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Messages - Webmistress

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Another Passes
« on: May 04, 2002, 03:52:00 AM »
Well, I have the wonderful job to tell u all that we have lost another friend.  I was told by someone that Ryan Karen passed away recently.  He was in and out of institutions and jail since KIDS.  He finally ended his life by hanging himself.  I thought of him often.  I guess because he was one that I never thought should have been there.  He did nothing!  Yet Newton made his parents believe he was such an awful child.  He was so scared & timid all the time.  God Bless his family & friends.  I will remember him as what I truly imagined his childhood to be when he would sit in group & be so "unmotivated" to talk because he had nothing so horrid to talk about.  
I dont want to write RIP next to his name.  This sucks.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / compensation?
« on: April 25, 2002, 12:59:00 PM »
Lulu went in for a behavior prob i think.  Then Newton decided she was an overeater.  She didn't have anorexia/bulemia but she was there for that period of time...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Survivor of Kids Of NJ
« on: April 10, 2002, 10:47:00 PM »
Wow...Forever Young.  I am so glad you posted.  I am sorry for the emotions you have been through since finding these sites.  I knew there was a risk in putting this one up when I did, but I have also found that the sites help in the long run.  It sometimes takes a while, but talking to the same people that went throught the same stuff we did helps so much.  At least it helped me.  If you are who I think you are, call me immediately!  I insist that you call me!  LOL....with another risk of sounding like a cliche'  "It DOES get better"!!!!!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / compensation?
« on: April 10, 2002, 10:37:00 PM »
No, we never did the meeting, I'd at least like to get together for a dinner or something though!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / compensation?
« on: April 10, 2002, 10:37:00 PM »
We have asked questions about a class action suit and its pretty much a no go.  The problem is is that there are no records left of us.  Also there is a statute of limitations.  Some can get around that in the way of the fact that we were in FEAR of him so we never filed a suit, but thats hard to get around.
ALSO the reason Rebecca & Lulu CAN file suits is that they NEVER DID DRUGS.  The fact that most of us at least drank a beer and admitted it, or smoked a joint and admitted it, diminishes our character.  It shows a jury that our parents had a FEAR for us and a REASON to put us in KIDS.

It sux and I know it, but I'm sure if there ever is or was a way for us to do this, Phil would have figured it ut already. (rebecca & lulu's lawyer)  

Sorry to bring bad news, but its what i know.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Feel like writing a letter??
« on: April 02, 2002, 10:39:00 PM »
I can arrange for you to see the deposition.  it is very interesting.  E-mail me.  As far as the address thing?  There are lots of things you have to be careful with as far as legalities.  Especially right now, with his law suit going on. me.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Seeing Newton.
« on: April 02, 2002, 02:08:00 AM »
I am doing my best to get a copy of it ASAP.  And as soon as I do, I will put some of it online.  It is a VERY long deposition...(2 days) so I can't put it all up.  When I do get copies, I will find out about what all I can do with it.  I will keep you informed. :grin:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Dr Fr Newton whoever the F#C*
« on: April 02, 2002, 02:02:00 AM »
Anonymous...thank you for posting again.  I am sorry that I said what I said.  I should have asked your side prior to posting.  

I understand what you have said & what you mean.  I agree with what you said!  My life has gone on.  It has taken a while for me to get away from the obsession and the anger I feel towards Newton.  I have a wonderful life now...4 kids,  a wonderful husband, a great career etc.  The nightmares have stopped for the most part, and I think that has to do with the fact that I HAVE dealt with it for so many years.  I know people from KIDS that refuse to deal with it.  They have made up imaginary lives for themselves to tell people about when people ask about their childhoods.  That to me is sad.  That to me means that he is still running their lives.  

I made this website for just that reason.  And also for the reason to put up these articles, and things I know about Newton so that others can understand the man that he is.  They say that understanding your captors helps you to let go.  I also made this site for people to "reunite" with others that they have wondered about for years possibly.  Maybe it's just my own nosiness.  But the thing I have found is that I can talk to people who were NOT in KIDS till I'm blue in the face and they will never understand it.  Talking to others who were in there, to others who understand & go through the same nightmares, fears etc that we go through helps me to overcome those nightmares & fears.

I also feel that giving us a presence on the web might possibly help a parent who is looking to put their child into a place like this NOT to if they read what happened to us.  In fact I know of some instances in which this very thing has happened on other sites like this one.

Again, I am sorry I spoke so soon.  I am sorry for your nightmare you had the other night.  I hope my earlier post doesn't hinder your posting here again. :grin:

[ This Message was edited by: Webmistress on 2002-04-01 23:05 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Dr Fr Newton whoever the F#C*
« on: April 01, 2002, 02:06:00 AM »
Spend a day in our shoes in this place...then open your mouth.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Fr. Cash-In
« on: March 31, 2002, 11:21:00 PM »
LMAO...velvet....I love you...u r so hilarious!  Glad to see you here.  Thank you for visiting my site. :smile:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Seeing Newton.
« on: March 28, 2002, 12:18:00 AM »
As you all know by now, Newton LOST a case against him v. Rebecca Ehrlich & there is a new case against him by someone else we all know.  Well, there was a taped deposition of him being interviewed by a number of lawyers.  Well, it is public knowledge and is not a sealed record, and I viewed it today.

WOW!  Is all I have to say.  It was so weird seeing him being interrogated like that!  A taste of his own medicine.  It was sweet.  The thing that is so ironic about me seeing this deposition, is that HE is the one that taught US how to read people & read body language, and eye contact etc...and it is so obvious to me in so many places that he is flat out lying!!!  

It is obvious in other places to the average person that he is lying & he was "caught" in a few lies with one lawyer saying, "You just made that up didn't you?"  OH!  It was wonderful.  And I have to let you all know that he is aware of our presence on the web, and he doesn't like it.  BUT ya know what???  It's a free country!  

ANyway, I must also add that seeing what I saw today helps me even more.  Seeing that tape today, I can see that he is NOT the "GOD" that we were so in fear of. He is just a regular, fraille old man that is NOT immune to problems or law suits.  I think that it really helps to see the man that I am so in fear of for what he really is.  I have to suggest that to others.  It may bring up lots of shit in the beginning, but in the long run, it helps.  I swear it helps.
READ the articles on my site, read the articles on other sites...LEARN your captor.  Understand your captor.  Do not fear him.  He is nothing.
I'm so fuking free!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New Message Board.
« on: March 22, 2002, 12:55:00 PM »
LOL...Kay you are so funny.  This board might take soem getting used to, but I kinda like it & it gives you more options.  You can edit your own posts even.  ANyway, thank you for giving this one a shot.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New Message Board.
« on: March 20, 2002, 06:19:00 PM »
Welcome to the new message board!  I hope you all like this one.  I like the old one, but it has been losing a couple messages recently.  So, This is the new one.  You can make a profile of yourself whether or not it has your e-mail on it is your option.  OR you can post anonymously!  It has smileys...html capabilities with it & have fun!

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