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Messages - Covergaard

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The Troubled Teen Industry / I have a task for you (Fornits wiki)
« on: October 24, 2007, 10:20:50 AM »
I have made this list of Escort firms.

Adolescent Escort Service of California Inc
Bill Lane & Associates
Crossroad Youth Transport Services Inc
Custom youth services
Guardian Angel Youth Services
I-15 Express
New Start Transports LCC
Odyssey Transport Agency Inc
Safe Journey Transport LLC
Safe and Sound Youth Transportation Inc.
SafePassage Adolecent Services
Safeguard Adolecents Services LLC
Sherlock Inc
Strawn Support Services
Teen Escort Company
Touchdown Inc.
Traverse Youth Transport
USA Guides Inc
West Shield Adolescent Services
Youth Transportation Services

But I am not the masochistic type, so I can not order them to pick me up so I can try all their restraints.

Could you drop in on Fornits wiki and note on the talk-page or on the webpage itself, what kind of restraints you were issued or threaten with?

I could also like to know if they had small halfway houses where people could be jailed for a night or two until they could go to the program.

If I missed a company for two, please give me name and webpage or create a page yourself.

The Troubled Teen Industry / How I will do my share
« on: October 23, 2007, 03:41:23 PM »
I will do them as people give me info.

Just now I am communicating with a non-fornits Straight like program survivor, I have found on a myspace page. (Traced from a group)

And then there is the mystery about Pacific View Academy - WWASP latest mexico program. We have the address from the Boise dipoma mill, but we are unable to find it on sat. photos.

But I can not do it on my own. Others have to join in.

Another thing is that I will write it so balanced that I do not scare parents away. It is the parents, who has to choose a kiddie-gitmo for their child, so I will write it as I see it - not as I feel like.

Corporal punishment, isolation cells, pepperspray is mentioned just like that if they are used but nothing more.

If a parent after they have read the pages still find it OK to use a cattle pod on their child, I can not do anything about it, but they can not come here and claim that they were not informed in advance.

Elan School / I have reformatted it a little.
« on: October 23, 2007, 03:50:22 AM »
The updated version is here:

I have added a google map satellite photo and an address so friends and family can show their support standing on the public street with signs if they want to.

I have also added some groups and forums, so parents can see if they find this kiddie-gitmo a proper place for their child.

On the WWASP forum a SCL mom found it surprising that the members of the group did not find it to be a very positive stay, when she has been told otherwise by parent representatives and on seminars.

I hope that you will join in and complete this entry.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Elan
« on: October 22, 2007, 02:50:27 PM »
Quote from: ""felice""
I see you missed Elan on your list

We have made room for it, but we need some hands sooner than yesterday to get it done.

If you have been at Elan, you are very welcome to create a page based on the template: ... ity_Portal

Dont bother about the formatting. That we have people for, but it is the information and links, which takes time to investigate.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Fornits wiki status
« on: October 22, 2007, 08:13:16 AM »
Wilderness therapy programs:

Adirondack Leadership Expeditions
Ascent Wilderness Program
Aspen Achievement Academy
Catherine Freer Wilderness Program
Lone Star Expeditions
Mountain Brook Academy
Outback Therapeutic Expeditions
Red Cliffs Ascent Wilderness Program
Ridge Creek

Therapeutic Boarding Schools:

ABM Ministries
Abundant Life Academy
Academy at Ivy Ridge
Academy at Swift River
Academy of the Sierras
Anchor Academy
Aspen Ranch
Banham Marshalls College (UK)
Boulder Creek Academy
Bromley Brook School
Camas Ranch
Canyon View Park
Carolina Springs Academy
Casa by the Sea
Cedars Academy
Copper Canyon Academy
Coral Reef Academy
Cross Creek Programs
Darrington Academy
Escuela Caribe
Excel Academy
Focal Point Academy
Gulf Coast Academy
Harbor Oaks Boarding School
Hidden Lake Academy
Hope Ranch / Star Meadows Academy
Ironwood Maine
Island view
Logan River Academy
Majestic Ranch Academy
Midwest Academy
Mission Mountain School
Morava Academy
Mount Bachelor Academy
Mountain Park Academy
Nevada Horizon Academy
New Leaf Academy
Northwest Academy
Oakley School
Pacific Coast Academy
Paradise Cove
Peninsula Village
Pillars of Hope
Pine Ridge Academy
Program directory
Provo Canyon School
Red River Academy
Rocky Mountain Academy
Royal Gorge Academy
Sky View Academy
Sorensen's Ranch School
Spring Creek Lodge
Stone Mountain School
Sunhawk Academy
Sunrise Beach
Tranquility Bay
Turn-about Ranch
Woodland Hills Maternity Home
Youth Care, Inc.

