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Messages - Gonzotherapy

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The smoking gun - do survivors lie?
« on: October 30, 2010, 03:11:36 PM »
Escort (1) : a person or group of persons accompanying another to give protection or as a courtesy (2) : the man who goes on a date with a woman
Transport: to transfer or convey from one place to another <transporting ions across a living membrane>
2: to carry away with strong and often intensely pleasant emotion
3: to send to a penal colony overseas

I'm going to have to say Transport is accurate, but does not exclude kidnapping as part of the transportation.
Kidnap: to seize and detain or carry away by unlawful force or fraud and often with a demand for ransom
To be honest "ransom" fits in well here. Parents pay 10s of thousands to get their child back.

Opinion: You suck at semantics Whootboy. :deal:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The smoking gun - do survivors lie?
« on: October 30, 2010, 03:02:47 PM »
And since the entire group of people in this forum (YOU) who are calling survivors liars, I think exposing your character is well within the topic.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The smoking gun - do survivors lie?
« on: October 30, 2010, 02:58:46 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Gonzo you did lie about me a couple of times in this thread.  When you posted the lawsuit I stated I did not see any reference to kidnapping and you stated that I called them liars.

:agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree:  :agree: ... Claims.pdf

Pg 56 item 14 -- Kids taken AGAINST their will. (I.E. KIDNAPPING.)
Once again it is my opinion that you are a liar Whooter. Actually considering the mounting evidence, this may actually be a fact. :fuckoff:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The smoking gun - do survivors lie?
« on: October 30, 2010, 02:38:12 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Gonzo you did lie about me a couple of times in this thread.  When you posted the lawsuit I stated I did not see any reference to kidnapping and you stated that I called them liars.

Quote from: "Gonzotherapy"
And I love the fact that you dismiss the hundreds of people in that lawsuit as being liars.

Then another time you were frustrated with our conversation you tried to make the readers believe that I was being paid by the industry to post here, thereby discrediting my opinions.  You have been here for about a day and know nothing about me yet you make up lies about me?


They wouldn't try to discredit the accusers by hiring somebody to sit and babysit forums twisting words and making incredibly broad unfounded allegations of lies. I think I should call them up and let them know they are over-paying you. You are a miserable failure at discrediting anything.

Most of us lie at one time or another, but I am curious as to why you need to lie about me here on the forum.  If you would do this to someone you hardly know about then what are we to believe about your stories of your time in a program?  Could it be that you are equally frustrated with the programs still being open and want to hurt them too?  Discredit them? Would this lead you to lie like you did about me?

First of all, I have read enouigh of your posts to see that you regularly accuse people who bash programs as liars, therefore by no stretch of the imagination I came to the conclusion that you would think that all plaintiffs in that lawsuit you see as liars. I think many would agree that this is a fair assumption to make and does not constitute me as being a liar.

As far as me saying you are a Nazi supporter who doesn't believe ion the holocaust, I've read enough of your posts to see that you are someone who attempts to discredit people who do not share your views: Fascism a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2:  tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>

I didn't think I needed to clarify, by Nazi I was alluding to your fascist mentality.
I didn't think these needed clarification, but I forgot I was conversing with someone of diminished mental capacities.

As far as your opinions being compromised by a vested interest in the program. My opinion only, and opinions cannot be lies. Opinion:1a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter b : approval, esteem
2a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge b : a generally held view

I hope this helps your limited understanding of the English language. Your opinion that I am a liar, which you attempted to pass off as fact :"We have established that program survivors lie"- (Whooter) Would really make you the liar and not me.

Keep shoveling Whooter, you are doing a fine job. (That was a lie, just so we are clear). :moon:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The smoking gun - do survivors lie?
« on: October 30, 2010, 12:43:45 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
So we have established that survivors do lie.

We have? Does anyone else agree with this? Just curious.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 30, 2010, 12:35:38 AM »
Quote from: "Gonzotherapy"
Quote from: "Whooter"
It has been established throughout the Troubled Teen industry that the graduates and non graduates who did not do well have a need to embellish or lie about their time spent at one or more of the programs.  


This is a great one. Who doesnt do well and graduates the program? Oh, the people who say anything bad about the program, even if they graduated, they must not have done well. So, they must be liars. People who didn't "do well" did not graduate my program. That is what you call an oxymoron. I generalized that you called the hundreds of people in the lawsuits liars because the way you refer to anyone who didn't do well lies about the program. If that's not what you meant, my bad. You need to just chill on calling me a liar, pot calling the kettle black.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The smoking gun - do survivors lie?
« on: October 30, 2010, 12:13:53 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
I have submitted several examples of kids claiming that they were kidnapped and ended up at a program.  There has never been any evidence of kidnapping reports that I have seen here.

A recent survivor, gonzotherapy, was frustrated with our discussion when the link he provided of a lawsuit against WWASP programs turned out to have no reference to kidnapping that I could find.   He starts to write lies that I called all the people in the lawsuit liars as is evident in the post below.

Just something to think about.

The lies may be justified and understood to be okay by many here.  But my point is that the lies discredit the rest of your story.  Why take the risk of having people just not believe you if you truly have something important to communicate?  Integrity is crucial when you are accusing someone of wrong doing.

Are you for real? One- I left the program almost 13 years ago. I guess that could be recent. 2- You over and over call me a liar. Proof?

