling me, or any other Straight Survivor or Victim (many did NOT survive the ordeal) to "get over it" would be like telling an Auschwitz survivor to "let bygones be bygones".  Hell, at least they weren't telling you "Love Ya!" every five minutes in Auschwitz!


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Edited for future reference.
« on: February 12, 2004, 03:48:00 PM »
This is a reply to the Anonymous Dicklicker who says that Straight Victims/Survivors need to "quit whining".  You ignorant asshole.  By your logic, cutting off a hand is a good remedy for a hangnail.  Go back to sucking your dad's AIDS-ridden cock and licking your mom's herped-out cunt (my apologies to AIDS and herpes victims for lumping them in with this asshole's parents).  Anonymous Dicksucker, I will gladly fuck you up if I ever meet you in a  person. :skull:  :skull:

[ This Message was edited by: Idreamofnewtonsburning on 2004-02-12 12:52 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I Had A Wonderful Dream
« on: February 12, 2004, 03:10:00 PM »
Last night I had a dream about a bunch of Straight survivors kidnapping Miller and Ruth Newton and chaining them to blue chairs in a basement.  They were shot up with heroin every day until they became addicted, were made to sit in their shit, and were fed dog food that the Survivors had pissed or shit in.  Miller was forced to listen to Death Metal 24/7 and had his eyes held open by those things they used in Clockwork Orange so he couldn't avert his gaze when Ruthie was gangraped by a bunch of syphalitic crackheads.  Afterward, Ruthie was confronted for being a slut and enjoying it.  Then, in my dream, Miller was made to go through withdrawal cold turkey and was repeatedly kicked in the balls and sodomized with a cattle prod.  The Survivors showed him news footage of the car wreck that killed his son Marc and daughter Johanna in a fiery crash.  Miller was then force fed his own shit, and was then taken to a closet where he had his mouth propped open and placed in front of a glory hole at a gay bar.  He was then given a jalepeno juice enema, and taken back to the basement, where he sat in his own shit, chained to a blue chair for months.  Eventually, he died of AIDS that he got from either the glory hole or a dirty needle that was used to shoot him up with heroin.  Ruthie was given 15,000 micrograms of LSD and turned loose in Ybor City, naked, after being shot up with cocaine.  She wandered out into the street and was hit and  killed by a garbage truck.  Then an angel of God came down to throw the souls of the two shitbags to Hell, after he shook the hands of each of the Straight Survivors who participated, saying "the Man upstairs sends His regards on a job well done."  What a beautiful dream!  Does anybody else have dreams like that?  Share them! :smokin:  :wave:

[ This Message was edited by: Idreamofnewtonsburning on 2004-02-12 13:06 ]

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