Boot Camps:

America's Buffalo Soldiers Re-Enactors Association summer boot camp
Eagle Academy, Florida
High Impact
Love Demonstrated Ministries Christian Boot Camp
Magnolia Christian Center
Manuia Plantation
Thayer Learning Center

Not all entries are complete. If you were at one of these programs or were in a program, which are not on the list, please help us with completing / entering of the program.

We try to give a fair description without of all commercial interests about the kiddie-gitmo of your parents and future victims parents choice.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Your country is odd
« on: October 22, 2007, 08:02:09 AM »
So we own companies in your country, but all our managers have to have faxes in their private home.


Because if one of our managers stays in office late just to wait for a fax until it arrives (Europe is in another time zone) all employees stays put at their deskes, so they are worth shit the next day because they have not slept properly. For some odd reason people on the floor does not leave their work before their bosses do.

That is odd and not very efficience.

Yes, you say that you hit kids out of love. Where is the love shown in these clips?

"Stick of love" - what a sick name.

Quote from: ""Dynamic Korea""
You no good englishee... Go buy tapes practice with tapes everyday!!!
You are free to remove errors. English is something I learned in public school for 7 years. It does not make me perfect and so what.

I just provide info and write it in word with the poor spelling checker that program has. If that produces error, please correct them.

I am 41 years old, so I am past the pleasing phase. People have to take me as I am.

98 ... ew_Academy

I am having trouble with this entry. I could use some help from a person, which can give me the exact satelitte image.

I know that anti-wwasp is also investigating. It seems that the facility is located a little further north than Casa by the Sea

Quote from: ""Crash Test Dummy""
Probably because the court gave the mother custody in the first place.
The court can grant something and take it away at the next meeting. Britney Spear have just learned that, when the court removed the visitation rights they had granted two weeks before. If a court rule the other way, all have to follow the new ruling or they should suffer consequences.
Quote from: ""Crash Test Dummy""
Any comments on Denmark's notorious claim to fame for being the kiddie porn capital of Europe?
If you provide sources, we can have tread on that.

Quote from: ""glaceau""
The court where my divorce is filed has jurisdiction over my wife and son, not the wilderness program. And, having watched my wife delay a court ordered independent evaluation for 6 months now and still going strong, I have little belief that it has jurisdiction over my wife.

As far as the GAO goes, remind me the last time the government actually helped me with something. I am thinking . . . nope. Can't remember it.
What I dont understand is that the court does not issue a arrest warrent on your wife until she has provided that your son can see you. She is laughing at the court system.

In Denmark where I live every year people are convicted to jail if they try to hide the kid from the other parent. A certain man has spend 6 years in jail because he took his children to Africa, but stayed himself in Denmark.

I know that courts in general does not like to be laughed at, but sometime they dont know that it looks like that. Get some friends to write letters in your newspapers so the public pressure can get the judge to order her detained. If she ends up in jail until the kid is back, I guess that it will be done very fast.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / More info
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:24:07 PM »
Here is what a former "partipant" of Straight (Pathway is a new name for Straight, which they took when the old manager sold the facilities after some legal troubles, so they now have a number of names - among them Pathway.) lived through.

The methods have not changed very much. People are still locked up. ... =280117147

When you have read it, you will know what your kids next 20 year could look like. Would it not be the time to pick your kid up?

According to an article about Gulf Coast Academy in a local newspaper the parents are not satisfied with the school because it is not repared after the hurricane and a number of teenagers has been transferred to other facilities.

From: ... 70315/1002
The school has experienced a number of problems since Labor Day. A student fight broke out Sept. 8, with eight students arrested and taken to the Forrest County Juvenile Detention Center in Hattiesburg. A series of student escapes also have occurred with four students disappearing for nearly a week. Finally, on Sept. 21, the 33 boys at the co-educational school were transferred to another facility in South Carolina, leaving 13 girls at the school.

Since that time, at least four of the remaining girls have been withdrawn. Four sets of parents are also in the process of initiating a class action suit, Jannicelli said.

