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Messages - Roy

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It's the thing man

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / I am no longer
« on: April 16, 2004, 02:07:00 PM »

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / To everyone who cares
« on: April 01, 2004, 06:58:00 PM »
Don't patronize us. We are not the "mainstream," nor do we want to be. You will not "minipulate" any of us into disclosing our identity. And, this has been your agenda all along - CEDU boarding school advocate lawyer.

This is wasting my time and yours. If you can prove you are costing CEDU a lot of money for your time, then, "by all means. Otherwise goodbye.

And that means forever.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Old BCA Therapists
« on: March 30, 2004, 11:55:00 PM »
If he is really happy and growing up then kudos to him and you - I, for one wish you and the kid the best.

The wish for a good end result is what we all have in common. I hope you give credit where it is due - to your kid. He did the work and grew up. CEDU was just the place where he did it. May the sun continue to shile on you.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / To everyone who cares
« on: March 30, 2004, 11:44:00 PM »
On 2004-03-30 18:46:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2004-03-30 18:23:00, Anonymous wrote:

Fortunately, no matter what the real world is like the people powerful enough to make a change (positive or negative) speak in a voice that can be heard. Truly effective change is brought by appealing to these people.

I see where we're missing eachother. I've never thought of myself as a slave. I guess I'll have to work on that, huh?

 ::noway:: "

What you are suggesting is that I take the issue to lawyers and try to make a buck. Lawyers don't make change - just money. An ex student just pocketed 600 K and nothing changed - duh?  

Fortunately, I don't live in the environment that you elites live in -where the extent of ethics involves grabbing up unearned slimy money for personal luxury. Student my ass.

My parents taught me to value humanity and not take from other people what I have not earned for myself. Now if CEDU could follow that example we would not be having this conversation - would we?

So we've come full circle and we are back to the real issue - power, control, greed and lust for more. This is epidemic, and it is a social problem. CEDU is just one symptom of it.

The whole idea of getting rid of the disease is getting rid of the symptoms. Lust for power and control over children must become unrewarding.

What we are doing here on this board is making it very unrewarding.

Your ideas are poorly thought out. Think "out of the box" and you will understand exactly what is going on here. "Communication is the universal solvent; it washes away everything. Free dialogue and active protest are the way to change. If you make them uncomfortable in their seats - they get up and leave. By the way..........  :wave:

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Know this guy?
« on: March 25, 2004, 06:44:00 PM »
Do any of you guys know this guy? He has a lot of bad experience with CEDU

[ This Message was edited by: Roy on 2004-04-16 10:43 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Roy on 2004-04-16 10:40 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Roy on 2004-04-16 10:38 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Roy on 2004-04-16 10:42 ]

Ariel, She was the one that would cry all the time. Too bad they found Cowboy Bob, he could have slapped some sense into her. Norm's Gun would have been good. No, Maybe just a couple of whacks from Norm's black cowboy hat and a lick from those boots - I loved Norm. Ariel went through too many of those emotionally charged marathon workshops (propheets) where you put some asshole's picture on a pillow and pound the shit out of it with a tennis racket. She was supposed to put her mother on the pillow like all the other kids. They were actually putting the facilitator's picture on it like Todd, and BILL and all the other assholes and cunts like Lateresa. They would come and hug you as you cried because it was such a relief to beat the shit out of those " mormon fucks from Idaho" I tried putting  Larry S. on it. "I had 100 affairs" whack. "I don't care about ethics" whack "You can never trust a kid" whack whack whack whack whack crash, shatter punch, kick..... "get him down" "call doctor Ulrich" " tell him to bring 5000mg of Seriquil. 2 hours later. "Damn, that was a good Propheet. "I like learned, like so much man" and "La like you were just so awsome' "like I couldn't have........" Fuck thes Seriquil sure has me fucked up" Aw hell, God bless ............ shit......... whatever man"  :scared:  :silly:  :cry2:  :oops:  :cry:  :???:

Speaking of morons;  did you ever meet Larry S. He was the old WWASP director from Montana sent to fix BCA. He lost practically all the business they had at BCA, and pissed all kinds of parents and staff off.

He says "I saved BCA?   :silly:

How about your cohort Lateresa. here she is  :silly:

 La says " Like, you Guys, like know - Boo hoo hoot that, hey guys, you know guys, that the  therapists like, just don't understand what we do."

You stupid fuck La. If you went into a room full of sociopathic, sadistic, mentally retarded "counselors" with Aspbergers syndrome, riding white horses by dragging kids into hell.  Would you "understand what the fuck they were doing." Yeah, you would say they were doing therapy ;;; right!!!! Why don't you go back to the San Fernando Valley. Maybe you would blend in with the valley girls and not stand out and show, so obviously what an idiot you are.

Mark Travelpeice,
Wow -- he waas like a man right out of San Quenton, Lompoc or Bonners Ferry. A less friendly fellow I never met. Big, Dumb abd Angey as Hell; he would make a good ed-consultant.
I can just hear him.

"Yep (spit) that there kid awy and give em a  whoppin." "Is that there tankquil Baay still arand?" "Shit (spit) "Id send em out there, but it aint cold enough. Send em to BCA. We had us a fine way a drivin em nuts by makin em sit there fer a month writin all the shit about how fuked up they was (spit)."

HA HA no, but he could have several wives and he could be keeping Gayle up in "them there hills," And remember, he lives in North Idaho - Hell, A wife could be a sister with one arm, a bull whip and a bottle of Gin. "Todd get yer ass up her and screw me some more kids." Ha ha ha ha

The Spokesman Review must have gotten a kick-back. They did a feature on Boulder Creek Featuring Todd Wondrum and how the hell hole changed his life (160 K to spend two years growing up at Cedu) Most people change.

I need a kid to tell the Idaho and Washington  Spokesman Review the truth. Anyone want to write an article saying what BCA RMA NWA or CEDU High Or Asscent is really like?

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