I said that you called all those people liars because you clearly said that the abuse suffered is a lie. Since you make no specific cases, I went ahead and made the generalization for you. The only one who is a liar here is you. And no surprise that you were not intelligent enough to get away with it, because you got caught and admitted it.

You are far from a formidable adversary. Your retort to everything I say is - Liar, your a liar, liar, no you lie, liar, c'mon. Is that the best you can do, are you going to even attempt not to look like a left out schoolgirl?
Integrity is crucial when you are accusing someone of wrong doing? Do you even know what integrity means? Obviously you don't know what the word kidnapping means. Taken against your will. Therefore if someone is taken to a program they don't want to be at, they have been kidnapped. I'm sorry, do you need me to use smaller words?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 29, 2010, 08:31:54 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Gonzotherapy"
I am still curious Whooter. Where exactly have you found a lie. It seems a little ridiculous that you start a thread about survivors lying, and of all the posts you have made have not identified one single lie. Even the post I made, the only post in this entire thread that cited a real example, still could be my perspective over someone elses, there were about three hundred kids there that day. In addition, that really wasn't about abuse, it was about a dog.

And more than likely the dog became a puppy not out of malice, but out of a simple miscommunication as a result of the "telephone game".  Nobody mentioned a machete either until you, and if the intent was to shock, that certainly would have been included.  Personally I find your first hand version of the events just as disturbing.

I agree with that 100%. The thread I saw that on seemed to be more "what I heard" than "what I saw". Far more disturbing than anything they did to the dog was the things they did to Frederickson. I think they treated that dog better than they treated him.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Dateline: Blind Justice
« on: October 29, 2010, 08:26:58 PM »
I knew Sutton and was in the program in Samoa in '96 and '97. That kid was definitely disturbed. I don't think that what he did was OK. I am pissed at my parents but I would never hold them completely responsible, they wanted to help and they were lied to. I do think he was involved, but I don't think that his sole reason was revenge for the program. Money is why he did it, the stint in the program is probably just what made it ok to kill his parents for money. What the big question for me is, what was the involvement his dad had with court orders. I have only heard rumors, but I heard his dad was involved in fabricating court documents for program court orders. Anyone know anything more about that?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The smoking gun - do survivors lie?
« on: October 29, 2010, 08:18:24 PM »
Your thread was a joke. I was the only one who cited a specific instance of a survivor lie, and all it was was an embellishment on the truth. Over and over again I have stated that I have seen no complete fabrications of abuse, only embellishments, and even those are incredibly rare compared to the truths I have seen. And to be honest I completely understand as someone who went through it, why someone would embellish to get a point across. Your entire point, if I can even thread through your bullshit and truth dodging to find it, was that the claims of kidnapping were lies. What do we call it when we are forcibly removed against our will? You find a better word to describe it, great, more power to you, still won't change the fact that kidnapping is the best word to describe it. The fact remains that you have several times called me a liar, where do you prove that? I think the thread is gone because you are a joke, and so was the thread. And I love the fact that you dismiss the hundreds of people in that lawsuit as being liars. You know what the sick thing is, your vehemenent opposal and attempts to discredit people with no proof whatsoever makes me think that you must be well aware of what goes on and are actively working to cover up the truth. I won't feel sorry for you when this web of lies comes crashing down on you.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The smoking gun
« on: October 29, 2010, 07:41:02 PM »
Well the definition of kidnapping is -- forcibly taking someone against their will. Whether the government recognizes this or not does not make the kidnapee a liar. Of course as we have seen anyone who is anti-program is a liar. You have continually called me a liar. Where is your proof of that? Right there along with your other opinions, I mean "proof".

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The smoking gun
« on: October 29, 2010, 06:52:27 PM » ... Claims.pdf
Keep shoveling. You're doing a fine job.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 29, 2010, 06:32:26 PM »
Feel free to explore the site, everything you claim that I have lied about is right here. FACT.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 29, 2010, 06:22:13 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Whooter"

My daughter's best friend was kidnapped at the end of August 2004 and taken to Aspen. We just got a letter from him. He hates the place. His father says he will be there for THREE MORE YEARS. His name is Jesse Zipperman. Did you meet him? How can we communicate with him, GET HIM OUT OF THERE. His father is a psycologist with a very smooth-talking story.
My particular ordeal began with being kidnapped and shipped there as so many.

I am reaching the end of my teen years, but already, kids from that age range, look like babies. I can't understand the twisted thinking that goes into having a 13 year old-- this girl weighed about 70 lbs, and was 4 feet ten---kidnapped and institutionalized. Every time I see a kid I know is her age at the time of the abduction and torture, I get physically ill. not just sad, physically ill.

Kids are kidnapped and forced into agrarian labor all the time.

I have looked at all of these links. Why are they lies? Because you said so?  :ftard:
Really? You didn't excell in debate class did you?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 29, 2010, 06:15:46 PM »
So, because Bin Laden has not been caught yet he must not be a terrorist? How am I side-stepping. You accuse people of lying, you accuse me of lying. You are obviously paid by programs to help alleviate the wounds forums like this are inflicting. Heres a fact for you. Robert Lichfield, the head of the WWASPS organization was FIRED by Mitt Romney from his finance division, because of allegations of abuse. The lid is coming off, I'm sure you won't be around for me to say I told you so when it does.

Fact, program after program has been closed because of allegations of abuse. Fact, look up the pending lawsuit against WWASPS, they have shown that many of the escort services used were in fact owned by the same people who owned the programs.

Fact- your allegations of lies have less backing than the allegations of abuse do.

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