"My daughter is out of there and safe," Ramirez said. "I am worried about the other girls who are still there. I want that place closed for good."

The local newspaper are also calling for an investigation because they feel that such school give the area a bad reputation. ... /710100329

So where are the kids from TB - CSA / POH or back at TB?

Aspen Education Group / From Fornits Wiki
« on: October 15, 2007, 06:32:33 AM »
On Fornits wiki, there is a link to an Salt Lake Tribune article, which confirms the death: ... nt_Academy

Stettler confirmed Aspen's reputation, saying, "They've had a pretty spotless record."
Three of four recent deaths at Utah treatment programs, however, happened at Aspen facilities: Blum's and two suicides; one in July 2004 at Island View Academy in Syracuse, and another in April at Aspen Achievement Academy of Loa.
Stettler said the April suicide remains under investigation by law enforcement, but his own probe found Aspen wasn't at fault.

The article (It will go to archieve/pay mode in some days):

Four recent Utah deaths in treatment programs, Facility put on probation, but free to take new clients, by Kirsten Stewart, Salt Lake Tribune, October 13, 2007

The Troubled Teen Industry / About location
« on: October 15, 2007, 12:52:36 AM »
From your own fornits wiki: ... ing_Center

There is also a link to a satellite photo, so it is just to go down there and express your opinions with some big signs on the public street.

How are the rule in Missouri about demonstrations? In Denmark we have to report them to the police in advance, so we can get police protection against angry opponents.

The Troubled Teen Industry / What is not banned can easily be detected.
« on: October 14, 2007, 08:07:10 AM »
I don't know why our numbers of drugs-, booze-, DUI- related deaths and even teenage pregnacies are so low, but I think that it has something to do with that it is very difficult to live a secret life in Denmark.

Every child is watched by the authorities from day one. Because more than 90 percent of the children have attended either nusery of kindergarten and home schooling is very rare, so you can say that we in fact parent each other.

If I spot a drunken co-worker on his way to his car, his carkeys will be missing in a instant and I could be to blame. I would properly even drive him down to the bus- or train-station, because I know that all the works done in my firm is important for me. With no salespersons or people in the accounting there is no work for me.

If a person in my department do have a problem with drugs or alcohol, I will put my foot in and ask them to take care of their problem, if they want to continue to work in my department. My bosses will do the same with me. When we had a serious illness in my household, they asked me to go home and sleep when I looked too tired. They know that I am a workaholic and that I would not change it, so they live with it and steps in from time to time, so I stay alive.

And it is easy to get help. In my country every person can go down to the city hall and get help. But they have ask. None will use good taxpayers money to help a person, who doesn't want help.

The same goes for our teenagers. They are educated to solve conflicts from day one. A kind of rap-groups are conducted in public schools. One hour every week is called "the hour of the class". During this hour they speak about issues that could prevent the class to function in the best possible way as a team. If there are conflict we use a Norwegian system to descale conflicts. It is called Step-by-step where every student from grade 0 are taught how to make the conflict step up and step down from the degree of violence.

This work started 10 years ago where we had our sofar only shooting at a school by a student shut out from the common community. There are no a single public school, which have anti-bullying programs. There are not a single class, which have not rules about respecting each other and our differences.

Alcohol consumption also has it unwritten rules. Once they are 16 they can buy alcohol on their own. Until then we have made rules among the parents. No parties with alcohol unless all the parents agree and then all are informed where and when they take place, so they can drop in and educate their children in the use of alcohol. It is our culture. It is not just emptying a bottle of whiskey. Certain food goes with certain alcohol and it can be quite a quantity people can consume during a evening, but it is done over a lot of hours.

We want to be a part of our childrens lives and if it means to get to a party zone all night without drinking alcohol because we are in duty as a Night Owl or just commonly concerned about our off-spring, that is what we have to do.

It is somehow a matter about what you will pay taxes to: If I want to I can ask for a Supernanny to coach me in parenting. If you feel that I can not connect to my child, I can ask for an educated senior citizen to become mentor for my child. All that I get acces to because I pay my taxes (40 percent of my income).

As a part of my job I met with such a mentor last week. She was happy about one of her clients quitting her smoking habbits, but she hoped that she also could achieve that her client also would quit the use of pot one day. There is no force involved, only talk and listening. As the bold guy said: "You can only change, what you acknowledge as a problem".

I hope that explains a little more about our in some way odd country.

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