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Messages - Xelebes

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News Items / Re: denunciaibicuy's uploaded YouTube clips
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:19:12 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Xelebes"
Quote from: "Xelebes"
Quote from: "Oscar"
I don't know anything about the educational standard in Argentina, but the comments on these two youtube videos are almost impossible to understand beside words like "murderer", "suicide" and "Ferreyra"

Video: drogas Programa Ibicuy
Video: Programa Ibicuy
First video's most recent comment is remarking on the language being directly lifted from the 1980s.
Second most recent comment is a poetic but vitriolic comment, "the reality show spawning psychopaths"

Third comment: "I admitted i was there, but now they are paying for everything they have done for years."  This is refering to the escapees and the intervention of the police.

Fourth comment: Is noting that the amount of pressure to comply with the vitriol is too much and may be toxic, in response to a previous post.

Fifth comment: This robbing pig (robbing fatso), Ferriera is a farce and has had no respect for human rights since 1986.  So on and so forth.
The above YouTube clips and their comments were previously posted, along with crude translations thereof, as follows:

    Links to posts with YouTube user denunciaibicuy's uploaded material:


    Perfectly aware of that.

    News Items / Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
    « on: February 11, 2012, 03:34:22 AM »
    Quote from: "Xelebes"
    Quote from: "Oscar"
    I don't know anything about the educational standard in Argentina, but the comments on these two youtube videos are almost impossible to understand beside words like "murderer", "suicide" and "Ferreyra"

    Video: drogas Programa Ibicuy
    Video: Programa Ibicuy

    First video's most recent comment is remarking on the language being directly lifted from the 1980s.

    Second most recent comment is a poetic but vitriolic comment, "the reality show spawning psychopaths"

    Third comment: "I admitted i was there, but now they are paying for everything they have done for years."  This is refering to the escapees and the intervention of the police.

    Fourth comment: Is noting that the amount of pressure to comply with the vitriol is too much and may be toxic, in response to a previous post.

    Fifth comment: This robbing pig (robbing fatso), Ferriera is a farce and has had no respect for human rights since 1986.  So on and so forth.

    News Items / Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
    « on: February 11, 2012, 03:17:42 AM »
    Quote from: "Oscar"
    I don't know anything about the educational standard in Argentina, but the comments on these two youtube videos are almost impossible to understand beside words like "murderer", "suicide" and "Ferreyra"

    Video: drogas Programa Ibicuy
    Video: Programa Ibicuy

    First video's most recent comment is remarking on the language being directly lifted from the 1980s.

    News Items / Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
    « on: February 11, 2012, 03:08:14 AM »
    Bingo Bango

    The method

    Implemented by a medical team comprising psychiatrists, psychologists, clinicians and nurses, "the program is organized so as to provoke a crisis because the crisis is behind the change. The program generates and resolve crises in their own area, "Ferreyra explained.

    News Items / Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
    « on: February 11, 2012, 03:02:48 AM »
    Quote from: "Oscar"
    Homepage of the program: Program Ibicuy

    Unfortunately they have made their homepage in a way which makes it impossible for me to copy paste the text into google translate so I am unable to understand what they state about education and treatment on their website.

    Based on a computer analyze of the photo on their webpage, the campus should be located here.

    Site uses a scrolling quote from Aristotle, who is famous for discussing Nicomachean ethics where the belief that young should be governed by laws is established.  File that one for the Thought Reform forum.

    Not really seeing anything particularly remarkable but I can manage an ok translation (paw around with my knowledge of Latin and French.)  It has all the goody-goody schlock one would expect with these scams.  Has a primary focus on drugs - or rather imagines itself as having a solution for every problem under the sun by blaming the consumption of drugs.

    The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Massive list of activist websites
    « on: February 09, 2012, 10:27:33 PM »
    Survivors of Institutional Abuse website is, not what you have listed.

    Quote from: "Ruaraidh"
    Quote from: "Xelebes"
    I am asking for a transcript from a friend from Argentinia for these videos.

    A transcript is not going to prove the this guy in the yellow polo talked on Elan Saved My life facebook site. Call them and ask. Why is everyone so afraid to call. Why so we can carry on this charade of transcripts and listening to the english translated version. Then we can all say hey it sounds just like Elan....The question out there remains, is the guy a really posting on facebook in the Elan site or is it a fake?

     Amazing how Xephelbe, Muppet Man and the turd all show to obfuscate this thread with bullshit, Wayne your sock puppets never cease do they. How many can a stupid fuck (who gives his books away from free then claims to have a big day, no shit asshole they were free I took 5 myself) have. Damn they said Sybil had 16 personalities, your getting close, assclown.

    Oh!!! X-fuck and Muppet Whore don't bother with the standard line of, "I'm not Wayne" it is old.

    Well, I'm not concerned about the claimsbeing lobbed around in this thread.  I'm concerned about what's in the video.  It's interesting we don't know what they are saying.

    All I know is that in the first minute they are talking about the repercussions of leaving chicken bones not on the plate.  The translator friend is having a difficult time watching this video.

    I am asking for a transcript from a friend from Argentinia for these videos.

    Story was just posted a couple hours ago in this forum.  Two down.

    The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Massive list of activist websites
    « on: February 07, 2012, 07:55:36 PM »
    Can't access it, but we have the Wiki on Fornits capable of assembling this.

    Open Free for All / Re: Let me introduce myself
    « on: February 05, 2012, 08:12:17 PM »
    So everyone is still having fun with the confrontation shit?

    Doing some reading in the histories of psychology, it was in the 1920s that psychologists were suggesting that you needed to confront the addict to break their defenses.  The supposition formed at a time when psychologists looked down upon as addicts as being immoral or flawed in terms of character as opposed to being ill.  The relationship from 1880s through to the 1920s between the Crown and the Natives in Canada definitely soured as white supremacy took hold.

    Anyone follow the Magdalena Schools history?

    Elan School / Re: I guess Wayne's book "is" self published
    « on: January 24, 2012, 02:57:15 AM »
    Quote from: "Ruaraidh"


    Elan School / Re: I guess Wayne's book "is" self published
    « on: January 23, 2012, 07:07:25 PM »
    Frauds get sued or charged, you know.

    Feed Your Head / Re: False memory syndrome: A therapeutic tool?
    « on: January 21, 2012, 02:44:47 PM »
    Quote from: "Ursus"
    Quote from: "BuzzKill"
    From our perspective I think it could be interesting as what it explains and describes also fits well with what takes place in many of the programs - the group pressure to admit and describe family abuse, as well as ones own vile escapades - which often leads kids to create memories - and which can, in the right sort of personality, become fixed as a fact they now remember.
    It can work in both directions, creating abuse where none exists, as well as negating bona fide abuse that really does exist.

    My grandmother has this issue.  She could never admit that her father was a raging alcoholic and was responsible for her mother's death, and that her brother paid her way to university so that she could escape the abuse.  Still to this day she will slink away to her room to cry over the loss of her mother, but admit she will never do.

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