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Messages - RobertBruce

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Your parents felt they were doing the right thing. Maybe in 50 years we will realize how damaging it was to send our kids to public school.

Public Schools on average remain far safer than programs, so there's no reason people would think this in 50 years. Afterall public schools in America have existed for over 100 years. No reason for that to suddenly change.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Independent Study Shows Success.
« on: December 24, 2010, 01:10:15 PM »
I have experience with the TTI , it is just different than yours and more up to date

You have a limited outsiders experience that does not come close to our first hand experiences. Your information is by no means up to date or accurate.

I think we all agree, I dont think anyone deserved to be placed in a mind rape factory. I dont think the parents knew much about them in those days.

Yet you refuse to acknowledge how little has changed between programs back then, and programs today.

Why do you lie and say I profit from the industry or have sons I placed in the industry? Why do any of us lie?

This has been addressed already. You provided the evidence that showed you receive a profit from the TTI industry by discussing your fiduicary interest.

You also provided the evidence that you have sons placed in the industry by claiming as much.

As for us lying, if you'd like to link to any lies you feel we have told by all means do so and we can discuss them.

In the meantime try and answer Anne's question directly without comparing your actions to someone else. Why did you lie. Take respondsibility.

Merry Christmas, Bruce, I hope you can find a way to purge your anger. Enjoy the weekend and get to connect with family somehow.

Merry Christmas to you too Whooter. I'm already at my parents house with my family. I hope you have a chance to spend some time with your family as well.

Before that though Anne asked you a question I think deserves an answer.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Independent Study Shows Success.
« on: December 24, 2010, 11:55:35 AM »
There's no anger here Whooter, I'm simply calling it like it is. There's a new year coming and a chance to make things anew. Really start over with a new leaf and try and stop all of your self defeating behavior. I hope you'll take that opportunity.

You think about that, but in the meantime let's get back to the topic at hand.

You were having issues understanding the difference between an internal audit and a product evaluation.

Let me put it to you this way; If big tobacco came out with some study that was never published or submitted for peer review which they bought and paid for that said smoking in no way causes or contributes to cancer would you believe it?

He has no knowledge of the inner workings of those kinds of programs.

No more than he knows any of our experiences or the events that happened to us. He thinks he does, because he thinks he's smarter than everyone, so he feels justified in lying. He isn't willing to accept the fact that no one believes his lies and in the end he's the only one who ends up looking stupid.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Independent Study Shows Success.
« on: December 24, 2010, 11:44:06 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
I am sorry that you cannot have a civil conversation, Bruce, and have a need to call people liars.


I have a need to tell the truth. This is not an insult, it's a fact. You have a track record of lying about other posters whenever you feel cornered. Now we can waste time with with me providing countless of examples of you lying, followed up by you refusing to address or acknowledge any of them. The entire conversation will get derailed and the whole thing will get moved into OFFA and become another breeding ground for your sock puppets and porn links.

Or we can simply accept the fact that you are a liar, and stay on the topic at hand. That being this crap marketing survey.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Independent Study Shows Success.
« on: December 24, 2010, 11:36:06 AM »
They did not evaluate their own performance they hired someone to do it

So they bought and paid for a glowing review. The only one on here who doesn't see that as a problem is you.

They hire people to evaluate their financial performance as well and create a report on it. They hire people to conduct independent audits of their financial status. Why is this hard to understand?

So not only are you confused on the difference between services rendered and evaluations conducted, but now you don't understand the difference between a product evaluation and internal audit. Where did you go to college again?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Independent Study Shows Success.
« on: December 24, 2010, 11:27:20 AM »
I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks it is okay to pass off something that is not true

Hard pressed? Not at all. You lie about things all the time. The reason all of us (except you) are is because the entire TTI industry operates based on lies.

As we all read through the above post it settles the dispute as to who brought Anne's rape into the conversation.

You did. Thanks for finally admitting that.

Anne and I spoke in PMs and she indicated that she didnt think that your bringing up her rape into the conversation was intended to hurt or embarrass her and I agree. I think you brought it up more as an attack on me than anything else, but I think it was in poor taste for you to use Annes' victimization and circumstances as a means to attack others. I hope that you would rethink doing this in the future and try to be more sensitive of other peoples personal stories.

Was it in poor taste for you to lie about Anne, or bring up things you had no way of actually knowing? Get over yourself John. You sound like Al Haig refering to lies he told Congress as 'terminological inexactitude'. Your cowardice shines through when you can't even stand behind your own lies.

Of course. You view the ones who pay you for your referals as good, and the ones who don't as potential customers you don't want to speak ill of.

You keep missing we all actually experienced this abusive industry first hand. All you did was lock your kids up from it and then find a way to get a check out of it. Your filter is based on money, nothing more.

This belongs over here, it's about the topic at hand. I have no idea why it was moved.

Now that Whooter John has been sufficently sidelined from his attempts to derail this thread we can get back on topic.

Programmies seem to thrive on abusing the abused. There was a girl in my peer group who had been sexually molested by her step father for years. The mother was a nut job who after the step father was arrested for his crimes actually blamed the daughter for breaking up her marriage. Then to add salt to the wound she put her in an abusive crack pot unlicensed kiddie prison (aren't they all?). While the girl was incarcerated in HLA the "counselors" actually took the stupid mothers side, claiming that the girl (who was around 6 when the abuse started) actually had seduced the step father.

How theraputic is that?

Now that Whooter John has been sufficently sidelined from his attempts to derail this thread we can get back on topic.

Programmies seem to thrive on abusing the abused. There was a girl in my peer group who had been sexually molested by her step father for years. The mother was a nut job who after the step father was arrestted for his crimes actually blamed the daughter for breaking up her marriage. Then to add salt to the wound she put her in an abusive crack pot unlicensed kiddie prison (aren't they all?). While the girl was incarcerated in HLA the "counselors" actually took the stupid mothers side, claiming that the girl (who was around 6 when the abuse started) actually had seduced the step father.

How theraputic is that?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Independent Study Shows Success.
« on: December 23, 2010, 05:07:59 PM »
Squiggy, Yes they will use the independent study (with 3rd party oversight) for marketing purposes too. I think that is what has many here up in arms. Not only did the study show an overwhelming percentage of success but this also offers them an opportunity to use the study for their marketing campaign. This bothers some people here, but I have always believed that it is a good idea to have people make up their own minds for themselves.

So you believe that junk science conducted by biased parties for a paying customer should be passed off to potential consumers without disclaimers attached?

Here's me John. You are a liar. You have never won a single argument against me. Not once. If you can link to an example, by all means go ahead. If not I'll add it to your long list of lies you've told that you've never once backed up. Ever.

While you aren't backing that up we're all still waiting on you to explain why you brought up and lied about Anne's sexual history, something you have no way of knowing anything about.

Looking forward to watching you be too afraid to answer Johnny.

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